This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 44: power

Sister Xiang's face turned gloomy.

At this time, Xiaowen looked at his watch.

"You still have... five seconds to think about it. If you don't save yourself, no one can save you."





A shadow casts towards Xiaowen.

"Give you."

Reach out to catch it.

That's a pistol.

The famous Desert Eagle.

After a bit of exploration, there is nothing special about it.

Detecting the magazine, Xiaowen smiled.

The pistol's bullet, distinct from ordinary bullets, was plated with a strange gray substance.

"What is this?"

"Gray energy bullet, a special bullet made of gray energy, the only thing known so far that can hurt a gray beast."

"It's really hidden."

Xiaowen thought of him and Brother Hei, the first time in the workshop of the Grey Sect, and saw a certain dog's paw in the workshop.

Brother Hei had mentioned to him at the time that this was the paw of the dog that Brother Hei had killed in the gray area.

And the first time I met Mrs.

Facing Brother Hei's question, Sister Xiang avoided answering.

Now that I think about it, I am afraid that in the workshop, it is not only the manufacture of ordinary weapons.

The gray energy weapon that can harm the gray beast is the most important thing.


At this moment, Sister Xiang suddenly rolled on the ground and said solemnly!

At the juncture of life and death, she couldn't care about anything else.

The grey beast won't give preferential treatment just because she knows more.

At the end of the day, this is an unintelligent beast, just extremely unique, so it needs to be treated with care.


Xiaowen looked around and swept around with the broken left prosthetic leg.

slim Shady!

The next moment, his prosthetic leg disappeared instantly.

Bang bang bang!

The gunshots were fired in three bursts, tracing the trajectory as much as possible.

I have to say that Xiaowen's marksmanship is still very telling.

These three shots were very accurate.

What did the two shots hit directly? Without warning, a small piece of gray liquid splashed directly in the air and landed on the ground.

"Grey blood!"

Sister Xiang's eyes glowed, and she quickly crawled over with her hands on the ground.

With a sponge-like thing, the two pools of [grey blood] were immediately absorbed.

But the next moment, her eyes suddenly raised, and Xiaowen pulled her whole body up.

"Where is it?"

Mrs. Xiang shook her head.

"I don't know. The trajectory of the gray beast after the injury is beyond my knowledge, and it belongs to an unpredictable field."


Xiaowen was slightly taken aback.

"what do you mean?"

"It's very simple, for the gray beasts, our gray sect has a special unit called the gray team. It is a powerful team that specializes in capturing gray beasts, equipped with the most sophisticated equipment of the gray sect, and one of the core strengths of the gray sect. The people inside, All of them are top elites, not these mercenaries can compare. And every time a gray beast is found, usually this group of people is responsible for sieging and chasing, and the method is one-hit kill and decoy tactics?"

"One hit kill? Decoy tactics?"

"Well, decoy tactics, you should know. It's what I did before, let the people next to me make loud noises, emit a strong smell of blood, cooperate with experience to deduce, and lure. If you didn't suddenly shoot, I would have used that pistol, Run through the gray beast, or even kill it on the spot, there will be no such thing as now."

Could it be that this is my fault?

Gu worms emerged from the broken feet, wriggling in place of the short legs temporarily, allowing Xiaowen to regain his mobility.

He continued to ask, "So one hit kills?"

"Does this even need to be said? Of course, it is to let the gray team explode with full firepower in an instant, kill the gray beast in an instant, and eliminate the variables after the gray beast is injured."

"So, this desert eagle can't kill this gray beast?"

"It can't be killed now. If the size of the gray beast first appeared, it would be enough to destroy it."

"After all, you still blame me?"

Xiaowen is innocent.

Who let you hide the secret.

I am the most disliked of others hiding secrets!

So I couldn't help but start.

Can this be my fault?

Absolutely impossible!

Xiaowen is upright and confident.

"I don't blame you. But now, you need to think about what the last words should say."

"Last Word?"

Xiaowen's spirit was refreshed, as if he had realized something and thought seriously.

The expression is extremely solemn.

This is the first time that Sister Xiang has seen Xiaowen so serious, and she can't help but wonder what this might be an outsider who came out of the [Gray Domain].


Just as Sister Xiang was about to speak, Xiaowen suddenly patted her thigh and said excitedly, "I thought of it!"

Sister Xiang's face changed greatly.

"Have you figured out how to escape safely?"

If this man could really escape, it would be extremely bad news for the Grey Sect.

And what she can do is very limited.

After hesitating for a while, Sister Xiang asked, "What did you think of?"

"Last Word!"

Xiaowen said earnestly: "The content of my last words must be written - he is alive! He is alive!"

Mrs. Xiang:…

She looked at Xiaowen strangely, then silently took out [Unseen Roots] and charged it directly with [Grey Blood].

Untreated gray blood, although the gray energy conversion rate is a little lower, but there is no problem in emergency.

What's more, now is not the time to be picky.

"What are you doing?"

"Leave a last message to Master Bao."

Xiaowen frowned slightly and said earnestly, "I find you are very pessimistic, Libra, right?"


I will endure!

Sister Xiang found that the longer she was with this guy, the more her temper was affected.

As expected of a man from the Gray Domain, I am afraid this is one of his special abilities!

Bang bang bang!

Just when Sister Xiang thought of this, Xiaowen suddenly fired at her legs with a submachine gun.

Blood splattered, and blood holes covered his legs.

The sudden attack made Sister Xiang completely unexpected.

Even she, faced with such a sudden and ferocious attack, couldn't help screaming, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.


Sister Xiang knew Xiaowen's intentions, but she couldn't resist.

Leaving a last word is the limit of what she can do.

And as she predicted...

next moment.

Her legs, along with her waist, disappeared together!

dong dong dong dong!

Almost the same moment.

The violent fists attacked her hollow lower body frantically!

Boom boom boom boom!

The ground was hit with dust and debris.

But in the chaos, hot gray blood also splashed Sister Xiang's face.

The picture is very yellow and violent, and people who don't know it think that something indescribable has happened.

Sister Xiang stared blankly at the picture of the fist and shadow dancing in front of her, and was stunned for a while.

She never thought that someone would make such a mess!

Hit the grey beast with your fist?

Is this also possible?

It's just that the fist shadow is so fast that the naked eye can't tell, and the exaggerated destructive power makes her understand.

This is not an ordinary fist, but a terrifying fist that will kill an ordinary person casually!

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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