This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 47: With a twitch...

Fang Yi didn't say anything, but fell into deep thought.

Although he can see the gray beast, he can touch the gray beast.

But its own strength is very weak.

Due to the inability to use skills and poor physical fitness, I am afraid that there is no way to confront the gray beast head-on.

This means that they may need the bullets and weapons of the Grey Sect that can directly damage the grey beasts to ensure that they can accurately kill the grey beasts next time they appear.

As for what Xiaowen said about [not seeing the root silk], Fang Yi didn't really care much.

In the end, [Unseen Roots] can only affect whether or not he can see the future.

The energy on her side is exhausted, and Miss Bao wants to use the [child-mother relationship] to do something, but she is also clever.

It's grey blood...

"Xiaowen, give me the sponge, and I will collect all the gray blood."

Xiaowen immediately thought of something, and said unexpectedly: "Brother Hei, do you want to use gray blood as the activation energy of [Beautiful Black Shell]?"


If you want to refine 【Abyss Egg】, there are three conditions.

The first condition is [Beautiful Black Shell], needless to say.

The second condition is the refiner, Xiaowen is completely competent.

As for the third condition, it is energy!

Enough energy!

It was said earlier that modern dungeons are the easiest to meet this condition, because modern dungeons are the easiest to get a lot of energy.

Fang Yi originally wanted to get the arms of the official armed forces in the modern copy, using a large number of bombs or missiles as an energy source.

Join the refining process at the right time, stimulate the [Beautiful Black Shell], complete the final refining, and train the [Abyss Egg].

However, due to the appearance of strange entries, there are variables in the copy.

Naturally, we have to change our thinking and use other energies as a substitute.

Place the sponge on top of the grey blood.

I don't know what material this sponge is made of, but it can absorb water unexpectedly.

Until all the blood of the gray beast has been absorbed, the sponge still does not feel full, and it seems that it can absorb a lot more.

However, the blood of the gray beast has been drained and nothing can be sucked out.

This sponge, completely gray, was wet, but did not drip liquid.

Only when you squeeze it, will the blood flow out.

Putting away the sponge, Fang Yi looked at the gray beast's corpse.

"Xiaowen, give it a few more punches and divide the body. I will also collect the gray beast's body."

"Brother Hei?! You actually have such a hobby!"

Xiaowen folded his arms around his chest, looking frightened, and the veins on Fang Yi's forehead were bulging.

"Don't talk nonsense, work!"

Although the corpse of the gray beast, Fang Yi brought it to no avail.

But for Grey Cult, it is definitely an important resource.

Although they have torn their skin with the Grey Sect, it is estimated that Miss Bao should have obtained the information feedback from Sister Xiang through the letter relationship of [Unseen Roots].

But as long as it is profitable, the Grey Cult should not mind making some deals with themselves.

Xiaowen's legs have been replaced by Gu worms, so he can move without hindrance

Under Fang Yi's gaze, he slowly came to the corpse of the gray beast.

"Brother Gray, I'm sorry, it's all Brother Hei's fault, don't blame me."

Saying that, Xiaowen held two specially made bullets in both hands and took a stance.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

The mouth is unwilling, but the body is very honest.

It's a joy to play.

I saw the corpse of the gray beast, being beaten to pieces and smashed to the ground.

Fang Yi packed it up at will and threw it into Xiaowen's backpack.

Anyway, Xiaowen can't see or feel it.

After all this is done, Fang Yi is going to go back to the Grey Sect directly and talk to Miss Bao about some business.

But Xiaowen grabbed Fang Yi.

"Brother Hei, you haven't said what's going on on your side? What happened to make you end up in such a miserable end."

Embarrassed? well enough.

Fang Yi felt that it was a good ending to be able to escape from death in that situation.

Simply tell the story about your experience.

Unexpectedly, Xiaowen's eyes suddenly glowed.

"Nah, nah, nah! Tell me, where is that guy! How dare you bully my black brother, fight, fight, fight, fight, this deity wants to teach him to be a man!"

Needless to say.

This is definitely not trying to make a name for Fang Yi.

Just looking for someone to fight.

However, Fang Yi did have this idea.

The matter of the Grey Sect can be slowed down temporarily.

Killing hostile players is obviously more important than the Grey Sect.

When Fang Yi fled at that time, he used the [Heavy Guard Stone].

The damage caused to the scumbag man is still there.

But not serious.

Fang Yi still knows enough about [Loaded Stone Protection].

It can hold the scumbag man for a while, but it is absolutely impossible to kill him with such a move.

If you are in the heyday, the skills are not sealed.

Then, even if his physical fitness is weaker, Fang Yi is fully confident that he will kill the scumbag on the spot by taking the opportunity of [Heavy-bearing Stone Protection].

Unfortunately, under the circumstances at that time, Fang Yi could only use the [Loaded and Protected Stone] to delay one or two times to create an opportunity for himself to escape.

Now it is a good choice to join Xiaowen and kill a carbine.

The only worry is that the scumbag man doesn't know if he is still there.

He was smashed by his [weight-bearing stone guard] Although he didn't die, he was also injured.

I'm afraid it won't be so stupid to stay in place, waiting for me to bring people back.

Anyway, go back and have a look and make sure the situation is fine.

After talking to Xiaowen about the skills and strength of the scumbag man in detail, the two began to leave the ruins of the TV station.

Fang Yi is very relieved about Xiaowen's strength.

Even if Hu Scumbag is not injured, Xiaowen should be able to kill him.

After all, the strong performance of the scumbag man was built on the basis of his defenseless self and those ordinary NPCs.

If it is replaced by a player of normal strength, even if it is a little oppressive, it will never be so one-sided.

As for Xiaowen, it is estimated that it will be reversed to suppress the scumbag man.

Running back with Xiaowen, just after running out for a while, Fang Yi suddenly reached out and stopped Xiaowen.

"Brother Hei, what's wrong?"

"Something's wrong."



Gunshots sounded suddenly.

Xiaowen's right eye was directly penetrated, and the bug fell to the ground.

But despite a squirm, Xiaowen's right eye immediately returned to normal.

As for Fang Yi, as early as the moment he remembered the gunshots, he rolled over and hid behind a pile of rubble and rocks.

"This gunshot... sniper rifle!"

Fang Yi followed the source of the gunshots and quickly retracted the target, and soon saw a place in the distance, flashing with reflections.

"Fuck! Brother Hei, I was plotted against..."

Bang bang bang bang!

Just as Xiaowen recovered his body, he was interrupted by continuous gunshots.

Along with the body twisting and twitching.

A large number of white Gu worms fell to the ground.

Xiaowen's body is full of pits and holes.

But there was no blood coming out, just a weird and distorted posture.

.. m.

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