This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 106: curse

Only in size, it has shrunk a lot, and it is perfectly embedded in the back of Xian Sangxian Sanbu's hand.

With the flash of red light on the back of his hand, Xian Sanbu's pressure on the back of his hand suddenly disappeared, and the gravity was unstable. He just threw his face to the ground, but fortunately he was caught by Fang Yi's eyes and hands quickly.

"What's the matter? Your hand..."

"The system prompts: You have been cursed."

Fang Yi's voice sounded almost at the same time as the system prompt.

Xian Sanbu smiled bitterly.

"I... I really want to be cursed by the rat head monster."

The eyes on the back of the hand are obviously just embedded in them to form a pattern.

Looking at it at the moment, it seems to be alive, shining with a coquettish scarlet luster.

"Don't worry, Xiaowen, come and see."

Playing with drugs, Xian Sanbu is an expert.

Playing the curse... Xian Sanbu's eyes were darkened, and he didn't understand anything.

Fang Yi understands a bit, but not proficient.

Relatively speaking, Xiaowen is a bit considerate in this regard and knows more.

Xiaowen came over, took a look, took out the dagger again, and poked the back of Xian Sanbu's hand a few times.

Immediately, the back of Xian Sanbu's hand was easily cut open, and blood gushed out.

"Hush! It hurts! Second kid! What are you doing!"

Xian Sanbu quickly slapped the dagger away, took out the gauze to cover the wound, but found... the blood couldn't stop.

No matter how much you press the wound, the blood will not stop.

But the wound on the back of the hand was only broken open.

"It should be a blood-related curse. Judging from the reaction, it will only cause any wound on the body to bleed continuously, and it is estimated that it will flow until death."

"The location of the curse brand is also very fragile and becomes a weakness."

"Usually, if this curse has not been triggered, it will gradually corrode your skin, making your whole body extremely sensitive, and if you are scratched by anything, you can break the button, and the blood will not stop. And it will also Gradually transform the blood in your body, making you thin and die."

"Any curse, as long as it is left alone, the situation will gradually deteriorate. By the way, during the trial of the Abyss Egg, if the curse is not resolved, it will be brought to the future dungeon. Yes. Every dungeon character you possess will come with this curse, which is a negative buff that is difficult to eliminate, so don’t take it too seriously.”

Xiaowen triggered the curse effect in advance, not only did not help Xian Sanji to solve it, but introduced it on the side.

Xian Sanbu's scalp felt numb when she heard it, and she wished she could put a handful of poison directly into Xiaowen's mouth and hurt each other.

"Stop teasing her. In the end, it's just a **** curse. Quickly help her get it done."

Fang Yi glanced around and urged.

Xiao Wencai grinned and threw a red leech-like worm, which stuck to Xian Sanbu's wound.

Like a Band-Aid, it stopped the bleeding in one fell swoop.

"It's done, it's done?"

Xian Sanbu felt incredible.

And her curse, the system did not indicate that it has disappeared.

"It's just an emergency measure. You're still bleeding. My Gu worms can absorb your blood, and then resupply you. This process will consume some blood, but it's better than bleeding all the time."

"Then my curse..."

"When you get out of the copy, just ask someone to help you to remove the curse. I know a lot of people, all of whom are in the wizarding line, and some of them are playing curses. Although the level is not high, it is more than enough to remove your curse."

Xiaowen also makes friends on weekdays. Although he is a little bit middle-of-the-road, his strength is solid, so there are not many friends in the new district.

Although the level of these newcomers is a bit low, Xiaowen doesn't care about that.

If he could wait for Xiaowen to gain strength, he would be able to lift the curse of Xian Sanbu himself without anyone else.

After all, in this regard, Xiaowen also needs to learn by analogy and learn some related skills.

Put Gu worms on the backs of both hands, and let go of the curse for the time being.

The three pursued the direction the rat-head monster left.

Cursing things, it sounds tedious, actually doesn't take much time.

It was only about twenty seconds before and after.

So it didn't delay them in their search for the mouse-headed monster.

A few minutes later, Fang Yi was the first to discover the footprints.

With footprints, everything has a direction.

Soon, they also discovered the gnawed corpse.

It confirmed Fang Yi's previous conjecture.

This rat-headed monster just likes to eat and hunt living people.

But that doesn't mean that there is no scavenging.

There is no problem with the corpse. The most important issue is nutrients and taste.

With the corpse as the coordinates, the route becomes clearer.

But Fang Yi began to urge the two of them to move very quickly, making them follow up.

Because once the mouse-headed monsters are completely full and stop eating, their coordinates will disappear, and it will be difficult to locate the mouse-headed monsters.

And a lot of time has been wasted.

If it is wasted any longer, I am afraid that a second trial monster will emerge from the crack in the space.

At that time, if you want to pass the trial smoothly, it will be even more difficult.

Speed ​​up and continue to march forward for a certain distance.

Fang Yi suddenly stopped.

Xiaowen and Xian Sanbu, who were behind, were stunned for a while, then stopped as well.

Go beyond Fang Yi and look forward.

In front, the corpses were piled up like a mountain, as if they were carried together by some animal, forming a small hill.

And on the top of the mountain, sat a group of human-shaped shadows.

It seemed that someone was coming.

The black shadow gradually dissipated, revealing a back full of explosive muscles.

A huge rat head slowly turned its head.

The familiar big blue eyes made Fang Yi and the three instantly recognize the humanoid muscle rat man in front of him, the rat head monster they had encountered before.


"The boss guessed This guy really is a growing trial monster!"

"Brother Hei, it's not easy to straighten up, I can't hit the front in my state."

Xiaowen's condition is getting worse and worse.

This dark cloud is too heavy a burden on him.

And Xian Sanbu also received a curse, it can be suppressed for a while, but it will not be easy for a long time.

At present, Fang Yi is the only one who still has full power.

Taking a deep breath, he understood that a decision had to be made here.

Otherwise, let the rat-headed monster run away, and if you want to complete this trial, you will need some luck... For example, use [Gate of the Void] to try your luck.

"As planned, Xian Sanbu, give me the poison. Xiaowen, help me open the way."

"it is good!"

"no problem!"

Taking Xian Sanbu's poison, Fang Yi rushed out.


When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

The Rat-headed Rat, who was chased by Fang Yi and the others just now, has become stronger. The Rat-Headed Monster obviously wants to find its way back, so it descended directly down the corpse hill to meet the righteous.

"Good come!"

Fang Yi's spirit was lifted.

He took out a gray bomb from his waist and threw it directly at the rat head monster.


. m.

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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