This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 23: Canopy (1/2)

Sanctuary Protection Agency.

They are already using their best efforts to maintain the order and stability of the Sanctuary.

The nearest unmanned fighter jet has been operated and flew to the location where the crack appeared.

"Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack immediately! Destroy that thing!"

"No! The devil knows what that thing is! There are people on the other side, so maybe they can communicate! You can't just open fire like this! Once a war starts, there's no turning back!"

"Could it be that you wait for that thing to tear the whole sky apart and let them rush in before you resist? Stupid! Cowardly! Your idea will destroy the sanctuary!"

"He is not hostile! At least not now! Once attacked, it is equivalent to starting a war. Can you guarantee that you can beat that giant!"

The two sides occupy the argument and argue endlessly.

Before there is real contact, no one is sure whether the person behind the crack is an enemy or a friend.

The director of the Sanctuary Protection Bureau had a gloomy expression on his face.

Even when facing the dirty dragon, he was not as chaotic as he is now.

After all, the dirty dragon at that time was at most a large beast, and it was no threat at all.

It's just that it fell to the bottom of the sea and couldn't be found, leaving a haze in one's heart.

But, that's just it.

Compared with the current crisis, the previous dirty dragon was nothing at all.

"Director, if the size of the opposite side is proportional to the crack, then when he enters our sanctuary, it will be the demise of the sanctuary!"

"The face is so big that it's unbelievable. If you hit it with one foot, the entire sanctuary will be destroyed on the spot. It's not impossible."

As the Doctor said.

The situation is so serious.

The director understands that now everyone in the entire Sanctuary is waiting for his decision.

And his decision will also decide the life and death of the entire Sanctuary!

Taking a deep breath, the director slowly stood up and gave an order.

"Attack! At all costs, let that gap close!"

No one knows what will happen when the gap cracks to the greatest extent.

Rather than passively waiting and begging for charity from the enemy, it is better to take the initiative and make a decision before things get worse.

With the order, the voice of internal arguing disappeared immediately.

Before the order is issued, they can express their opinions and ideas as best they can, and let the director weigh the pros and cons and make a judgment.

But as long as the order is issued, all they have to do is to cooperate with the director's order and complete the task.

In the sky.

Dense drones have already surrounded the cracks.

The man in the crack was curiously observing the situation in the Sanctuary, but the drone didn't give him a chance.

Seems to have a new order.

All drones launch suicidal charges.


Tens of thousands of drones, full of fire, rushed into the cracks in the sky.

Boom boom boom!

High in the sky, the explosions chained, and the fire clouds rolled.

All members of the Sanctuary looked up.

When the billowing black smoke gradually dissipated, their pupils could not help shrinking, and they all froze in place.

I saw the crack in the sky, stimulated by the explosion, not only did not stop moving, but expanded into a square nearly a kilometer in size.

At first glance, it looks like a huge virtual screen embedded in the sky for live broadcast.

However, the content of the live broadcast is a bit weird.

Obviously it was quite normal before.

But when the crack expands to a kilometer in size, the picture in the crack switches to a bird's-eye view.

The previous face, I do not know when, disappeared.

From the top view, what you see is a ring-shaped building composed of simple lines.

It is like a line draft in the hands of a painter that has not yet been finalized, with a fine line in the rough, with a clear context.

The entire ring building is built around their sanctuary barrier.

Like a giant python, entangling its prey, waiting for an opportunity.

Well, what's the situation?

Everyone looked bewildered.

The sanctuary barrier made it easy for them to understand that this is the area where time is caged, that is, the picture outside the sanctuary.

But... no one in history has ever recorded in detail what a time cage looks like.

Today is also the first time they saw the real face outside the Sanctuary.

This strange line world, strange and strange, makes people feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

In the face of the unknown, not many people can remain calm.

In particular, the ring-shaped buildings around the Sanctuary Barrier, like the python version, deepened their worries.

"What the **** is this?"

"What the **** do you want to do with the guy who was exiled to the cage of time?"

"War... They want to go to war!"

Panic spreads, chaos emerges.

But there are also bold and careful people who noticed that the situation on the other side of the sky seems to be a little different.


too fast.

When the giant face appeared before, everything was normal.

But after the drone bombed and the cracks opened, the pictures in the sky seemed to be fast-forwarding. Everything changed too fast.

The line people in the sky, dragging out the afterimage at a high speed, are busy quickly, except for the first moment, they all looked up in panic and fled.

After that, the normal life order was restored, UU reading www. quickly builds a ring-shaped building and expands gradually.

Inside the sky, the sun rises and sets, and it doesn't take much time at all.

How could this be?

Although these people clearly saw the abnormality in the sky.

But can't figure it out.

Sanctuary Protection Agency.

The director looked at the latest report and the scene footage fed back by the drone with a gloomy expression.

"Time... On the other side of the sky is the ruins of time. The flow of time over there is hugely different from ours."

"Director, you guessed it right. The ruins of time flow faster, and ours is slower. We watch them as if we were watching a fast-forward movie several times faster. They watched us as if they were watching slower. Action shots."

"So, what does this mean?"

The director looked at Dr. Shi next to him.

"It means that if they have the ability to develop technology, they will sooner or later surpass the power of our sanctuary!"

The director's expression darkened.

Sanctuary's technology has long been locked.

There has been no change for so many years, even if they are given a faster time flow, there will be no ups and downs.

"Prophecy... They are preparing for the arrival of the dirty dragon."

"That's right, the person we saw in the sky earlier should be a wise man awakened in the ruins of time.

In the prophecy, it is the wise who can kill the dirty dragon... but that has nothing to do with us.

The foul dragon is alive and dead now, and I don't know where it was washed by the sea, so I can't find it at all.

But... what we need to care about is not this, but if we let outsiders develop, I'm worried...the sanctuary barrier will be broken by them! "

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