This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 42: lore


"how come!"

"Damn! Why is my gray energy detector unresponsive!"

They roared in despair, their eyes red.

The mercenary holding Sister Xiang has already held a gun against Sister Xiang's head with one hand, and the trigger is ready to be pulled!

But at this moment, Sister Xiang suddenly said calmly, "He is not dead."


Everyone was stunned.

And Xiaowen, who only had his body, laughed.

"Hee hee! How did you know..."

There was only a headless body left, and a large number of white monsters slowly rose up. Each of them was only the size of a fingernail, but the number was extremely large. It is swallowing some kind of liquid, like a silkworm baby, woven into a round head.

And this head is the head of Xiaowen!

I saw him laughing, covering up the sweat on his forehead, and said, "Oh, by the way, your future vision can see my future, but... I remember that your Zigensi has run out of energy. "

clap clap.

"No no no."

Sister Xiang clapped her hands, not knowing what she was talking about.

"Almost forgot about this."

Xiaowen let go of her hand, and Sister Xiang coughed a few times. She raised her head and smiled and said, "There is still such power in the world? What kind of bug is that?"

Xiaowen also laughed.

"It depends on what information you can provide, such as the question just now, please answer it properly."


Sister Xiang, for the first time in front of them, showed a arrogant expression.

"When did you produce [I and your Zigensi are the same thing]?"

What? !

In an instant, the situation changed too fast, and the mercenaries tried their best to be unable to keep up with the rhythm of the two.

Xiaowen's head was eaten but he came back to life.

Then Sister Xiang revealed that she has different roots!

And around, there is still a vicious gray beast!

For a while, they didn't know what to do, they just stared at the two of them blankly.

"It's actually very simple, you should have thought of it."

"This thread in my hand is the child thread of Master Bao, and also their mother thread!"

"The roots in their hands, their life and death, are all in my mind!"

"I allow them to predict the future, they will predict the future, I don't allow them... they have no authority!"

"And I want gray energy, and the gray energy of their sons must also be obediently offered, and there is absolutely no resistance!"

Mystery solved.

All the doubts before, suddenly clear up!

It turned out that it wasn't that they foresaw the gray beast!

It turned out that it was not that they foresaw the casualties of their comrades-in-arms!

But this watch is playing them from beginning to end!

Anger flooded his mind.

The mercenary who dragged Sister Xiang suddenly lifted her over the top!

Others even aimed their guns at Sister Xiang in an instant!

But at this moment, Fang Yi suddenly spoke.

"and many more!"

Everyone was furious and scolded in unison.

"Rookie, don't forget that she wanted to kill you just now!"

"Rookie, I've asked enough, she's worthless!"

"Kill her, otherwise I can't give an explanation to my comrades who died in vain!"

Xiaowen spreads his hands.

"I'll ask her the last two questions, and I'll leave it to you."

The mercenaries gritted their teeth and finally decided to sell Xiaowen's face.

But they didn't expect that the question Xiaowen asked would be so tricky!

"Sister Xiang, if everything is as you said, does it mean that... as long as you have vision of the future, everyone can actually predict the future of the gray beast?"

Sister Xiang who was held above her head.

Although his body was bent like a shrimp, he reached out his hand calmly and took out a cigarette and a lighter from the pocket of his large gray coat.

Light it up, take a deep breath.

He spit out a round smoke ring at Xiaowen, revealing his gray-yellow teeth.

Laugh, but don't speak.


next moment.

The irritable mercenary brother, teach you how to be a man directly!

Thicker than Xiaowen, and a violent slap, she directly fanned Sister Xiang's cheek on the other half.

The dream of exertion almost knocked half of her face crooked, and a **** tooth spurted out of her mouth and fell to the ground.

"Answer his question!"

The other mercenaries also glared.

Xiaowen even muttered secretly, this is really loved, let's start with ruthless!

But Sister Da Xiang gently pushed aside the drooping skull covering her cheeks.

His expression was still restored to his former laziness.

The eyes of the dead fish looked at the mercenary calmly.

Mouth bulged.

Tongue licked the gap in the teeth.


A mouthful of **** sputum spit directly on the mercenary's face.

"beg me."

The calm voice revealed arrogance from the inside out, provoking the fragile nerves of the mercenaries.

"I **** shot..."

The mercenary was about to get angry, but Xiaowen's expression suddenly changed slightly.

He rushed to his side and grabbed Sister Xiang's tender hand.

Said in a low voice.

"Sister Xiangxiang, please, please!"

What the hell!

Everyone showed a stunned expression, and their faces were speechless.

The mercenary holding Sister Xiang.

I really didn't expect that a voice could be so cheap.

Simply sleazy!

But Xiaowen didn't mind.

What are you laughing at!

The deity can bend and stretch!

Just right!

Straight man of steel!

Don't be afraid of stigma!

Before he became a strong man in the first district, he also had a dark history.

Being able to bend and stretch is not wrong.

But as the first district receded like a comet, few people remembered such a thing.

Xiaowen will naturally not mention it again, and will be forever sealed in the depths of his memory.

I saw Sister Xiang in a daze.

Suddenly, the corners of the mouth curved upwards, and then rose again, laughing loudly, and the smaller it was, the more fun it was, it turned into a big laugh!

I haven't met such an interesting person in a long, long time.

For a long time, I haven't encountered such an interesting research object.

For a long time, I haven't laughed so freely.

"Newcomer, if this is not the case, maybe I will make you a mate and courtship."

What? !

courtship? !

Be bold!

As if a weak woman was about to be raped, Xiaowen put her hands on her chest and took a half step back.

"I'm still young, you are a crime!"

"Hahahaha! Interesting! Interesting!"

The laughter fell, and Sister Xiang said slowly.

"It's okay to tell you - I can't see the grey beast!"

"I know what you're asking. To tell you the truth, the reason why I can predict the gray beast's attack is...experience!"

experience! ?

This answer is something Xiaowen did not expect.

"Yes, it's experience!"

"Do you think that I have been in the Grey Sect for so many years, why can I climb to my current position, so highly valued by the treasure sect master!"

"Of course it's because of the research on grey beasts!"

"And this is the key to turning defeat into victory!"

After speaking, Sister Xiang pointed to the front, and at the same time, she was also behind the mercenary who was dragging Sister Xiang.

The mercenary looked back subconsciously.

His pupils shrank suddenly, his face full of horror!

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