This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 33: Darkness (3/10)

? This is just a small episode, the rocket quickly surpassed the height of the sun and continued to fly upward.

The surrounding light gradually dimmed.

Ding Li was refreshed.

This shows that they are about to leave the planet and enter the universe.

When the rocket continued to lift off, Ding Li was stunned.

All around, it was pitch black.

Behind, there is only a self-luminous planet.

Next to it is the sanctuary barrier that penetrates the sky, spreading vertically upwards, reaching the top, sinking into the darkness, as if it runs through the entire universe, without end.

In the entire universe, as far as the line of sight goes, there is only one planet called this name!

And trying to bypass the sanctuary barrier from high altitude is even more of a joke.

Not to mention that his rocket technology hasn't developed to that level yet.

Even if it can really fly in space for a long time, it is estimated that it will not be able to fly to the end of the sanctuary barrier.

Ding Li is now completely certain.

This thing... is a strength tester!

There is no second way to crack apart from the front.

When the rocket ran out of fuel and fell, the image fell into a black screen.

After understanding the situation, Ding Li will naturally not continue to conduct further research in this area.

Later, several generations of rockets were successively developed, all of which used the ultimate thrust of a single thread.

However, when any rocket is about to fly away from the planet for a certain distance, the planet will have a huge gravitational force, which will **** the rocket back abruptly.

This road, so far, can be regarded as a complete failure.

Fortunately, during this time, Ding Li did not focus on scientific research on rockets.

His main energy has been put on the main battle force.

Satellites are launched into space for precise positioning.

Fire coverage strikes can be carried out from high altitudes at any time.

One after another aircraft carriers, densely surrounding the sanctuary barrier, waited solemnly.

Different from ordinary aircraft carriers, these aircraft carriers are loaded with special high-performance robots for sea, land and air.

Each robot, armed with weapons, can deal with various emergencies.

The most important weapon output methods are high-energy electromagnetic beams and laser weapons.

After a lot of research and development, these weapons have matured enough to ensure that there will be no problems.

Each aircraft carrier is equipped with 10,000 such combat robots.

Each sweat hole mothership is equipped with a city-destroying electromagnetic main gun.

From a bird's-eye view, the aircraft carriers surrounding the sanctuary barrier are densely packed, layer upon layer, almost filling the upper and lower spaces.

At a glance, there are more than 5,000 units at least!

This number of troops is a very exaggerated, even terrifying number.

Lineman's technology, under his leadership, has evolved too fast, and the production efficiency is terrifying.

This kind of efficiency, this powerful speed, made Ding Li feel unreal.

In my heart, I always feel very uneasy.

I always feel... I seem to have missed some key information.

Otherwise... in this battle, there is no chance of winning the World Destruction Dragon.

After all, they also saw the picture of the world destroying filth dragon destroying the barrier of the sanctuary.

One claw and one claw, that is, a depth of several tens of centimeters.

The barrier cannot be broken at all.

With the Sanctuary barrier blocking it, the Lineman can develop rapidly and steadily.

Even if you remove your own personal ability bonus.

Rewind the technological level of Lineman by a few stages.

That's at least the level of technology at the level of an atomic bomb.

Destroying the World's Dirty Dragon still can't solve this dead end.

Even if the conditions are added, assuming that the players in the white team are still there, they are desperately fighting with themselves, which will have a great impact.

That lineman should still have a million fighters and a million tanks.

This amount is still not something that the foul dragon can resist.

Around, the hydrogen bombs that have been stored for six years have all been aimed at the sanctuary barrier and entered the countdown.

"Countdown: 3."

Ding Li frowned.

Even if it is a lot of back-ups, even if it is to build a tight line of defense, the most secure lore.

But the unease in my heart has not disappeared.

"Countdown: 2."

In the end... what's missing?

"Countdown: 1."

One, it is enough to let the dirty dragon, facing the biggest disadvantage, be able to use his own power to counter the capital of all the linemen outside.

Looking at the dirty dragon in the sky, Ding Li suddenly froze in his heart, suddenly realized, and slammed his thigh.

"So it is!"

rumbling rumbling—!

Almost at the same moment, densely packed hydrogen bombs and atomic bombs were launched at the same time, covering the sky and the sun like dark clouds, rushing towards the sanctuary barrier!


Everyone in the entire Sanctuary has become numb and desperate.

For their last bet, their last hope.

The world-destroying foul dragon in the prophecy has been sleeping for two whole years.

After the explosion of the atomic bomb, after eating a full stomach, I couldn't sleep. For two years, I just lay there and didn't move.

Only the size, at a speed visible to the naked eye, grows every second.

But in the end, this growth, a year ago, also stopped.

It was not considered at the time.

As a result, as the body of the foul dragon grew, the factories in the entire Sanctuary were crushed and destroyed.

Nowadays, the size of the dirty dragon can only be said to have completely occupied the center of the Sanctuary. They can't tell how exaggerated it is, but if it stands, it should be no problem.

Originally, everyone thought that the body had stopped growing, and the dirty dragon should have almost woken up.

However it didn't.

The dirty dragon was still sleeping.

It is different from the sleeping state of the dirty dragon.

Others in the Sanctuary are all in a state of awakening.

Witnessed the rapid changes and rapid development of Lineman in the past year.

In fear and fear, spent a whole year.

So the emotions were very intense and the trouble was very serious.

In desperation, the Sanctuary Protection Bureau had no choice but to announce to the public what had been agreed with the Dirty Dragon before to transfer the pressure.

"The Dirty Dragon once said something to our Protection Bureau before going to sleep. If you need him to wake up early, then pour alcohol into his mouth. This is the way to wake it up early."

When the news was, the public immediately responded to the Bureau of Protection and frantically built a brewery. Through a thick pipe, it was inserted into the nostrils of the dirty dragon, and the drink was infused day and night.

As for the request for wine, the filthy dragon only mentioned excessive numbers.

They naturally brewed high-concentration wine and poured it into the body of the foul dragon.

It's just that compared to the size of the foul dragon, this artificial drink is simply a drop in the ocean.

If you compare a dirty dragon to a human being, this drink is not even a drop of water.

At least the water from the entire river must be poured into it, so that it is possible to satisfy the dirty dragon.

But is this easier said than done?

It's just that in front of the growing army of linemen, no matter how difficult it is, they must work hard.

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