This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 35: Confrontation (Five/Ten)

? That almost hopeless horrific mushroom fire cloud group became the size of only one building.

The dense rain of hydrogen bombs became only the size of a human head.

That strong line of defense that was waiting for it became like a plastic model.

The countless terrifying armies became like miniature toys.

Everything is still the same.

It's just that the size has shrunk a lot at once, and it has lost its initial deterrent effect.

At this moment, everyone was blinded.

The excited expression of the line man froze on his face.

The despairing expressions of the people in the sanctuary turned into shock, and they were still in a state of shock, and they felt fortunate for the rest of their lives after a catastrophe.

The sky is going away.

The earth is extending.

And the attacking army is shrinking!

Every sanctuary person is two or three times the size of a line person.

The sanctuary and the ruins of time outside finally merged into one.

But it seems to have turned this world into a broader, complete existence of light.

Among the line people, the only wise man with a volume equal to the Sanctuary slowly stood up, slowly changing around, and murmured.


[One day, the dwarf lieutenant will give birth to a 'wise man', lead the [Dragon Slayer Squad], kill the dirty dragon, complete the test of God, and obtain eternal redemption! 】

In the prophecy, the word dwarf was clearly specified.

Among the dwarves, the wise man was born.

Dwarves, exiled from the Sanctuary, exiled to the ruins of time.

They line people, they are dwarves!

Everything that the dwarves make, in the confrontation of the dwarves, the power of nature is unparalleled.

But what if you face the giants?

The original terrifying machine gun fire will become just like a mosquito tickling.

The original terrifying hydrogen bomb explosion will become a powerful version of the grenade.

Original laser weapon, pulse weapon...

Do not!


Ding Li frowned.

Even though relatively speaking, the size of the army on his side has become smaller, the power of the weapons developed by scientific research will not shrink.

It's just that the required equivalent must be increased along with it to produce the original effect.

In other words... Quantity is what really matters.

Of course, quality must also keep up, but relative quality, quantity is more important.

Technological progress, weapon iteration.

The power will not increase too exaggeratedly.

However, the increase in the number can allow the power to be superimposed and double the effect.

Ding Li finally understood.

Why does the lineman multiply so fast, why does the lineman's technology develop so fast, and why does the lineman's time flow so fast?

Because, does not provide these advantages.

The line people improve their overall strength according to the development speed of normal human society, and there is no chance at all to compete with these giants of the sanctuary!

If it weren't for the sky, the people in the Sanctuary would have been completely defeated by the linemen from the spiritual level, and they would not be able to resist at all.

I am afraid that at this time, the people of the Sanctuary will rush into the lineman's side to open the unparalleled!

And being a sanctuary, he can compete with a bunch of linemen!

Evenly spread to every Sanctuary person, his side is almost certain to lose.

Even with the explosion of technology now, I wouldn't dare to say that a line man, manipulating cutting-edge weapons, can monotonically be three or twice their size as a sanctuary man.

Just the kind of giant-like oppression and the sense of fear in his heart is enough to make the lineman collapse.

After all, Ding Li is following the scientific research route, promoting the armed forces of the whole people, and he has not carried out any strict management on the cultivation of military affairs.

To put it simply, this group of linemen army completely relied on their own beliefs, and the self-confidence formed by the high-speed trembling of linemen's technology gave them the courage to confront the Sanctuary people head-on.

If the initial battle is unfavorable, it is very likely to affect the morale of the entire army, and even the military will be defeated, resulting in the appearance of deserters.

Once this phenomenon really occurs, it is not far from the failure of the copy.

Ding Li, when the countdown to the hydrogen bomb group ended, only thought of the truth of the prophecy, but it was only a guess in his heart.

It was only when the sanctuary barrier was broken, revealing the true face of the sanctuary, that the thoughts in his heart were verified.

However, the situation only suddenly turned a little unfavorable.

This huge [Dragon Slayer Squad] that he carefully built is for slaying dragons!

The mere sanctuary is not qualified to stand in front of him!

"What do each one do?"

"It's not just that the guys in the sanctuary have grown bigger, no matter how huge they are, they are only made of flesh and blood!"

"Satellite laser team, aim at the target, attack! The aircraft carrier team keeps up with the rhythm, and the others charge with me!"

Ding Li roared and ordered to go down one by one.

Only then did this group of flustered linemen have the backbone, and the huge army continued to operate.

The positive direction of the sanctuary, at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

The satellites gathered together and moved slowly.

sky... no! The satellites floating above the planet began to aim at their targets one by one.




It's like booking at the same time.

In an instant, thousands of laser beams fell from the sky!


Almost as soon as I looked up and saw the beam.

There are nearly a thousand giants in the sanctuary, and they are penetrated by the beam from top to bottom.

It seems that because the size factor was not taken into account at the beginning, the laser beam is only a thin beam.

Like a thick needle, it penetrates people.

Although he fell to the ground in pain, crying and screaming, the wound was charred and smelled like barbecue.

But except for a few people whose brains were penetrated, most of the others were only slightly injured and could use both hands and feet, screaming and fleeing to the side.

With such a high altitude, it is actually very difficult to accurately locate.

Not to mention that when the beam is fired, the people below can still have some time to adjust the position, and the hit rate is even more worrying.

After all, when it was originally designed, it was based on the body shape of a line person.

Therefore, the thickness of the laser beam, even if it is offset by a certain distance, is enough to kill people.

However, the current situation is completely different from what was expected, and the effect is weaker, which is also normal.

The group of hydrogen bombs has already hit the open space in a scattered manner due to the change in distance, raising mushroom clouds one after another.

There are only a few mushroom clouds that have successfully hit those in the Sanctuary.

On the spot, the sanctuary giant was blasted with broken legs and even died on the spot!

This caused panic among the Sanctuary giants.

However, they still don't seem to have thought about In fact, it is difficult to resist.

Because through the sky, Ding Li watched this group of people from the sanctuary with his own eyes and fed all the arms resources to Fang Yi.

The remaining military weapons, there may be, but the giants of the sanctuary have given up resistance at first, and naturally they will not take up arms.

This just gave Ding Li a chance.


A loud roar.

All the troops rushed out after him.

In all directions, like toy people, like swarms of ants, densely packed pilgrimage giants swarmed.

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