This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 51: fall to the ground

No golden Barrett sniper rifle.

There are no modern firearms that ordinary people can use.

For pure hand-to-hand combat, Fang Yi doesn't need it at all!

In other words, it is unbelievable!

With modern firearms, Fang Yi may not be able to do anything about it. In the current situation, he can only dodge and retreat.

But for close combat, Fang Yi only wanted to hit three symbols.

? ? ?

It's really confusing.

Who in the end gave the short-haired girl confidence and dared to play hand-to-hand with herself?

I'm afraid I don't know how exquisite my swordsmanship is?

Or inexplicably very confident in her claw skills?

Innocent! too naive!

Fang Yi's strength lies in melee combat, cold weapon warfare.

Coupled with the fact that the skills are all sealed, Fang Yi is definitely a girl with short hair.

Or in other words, you can't ask for it!


At this moment, the short-haired girl jumped up.

A petite figure whose shadow covers Fang Yi's vision.

"Miss Mo!"

The people of the United team shouted in unison.

"Brother Hei keeps people under the knife!"

Xiaowen followed and shouted.

It's just the content that, from other people's perspectives, is a bit insulting.

At least the short-haired girl only felt more anger in her heart.

Too condescending!

She uses claw skills to traverse the new area, and she has never met an opponent who can compete with her in basic skills!

At most, that is, relying on the advantages of skills and equipment to suppress themselves.

Claw skills, swordsmanship, swordsmanship... These kinds of things, the basic skills provided, the increase is only the power caused by weapon moves.

If you don't have a strong foundation, if you can't hit anyone, you don't have any skills.

In the situation where the skills are sealed, what is being fought at the moment is actually the basic skills other than the skills and the roles.

That is, the player's own understanding of claw attack and swordsmanship!

And at this point, short-haired women are full of confidence in themselves!

The two iron claws were raised above the top, and the short-haired woman glared at Fang Yi.


It was an all-out blow in rage.

The short-haired girl is full of confidence in this blow!

As for Fang Yi below, his expression has not changed since the short-haired girl rushed forward.

In his hand, a white sword appeared out of thin air, and he stabbed the sky at will.

It was such an ordinary thorn, but it seemed to cut through the silent night and illuminate the whole world!

The short-haired girl, who was still full of confidence just now, suddenly changed her face drastically, her pupils contracted, her wrist almost deformed, and she changed her moves in mid-air!

Because this sword is too tricky!

Tricky to grasp the timing to the minute and second, and the angle to be precise to the minute, it is stunned that the short-haired girl has to change her moves!

Because of the same move, she is the one who will die!

A layman might not see it.

But she has been specializing in claw skills for so many years, using the entry of martial arts as her specialized entry, and she has fought against martial arts masters large and small.

So she could see that this ordinary sword actually blocked all her offensive routes, and it happened to block all her retreats!

This sword made her have to respond!

Otherwise, her claw down, only a dead end!

This guy…

The appearance of short-haired women is not so obvious.

But in fact, deep in my heart, a stormy sea has been set off!

After entering the new area for so long, this man is the first enemy that she can only choose to escape even if her strength is fully utilized!

After entering the new area for so long, this man was the first time she had been completely suppressed by her enemy before she even fought with pure skills!

Who is this guy...

The short-haired girl just thought of this, when she saw Fang Yi below, her wrist trembled inexplicably.

next moment.

In a very short moment, the angle of the sword tip and the sword body changed slightly.

With this change, the subsequent changes will immediately add countless changes.

For a while, even she couldn't see through, the follow-up of this move, and how to deal with it!

What kind of swordsmanship is this? !

The short-haired girl was stunned.

Everyone was stunned.

In the gray area before, the strength of the collision between skills and character strength.

She hadn't felt Fang Yi's horror yet.

I thought it was just Fang Yi's powerful skills and powerful weapons.

But now, she understands.

this man.

Strength is not skill!

Not a character!

but himself!

If there is a copy, everyone's skills and items are sealed, and the short-haired girl really doubts how many people in the new district can defeat this man in this situation.

ten? five? Or... not at all!

The more you think about it, the more frightened the short-haired girl is.

All of these tricks are empty battles, psychological games.

All in an instant.

The short-haired woman was sweating coldly on her forehead, sweat quickly overflowing from her back, and her breathing was short, as if she had experienced an exhausting battle in just a short moment.


With a bang, the short-haired girl fell vertically to the ground.

This is her final answer!

In the face of this unfathomable sword.

She neither flinched nor moved forward.

I just let my body fall to the ground and stay still.

And when she raised her head, the whole figure seemed to have just been fished out of the water, soaked with cold sweat.

Only those who have reached her level can understand how dangerous she was at the moment she just fell.

As long as you make one wrong step, you will be killed on the spot!

"Have I escaped the catastrophe?"

Fang Yi smiled and took a step forward, his wrist trembled slightly.

"Just a catastrophe."

It was just such a step, but it scared the short-haired girl as if she was looking at something terrifying. She wanted to retreat, but she didn't dare to move at all.

The whole person froze in place, but the cold sweat on his forehead continued to flow.

This step and the adjustment of this sword once again blocked all her escape routes!

She knows very well that this distance, this position, no matter what action she makes, she will be instantly killed in the next instant!

The only difference is whether the fatal wound pierces the chest or cuts off the head.

The only way to survive is to defend with all your strength and do nothing like this.

But that's just delaying death!

Because of her recklessness, she fell into absolute death at this moment.

She never thought that this man would be so strong!

Just stepping into the attack distance of the long sword, the life and death of the whole person is not under his control!

She has often felt this feeling.

However, at those times, she was in the position of absolute control.

And now, she is in a position of being controlled!

Live and die!

No way back, no way in!

This guy... Who the **** is it!

This kind of subtle changes, directly seeing the follow-up changes and intentions of the moves, is something that can only be done with a high level of understanding of martial arts.

Ordinary people, at most, fall down, and then be instantly killed by a sword.

Or saw something, stepped back a little, and was killed by a sword.

Or make a blocking stance, and the result is still killed by a sword.

To be more advanced, it is a desperate fight, and the final result is still a one-shot kill!

.. m.

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