This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 30: clothing store

It's a pity that there are too many people around, looking around, there are huge crowds.

Even who shows some abnormality, it is difficult to notice.

Fang Yi glanced at it several times, thought for a moment, and finally left with Xiaowen.

The secret code has been left in the Dark Pearl Building. If Xian Sanbu and Wuyan have the idea of ​​coming over to meet, they can reach the secret code prompt point and leave a message to establish a connection.

"The pictures and coordinates that flashed in my mind just now..."

A taxi driver, listening to the news of the collapse of the TV station on the radio, was thoughtful.

He was obviously only of medium size, but like a big fat man, the entire driver's seat collapsed down, and it seemed a little overwhelmed.

"I knew that when two people open black, there must be a pit!"

A middle-aged uncle with a full beard and a constipated expression.

Sitting on the ruins of a pile of broken tiles, thinking about a problem more serious than "suddenly doubled in weight, sitting on the toilet of the public toilet" -

"Why didn't I bring paper?"

"East Gate Drunk... East Gate Drunk!"

Two strangers lived in a room in a residential building.

No, it should be a strange corpse, and a strange short-haired girl!

"Brother, died in front of me again... I'm angry, I'm angry!"

Outside the short-haired girl's room, there was a trail of blood.

At the end of the bloodstain, the original owner of this building, a family of three, was completely dead.

The west end of the ring city.

The other end where Fang Yi and others were.

Wuyan was riding a motorcycle on the road, and... silently increased the horsepower.

"The captain has taken blood, so I have to hurry up."

Weiwei shopping mall, Tianlian clothing store.

"Hello, are you two?"

The salesperson of the Tianlian clothing store wore a professional smirk.

It's just that this smile can't be maintained anymore.

Because, Tianlian clothing store is positioned as a luxury clothing store for noble women in the upper class and taking the high-end customized route.

What is noble?

What is luxury?

In her understanding, to describe it simply, it is two words: rich.

And the two people in front of them... can't be linked to 'rich' no matter what.

An office worker who is only about forty years old has a small amount of gray hair in his hair.

This is a typical example of premature aging, and then looking at that cheap suit and leather shoes, poverty is written on his face.

The other is walking, which is a bit strange, a bit like the arrogant steps of a nouveau riche.

Referred to as six parents do not recognize the pace.

But looking at his clothes, he is only two grades higher than the average person. Buying luxury goods may only be a slap in the face and a fat man.

To sum up, these two people have limited purchasing power. If they can, they should send them away as soon as possible, so as not to affect the image of the store.

The reason why the female salesman still persists.

The first is professional ethics. Although my heart is full of contempt, the professional attitude must be correct, otherwise, it will not go far in the service industry.

The second is that neither of them brought female companions, so maybe their wives are the real rich people.

Thirdly... You can't look like a person. The longer you stay in this business, the more saleswomen understand this truth.

Seeing that the two of them ignored them and walked into the store on their own, the saleswoman hurriedly followed and smiled.

"Two gentlemen, this store sells women's clothing, and even underwear, you see..."

Fang Yi and Xiaowen didn't know that for a while, they had already been criticized by the female salesman and tagged.

Seeing that the saleswoman stopped him, Fang Yi glanced at Xiaowen next to him.

"Xiaowen, didn't I say, can you do things more reliably? Are you sure it's here?"

"Brother Hei, it's absolutely true. If they dare to lie to me, I'll kill them when I turn around! And you... Yes, you are the woman, don't get in the way, it's an eyesore!"

The female salesperson didn't understand it at first.

She was startled when the upstart guy pointed his finger at himself.

What happened to these two?

Inexplicably entered the store and asked me to go away...

Look at the distance, she sent a message to the sister at the cashier.

"Call the security guard, these two may be sick!"

The sister at the cashier was shocked and startled. She secretly took a few glances here, preparing to sneak out quietly and call the security guard.

"Have it! Have it!"

At this moment, Xiaowen suddenly howled twice with joy.

"I said yes, how can you not believe me, Brother Hei."

"Okay, the things are in hand, let's find someone."

While everyone was stunned, the two had already walked out of the Tianlian clothing store.

"Wait! You stole things from the store, didn't you?"

The saleswoman hurriedly shouted.

Fang Yi turned his head and said casually, "If we stole something, the siren in your store would have started to sound long ago."

This this…

The saleswoman looked hesitant.

The Fang Yi and the two have already gone far.

"Sister, do you still call security?"

"...Everyone is gone, what else are they called?"

These two...

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, the saleswoman was full of doubts.

The two people walked around the store, as if they were looking for something, and then suddenly said they had it and left.

But the saleswoman checked and found nothing missing in the store.

Follow the path that the two have traveled before and go all the way.

Counters, sofas, round tables, trash cans…

The saleswoman was even more puzzled.

For some reason, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that there was something wrong with the two of them.

Maybe some gang, sent to step on the spot in advance!

Although she has never experienced such a thing, she has seen TV and movies more or less, and she also imagined that when a criminal gang smashed a clothing store, there would be a story about a rich and handsome hero coming to rescue beauty.

She circled the store over and over again, frowning.

Should the police really be called?

But what if others really just look at it casually?

She felt that she was persecuted delusional, and the friends around her also commented on her.

But this time, she still firmly believed that those two people came to the store with a purpose!


The glass doors were pushed open and new guests entered the store.

The saleswoman looked up, the moment she saw the customer.

Suddenly a light flashed in my mind.

garbage can!

It's a trash can!

They're not taking things from the store, they're in the trash, picking up something!

That's—a piece of wire!

The saleswoman remembers it clearly.

Every day at 10:00 AM as long as it is open.

The lady in front of her will enter this Tianlian clothing store on time.

Or buy clothes, or look at clothes.

But every time I come, I bring a long bar of chocolate called [Lighting], sit on the sofa, and taste it slowly.

It is said to be a special product.

In appearance, it is no different from ordinary chocolate.

The only difference is that there will be a wire in the middle of the [Lighting] chocolate.

This is not edible, this lady Bao will put this wire into the No. 3 trash can next to the third sofa in the third row.

This phenomenon has been going on for six months.

.. m.

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