This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 139: oriole behind

Whether it is the previous snake step, the intermediate basic boxing technique, or the current one-punch bone-shattering, it all shows that the female reporter belongs to the melee type player.

So this punch, the female reporter will not miss.

And with this punch, she had already aimed at the detective's skull and fell ruthlessly.

But in the face of death, the detective sneered silently, a look of revenge-like pleasure flashed across his face.

"One step ahead!"

A step ahead indeed.

If the location is revealed, within three days, the female reporter will surely die.

The fist got closer and the shadow gradually expanded, covering everything.

The violent punching wind made him unable to open his eyes.

The wind whistled in his ears, so that he could not hear other sounds.

At this moment, death is approaching.

At this moment, the detective closed his eyes.

But the so-called 'this moment' made the detective feel long.

Until doubts arose.

Until the warm liquid dripped on his face.

The detective opened his eyes again.

The goal is a delicate face.

The owner of the face is the female reporter who wants to kill him.

But the female reporter's expression made the detective a little surprised.

Because it was an expression of shock that suddenly solidified.

That kind of wide-eyed, pupil-contracted reaction showed how intense the female reporter was at that time.

The gesture of turning her head slightly is also describing what the female reporter noticed at that moment.

But in the end, it all solidified in an instant.

The reason was a crossbow arrow that penetrated from the back of the skull to the forehead.

Female reporter... dead?

The detective raised his head blankly, following the angle from which the crossbow bolt was fired, his gaze passed over the corpse of the female reporter, and looked at the big tree at the end of the darkness.

On that tree stood a young man loading a crossbow.

The young man was thin and smiling, and he seemed to sense the detective's gaze and waved friendly.

"Who are you?"

the detective asked blankly.

Didn't my teammates die early?

A guy who was accidentally killed by his own Oolong, and who was killed by mistake, was killed not long after.

In the whole dungeon, I should be enemies all over the world.

Then the guy in front of you... who is it?


What gave the detective the answer was a sudden sound of breaking through the air.


Before he could even react, the crossbow arrow directly hit the detective's forehead, pierced through his head, and spattered blood.

Until the line of sight is black, until the copy is about to be kicked out.

The young man's voice sounded faintly.

"I'm the oriole."

It's a pity that this answer, the detective has not been heard.

Almost at the same time as the detective died, the dungeon announcement suddenly jumped out in front of all the players in the dungeon.

"Dungeon Announcement: Player [East Gate Drunk] kills player [I miss him too] to get three kills!"

"Triple Kill!"

"Dungeon Announcement: Player [East Gate Drunk] is in [Big Kill]!"

“Killing Spree!”

"Dungeon Announcement: Player [East Gate Drunk] kills the player [Pseudo-Jumping Team is hotly recruiting new players] to get four kills!"


"Dungeon Announcement: Player [East Gate Drunk] is [running]!"


Instant explosion, complete double kill!

So cool!

Fang Yi couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, looking at the system news.

"System prompt: The player [Pseudo-Jump team is eager to recruit new players] dies and loses location awareness."

"System prompt: Player [I miss him too] dies and loses location awareness."

"System prompt: congratulations, get [Three Kills] and reward 200 points."

"System prompt: congratulations, you have obtained [Big Killing], and you will be rewarded with 100 points."

"System prompt: congratulations, get [Four Kills] and reward 300 points."

"System prompt: congratulations, you have obtained [Runaway], and you will be rewarded with 200 points."

The swiping system prompts are pleasing to the eye.

This wave of mantises catching cicadas, and the oriole's snakeskin operation, directly took 800 personal points.

Then the team points are equal to increase...

"System prompt: congratulations, an increase of 400 team points (400)."

Very good, it seems that the hole left by the little beggar has been filled perfectly.

Looking at the personal score overview, Fang Yi licked his lips with satisfaction.

"Personal points: one thousand three hundred points (1300)."

"Team Points: One Hundred Points (100)."

It's a pity that I don't know how to clone, otherwise the four people can eat them all.

Board inch man and courier.

Detective and female reporter.

Fang Yi could only choose one of these two groups to kill.

In addition, the courier was driving a tricycle, so the situation at that time was inconvenient to track.

That's why he targeted detectives and female reporters.

As for the routine of Shi Tingshan at that time, it was actually very simple.

If you guess correctly, the female reporter should be the courier's teammate.

The two should have been in touch before they came to Shiting Mountain.

After entering Shiting Mountain, they found a new player, Ban Cun Man, and made a plan.

The courier is responsible for coming out to attract attention, revealing the identity of the player semi-publicly, and looking for opportunities to kill the new stubborn man.

The female reporter is responsible for observing the presence and laying a good cover. See who is targeting the courier, filter out the player targets, and take care of the finishing touches.

The courier deals with Mengxin.

Detectives investigate the courier.

Female reporter tackles detective.

The three are the food chain relationship.

The courier and the female reporter are teammates.

So according to the normal situation, the couple should have successfully won two heads and finished work perfectly.

The premise is that there is no collision of meaning.

In Fang Yi's view, these three people are all second-class people.

And he is the last one who can take all.

Because Fang Yi was the one who made the layout first, and he was also the one who had taken precautions for a long time.

So when they implemented the plan, Fang Yi had already seen everything.

The only accident that occurred was the detective's special identity skills.

This disrupted Fang Yi's plan.

Originally, he could use the deaths of these two people to make a big fuss and take the head of the courier.

But for now, this idea can only be put on hold for the time being.

Because this place has become a more eye-catching place than the crime scene of Shitingshan, it is not easy to stay for a long time.

Every second you wait, there is an extra point of danger.

Anyway, I already know the courier's appearance and basic information, but the courier is still in a state of nothing to do with himself.

With this Fang Yi is very confident that he can find another opportunity to kill the courier.

After making a decision, Fang Yi threw the local tyrant detective on the ground and picked up the flintlock gun.

Taking a look, Fang Yi immediately took off the suit and packed the flintlock gun away.

It's all points!

Although not much, it adds up to a lot.

Besides, staying here is also cheaper for others.

Although the flintlock has no ammunition, it cannot be fired, and it is useless.

But you can wait for the copy to end, sell it directly to the system, and exchange it for points.

Therefore, Fang Yi did not let go of this opportunity to loot the spoils.

After doing all this, Fang Yi took advantage of the night to stay away from the scene of the incident, and soon disappeared.

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