This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 78: Battery

This is an unprecedented disaster, and the large organizations in the western half of the city have rarely cooperated and launched a crusade team.

It is a pity that only half of the growing grey beasts were eliminated, and the alliance disintegrated due to internal contradictions.

Because, the senior leaders of the Grey Sect and other organizations have calculated the fact that the western half of the city is about to come to an end.

No one wants to maintain the stability of the western half of the city anymore, and they all go crazy looking for Dr. Du'e.

Five seconds of ash is the last hope for all the western half of the city.

If there are multiple bottles of Five Second Ash, there is a chance to cross the boundary bridge and go to the eastern half of the city.

There are many disasters and disasters, and it is necessary to prevent the western half of the city from being invaded by gray beasts at all times.

According to historical records, it is said that the eastern half of the city has not been affected by the gray area. In contrast, it is simply... heaven.

Under the frantic search, unexpectedly, no one found the whereabouts of Dr. Du'e!

Speaking of which, Nine Snakes seemed to have finished speaking and stopped speaking.

"What do you mean? What's the news from Dr. Du'e?"

"I already told you."

Wu Yan's right hand slowly placed it on the long knife around his waist.

"make it clear."

"Hey... I heard it clearly: under the frantic search, unexpectedly, no one found the whereabouts of Dr. Du'e!"

Speechless pupils shrank.

"You mean..."


Silently took a deep breath.

"Unexpectedly...she was taken away by the Grey Sect."

"Pay attention to the wording! It was captured by an 'inhuman' existence."

After Wuyan crossed the demarcation bridge, he did not act aimlessly.

For the western half of the situation, to some extent.

Compared to the ignorance of the eastern half of the city.

The understanding and utilization of gray energy in the western half of the urban area is far stronger than the former.

Even... it is rumored that the Grey Sect is already researching and domesticating grey beasts to form a grey beast team.

Of course, before today, Wu Yan only thought it was just a rumor.

Now it seems... Dr. Du'e should have been captured by the Grey Sect's Grey Beast Team.

"Where is the Grey Beast Team? The Grey Sect Headquarters?"

"No one will target such an obvious place. She was hidden in a safe house like mine. Of course, although I am a higher-level position in the Grey Sect, I don't have enough authority to know the specific information. "

"Who has the authority then?"

"I know what you want to do, and I can also help you and cooperate with you... But first, you have to give something, like, how did you cross that bridge?"


Wu Yan was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "Identity skills, my copy identity is a ferryman."

"What's the effect?"

"You can take people across the demarcation bridge, only the demarcation bridge."


"That bridge was manipulated at the beginning of its design. The water in this dungeon is probably deeper than you and I thought. And according to my guess... there must be a player on the black team who has the ability to cross the line. Boundary Bridge's ability."

Nine snakes didn't quite understand.

But since Wuyan can take her to escape from prison, it is necessary for this transaction to continue.

Compared with the unreliable medicine that can move freely for five seconds in the gray area, this guy who has experienced personally and crossed the two realms is more reliable.

"how do you want to do it?"

"Grab the senior management of the Grey Sect and ask the whereabouts of Dr. Du'e."

"Then I can provide a target... However, I have a question for you."

"what is the problem?"

"Why... you came from the eastern half of the city to the western half of the city? Logically speaking, there is no need for this?"

Wu Yan frowned slightly.

"Because of power."


"Well, as a ferryman, I know the situation in the western half of the city.

In the western half of the city, the research and utilization of gray energy is far stronger than in the eastern half of the city. The concept of "battery" is even used to strengthen the physical fitness of gray energy, and even differentiate into various power systems.

If I stay in the eastern half of the city all the time, as the ferryman of the black team, and bring the strong people from the western half of the city to the eastern half of the city, then the teammates who are still in the eastern half of the city will only end up dying.

To win this dungeon, as a special-status player on the white team, I must act immediately to ensure the team's victory! "

Nine snakes did not expect that Wu Yan would think so much.

However, she really did not know the situation in the eastern half of the city.

"Listen to what you mean, in the eastern half of the city, even [Battery Man] didn't show up?"

"Well, it's basically all the qualities of ordinary people."

"...that's bad enough."

If you compare batteries with ordinary people, there are two technological stages.

Just like the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, and ordinary people in the background of superpowers, the gap between those with superpowers is not a single star.

The worst thing is that the people in the eastern half of the city have no resistance at all, while the western half of the city... almost everyone has the power of 'immortals'.

Although only two people from the black team have died, the white team has not died.

However, if the remaining two black team members are in the western half of the city, and have the average level of the western half of the city.

As long as the remaining white team players are found, it is basically the end of the massacre.

No wonder... No wonder this woman has to cross the boundary bridge.

She just came here to steal the battery man technology!

By bringing battery technology! It should be an easier Bring the advanced battery back to the eastern half of the city, arm the teammates, and have enough gray energy, then the balance of victory will completely favor the white team, and there is no risk of overturning.

To understand is to understand.

But Nine Snakes still felt unhappy.

Judging from the information disclosed so far, this woman did not consider her her own at all, or counted her as a member of the white team.

I have been worrying about my teammates in the eastern half of the city, but I have never considered that I, a native of the western half of the city, has super strength!

Even if the two worlds are really connected, and the black team's battery people kill the Quartet, she still has enough confidence to fight against it!

Of course, there is no need for such a thing to be explained on the table.

Nine Snake said lightly: "If that's the case, why are you obsessed with rescuing [Dr. Du'e]?"

"Her medicine... is terrifying. If it is mastered by the enemy, it will be a huge threat! If it is mastered by us, the balance of victory and defeat will be completely tilted."

"Looks like you've thought about everything very clearly."

Silently nodded.

"We plan the next rescue operation. Regardless of whether the operation is successful or not, I will take you out of the western half of the city immediately after that."

Nine snakes' eyes lit up.

"Okay. So, your battery is ready?"

"Well, I grabbed a few more advanced items on the market and put them on the car. In terms of transplant technology, I only copied the data. Even if it can't achieve a fusion degree above the average, it can still provide a lot of combat power."

"Then what are you waiting for, take action! The senior officials of the Grey Sect that I know so far may know where Dr. Du'e is hiding. There are six people in total..."

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