This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 25: Last resort (1/4)

Ordinary players, even if they get the status of a wise man, it is difficult to say how far they can lead the linemen.

The development of rules and regulations, at most the level of technology such as drones and virtual reality, has almost reached its peak.

However, Ding Li is a professional player and has received professional training in all aspects.

The development method of the technology side will naturally not fall.

He can get out of a mess of technological paths.

Choose a suitable road, and pile up the technology of Lineman in the fastest and shortest time.

This is the embodiment of personal ability.

The technology of the Ring of Wisdom is advancing in an orderly manner.

Generation after generation of linemen, iterative.

Technology is developing steadily.

Drones gradually filled the sky above the Ring of Wise Men.

The originally layered, chaotically superimposed highways have also become submarine channels like pipes.

Almost with the simplest lines, the entire ring of the wise man is connected.

Transportation technology has been greatly promoted, and daily access in the City of the Wise has reached a very high level of convenience.

From the source point to the end point of the city, it can be reached in three or five hours.

You must know that under the operation of the Wise Circle these days, the area has expanded from the original one, but it can complete a circle around the city in a few hours.

This is the situation that technology has promoted the speed of transportation, and it is also the case that the overall physique of the line person has been improved from generation to generation.

The entire wise man's ring has gradually evolved from scattered parts and forced together, and gradually evolved into a whole existence, which is more compact and more reasonable in structure.

The planning of this kind of city must be the credit of the managers.

On the streets and alleys, drones are still issued frequently, involving all aspects of life.

The transportation of logistics, the replacement of waiters, and even the existence of pet dogs, become new members of the family.

The entire ring of wise men is thriving, and in terms of military force, a fully functional unmanned fighter jet has been developed. If the generations are replaced, the city's guard force will no longer need manpower to manage.

Everything is progressing steadily, and the process is rapid.

Through the observation of the sky, the current wise man ring technology has reached a level that is very, very close to the Sanctuary.

Going forward, even if it is only a small step forward, it is a real transcendence!

And all these changes took only six months of the wise man's ring.


Half a year has passed outside, but on their side, just over a month has passed.

From their point of view, it was just over a month.

The ring of wise men outside has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This made everyone in the Sanctuary feel shocked and panic.

When I first saw the ring of wise men, they still had technological advantages and were able to kill these outsiders with confidence.

But now, they no longer have much confidence.

At most, it is the military supplies that have been reserved, which can withstand one or two.

However, on this premise, they and the Lineman can explode right now.

Otherwise, they will have no chance of winning.

The people of the entire Sanctuary were shrouded in panic and anxiety.

For ordinary people, the day-to-day peaceful life came to an end the moment the sky appeared.

This sky curtain is like a countdown to the end of the world. Every second that passes is a torment for them.

The taste of waiting is not pleasant.

No one knows when the lineman will have the ability to destroy the barrier of the sanctuary.

But it is foreseeable that with such an exaggerated technological development speed, the time left for the Sanctuary is running out.

Escape, the sanctuary barrier, like a prison, imprisoned everyone.

File, Lineman's technological rise is unstoppable.

The Sanctuary seemed to be in a desperate situation.

Sanctuary Protection Agency.

The two doctors who used to speak actively at every meeting were now silent.

In the entire conference room, the quiet sound of a needle falling could be heard.

The whole place was silent.

The atmosphere is extremely heavy.

Although when the sky curtain appeared, some people predicted that the current situation would occur.

But just over a month later, the situation became so serious that they never thought about it.

The director looked around at the elites present in various fields, and said slowly, "Now, I am afraid that the final plan must be used."

Everyone at the scene was shocked.

Some even stood up straight.

"Bureau, Director, we haven't reached that point yet!"

"Yes, yes, and that thing may already be dead. This final plan is meant to be said."

Everyone knows what the final plan is.

In fact, it is very simple, just look for the dirty dragon, and let the dirty dragon in the prophecy fight against the outsiders.

As long as the sanctuary barrier is broken, the territory outside is wider.

If they can induce the linemen to give priority to attacking the dirty dragon and divert their hatred, then their sanctuary might still be able to find a ray of hope in this catastrophe.

This is a simple strategy to introduce third-party spoilers.

The plan must be fully implemented first.

First of all, it is necessary to determine whether the Dirty Dragon is dead or not, and whether it really has the ability to fight against the Lineman.

Then, find a way to open the sanctuary barrier ahead of time, disrupt the rhythm of the linemen, take the initiative to attack, and give them absolute destruction.

Finally, and the most crucial point, when the first two conditions are fulfilled perfectly, the Sanctuary needs to have the ability to close and open the [Sanctuary Barrier] When the filthy dragon is released, immediately Close the sanctuary barrier, protect the safety of the sanctuary, and isolate the dirty dragon.

The whole operation is like being a tortoise, but it is a very safe method.

It's just a condition, it's hard to achieve.

Because the core condition of the whole plan is the dirty dragon.

However, since the last time the foul dragon was attacked by them and sank to the bottom of the river, there was no trace at all.

time does not wait.

The Dirty Dragon is a destabilizing factor.

May be alive or dead.

When the foul dragon appears by itself, maybe the liners outside will be able to break the sanctuary barrier.

"How's the search going?"

The director looked at the others.

The scene fell silent again, only one person shook his head.

"There is no news. The Jianghe, where the foul dragon fell, has been pumped, and the foul dragon has not been seen in front of him. I suspect that after the foul dragon first fell into the river, it immediately used Jiang He's cover to move the location."

There is indeed a possibility.

The size of the vehicle looks huge.

Comparable to the huge area of ​​Sanctuary.

This is simply trivial.

Well, the vehicles are traveling through the sanctuary. If they really want to hide, it will be difficult to find them.

Before the canopy appeared, their energy was mainly focused on Jiang He's salvage and search.

After the sky screen appeared, they really put all their energy into the search for the dirty dragon.

All the drones in the Sanctuary have been launched one after another for more than a month to conduct all-round exploration.

The fastest update, no pop-up window to read please.



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