This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 42: Copy ends (two/two)

? The tall and wise man subconsciously smashed the iron rod.



When this stick went down, it was so shocking that the iron stick almost came out of his hand.

"not good!"

The tall and wise man just realized something was wrong.

The black thorn was already in front of him.


The black thorn pierced his chest, and blood spurted out.

The tall and wise man shook the black thorn with both hands, and already understood that this was not the black thorn transformed by the black sword.

It's... the bone spurs transformed from Fang Yi's keel!

Hardness and sharpness are completely different.

And all the black thorns that could be smashed by him with the iron rod before were all black thorns transformed by the black sword, which could not stop the percussion of the iron rod.


This time, it has been planned for a long time, and the timing is precise.

Just attacked at the moment when the cage was broken.

And without any deviation, it directly penetrated the chest and pierced the heart.

Tall and wise people can understand the brilliant plan behind this blow.

So it's relieved.

The hard power in terms of identity is such a big gap, and it is not bad to be able to hold it up to now.

And it's not just the gap in identity and hard power, but also the gap in roles is huge.

The number of skills on his side is actually not many.

Because I just came to play casually, at the beginning of the establishment of the entire account, there was only one purpose, that is to snipe Fang Yi, say hello to old friends, and have some fun.

So the early development is more random.

In terms of the development of character skill configuration and other aspects, they are all made up, not professionally trained, they belong to the trumpet account that can be discarded at any time, and it must not be as comprehensive as the account that Fang Yi has carefully cultivated.

Coupled with the gap in the dungeon's identity, it is not suitable for fighting alone, but it is forced into a situation where it must face the battle.

From the beginning, he has been at a disadvantage, and now he is killed, which is actually a normal result.

"If there is a set of character account cards that are similar to Xiaofang's current configuration..."

The tall and wise man thought about it, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Oops, say good sniping for fun, how about exploring the bottom? How to raise the spirit of victory again.

No, keep calm.

But in the past so long, this guy's state has not declined, which is really terrifying.

In the future, in the professional arena, I am afraid that there will be another big trouble.

The premise is that he can really find the right teammates.

In the professional arena, it is not a heads-up, but a confrontation of the entire team.

The individual ability is strong, and it can indeed drag the team forward, but if you want to win the championship, the team must not have too many shortcomings.

In any case, the tall and wise man still looks forward to Fang Yi's return to the former stage.

Drop a blockbuster on the now-stagnant professional circle.

At that time, he will naturally have the opportunity to find Fang Yi to contest.

As Fang Yi retracted the bone spur, he slowly stood up.

The tall and wise man smiled and fell down.

"Xiao Fang…"

Fang Yizheng used an expressionless face to hide his depressed mood.

Can not be depressed ah.

This side has a big advantage, but as a result, the tricks are resolved one by one, as if the strength on paper is five to five, and the fight is inseparable.

Fang Yi is ready, this trick still can't kill people, so he just opened up.

The gate of the virtual world, the sword of the sky, the sword of the sky, the sword of the lonely life... all of them are thrown out.

It's not that Fang Yi doesn't want to hide his clumsiness.

It's really that the number of troops outside is too exaggerated to be large. If the tall and wise men escape, they will hide in the army.

With the strength displayed so far, it will definitely be consumed by the army.

However, when Fang Yi heard the voice of the tall and wise man before his death, the whole person was stunned.

This title, this tone, this way of sounding...

That way of speaking without the slightest bit of emotional investment, flat and straightforward, and always the first voice...

Fang Yi immediately locked on a certain guy in his memory.

Ding Li? !

I rely on!

Fang Yi's face turned black.

"Your feelings are yours! No wonder it's so hard to fight! Your sister's!"

Seemingly angry, Fang Yi rushed over and kicked the corpse.

It's a pity that this thing is dead and has no reaction at all.

"Dungeon Announcement: White Team Captain [East Gate Drunk] kills Black Team Captain [Winning First in Swimming]!"

"Dungeon Announcement: Captain White [East Gate Drunk] ends the [Big Kill] of Captain Black [Swimming for No. 1]!"

"Shut Don!"

Seeing that the tall and wise man was actually killed.

The surrounding line people suddenly lost their color.

Boom boom boom!

The violent firepower suddenly poured out.

Fang Yi's eyelids twitched, his body wriggled and swelled suddenly.

It directly transformed into a dragon shape and rose into the air.

Huge body, flying and hovering high in the sky.

Although he has already won, there is no need to be bombarded by these guys and quit the dungeon in such a miserable way.

"Dungeon Announcement: Black team players, the entire army is destroyed!"

"Dungeon Announcement: Congratulations to the White Team members for winning the dungeon!"


"The system prompts: The copy is about to end, please prepare all players."

The system prompt came, indicating that the copy was officially over.

However, the army of robots that swarmed up below, the army of linemen, was not ready to let Fang Yi go.

The army was densely packed, rushing towards Fang Yi like a black tide.

With the wings spread, Fang Yi flew straight ahead, pulling the army to walk the dog.

But the next moment, Fang Yi was stunned.

I saw the end of the line of sight.

The earth and plains in the simple strokes show a strange folding phenomenon.

Just like a flat sheet of paper, it was flattened and folded in half and stacked together.

Not only the ground, but also the sky, under this fold, instantly disappeared, turning into a rich darkness.

It's like...the world is getting smaller.

The dark universe outside is compressing the planet's only territory.

"Then, what is that?!"

"Destroy the world... Destroy the world filthy dragon! The world annihilation filthy dragon wins, and the world will be destroyed by it!"

"Escape! Escape!"

Those liners stepped back in horror, only to find that this folding phenomenon did not appear in a single direction.

Instead, everything in all directions, in all directions, is folded inward.

Looking around, it was as if there was a child outside, folding a flat sheet of paper again and again to reduce the plane area of ​​the paper.

"The center point... the center point is the Sanctuary!"

"Sanctuary... Hide inside the sanctuary!"

The linemen and the remaining sanctuary giants all poured into the sanctuary.

The army of robots without orders, controlled by intelligent AI, is not afraid of death at all, and still pursues the righteous.

With a big turn, Fang Yi also rushed into the sanctuary.

As a result, the dense army of robots behind them immediately covered the firepower.

"don't want?!"

"do not come!"

"Crazy! Stop the army of robots!"

The chaotic operation, the robot army all stopped moving.

After a while, it was covered by the folding phenomenon, merged into the darkness, and disappeared.

This folding phenomenon is like an invisible mouth that swallows anything tangible.

Everyone hid in the sanctuary and shivered.

In the face of disaster, they gave up their prejudices, and even Fang Yi was circling in the sky, and they didn't care.

The folding phenomenon soon enveloped the Sanctuary, and Fang Yi could not escape death.

In the folded darkness, shrouded in the moment.

Fang Yi seemed to see a gap.

In the gap he saw a dim light.

Under the light, there is a hall constructed of a giant library, with dense bookshelves and countless books.

Vaguely, he seemed to be in the library and there was a conversation.

"Father, why do those books automatically close every time you have to see the end?"

"There is a spirit in the book, you will understand when you grow up..."

Books, completely closed.

The sound disappeared completely.

Darkness rushes in.

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