This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 102: Happy (1/2)


snapped his fingers.

A circle of ripples appeared under Xiaowen's feet, as if stepping on the water.

As he walks, it is like stepping on a wave, forming ten centimeters of sea water under his feet, and when he steps on it, there will be splashes of water, which is very stylish.

It's just that he is carrying an old rabbit on his back, which makes such a very stylish thing fall off the grid. It looks like a coolie carrying goods, which is still very hard.

Since there is no map, Xiaowen just picks a direction and goes.

There was no danger in this journey.

But nothing new was discovered.

It feels like an abandoned and forgotten place.

Desolate, vast, uninhabited.

After I don't know how long it took, Xiaowen finally heard the sound coming from the front.

So handsome [Treading the Waves], this one-time prop has been used, Xiaowen is naturally ready to show off his presence in front of others.

A big jump, jumping high and high, jumped to the source of the sound.

In mid-air, he saw two bunny elves below, staring wide-eyed and looking up at him dumbfounded.

It seems that I have never seen such a handsome debut before, and I was stunned all of a sudden.

Country Rabbit!


Xiaowen landed on all fours proudly.

Suddenly water splashed.

The most annoying thing is that after Xiaowen landed, the water splashed out at a normal speed, and the old rabbit on his back was motionless like a dead salted fish.

But Xiaowen's body is under deliberate control, like slow play, posing to the ground.

Around him, a group of glowing **** appeared, revolving around his body, which he had created with magic.

Not aggressive, just looking good and cool.

As for wasting magic nuclear power, he didn't care about it at all.

If there is a slow motion at this time, I am afraid that it is the appearance of the male lead in the idol drama, and there will be one less 360-degree panoramic camera, rotating to show all the details.

The two bunny elves had never seen anything of the same kind.

After holding it back for a long time, one of the rabbit elf held back a sentence.

"...You are so rude."

Another rabbit elf hurriedly pulled his companion's fluff, pointed at Xiaowen and said, "Qicai... His fur is a mixture of colorful..."

Among the rabbit elves, the more complex the hair color, the lower the purity of the bloodline.

Like a solid-colored rabbit elves, they usually have a superior social status in the rabbit elves society.

This is the default rule in the Rabbit Elf society.

Some specific shops even require that only pure-colored rabbit elves can go through the formalities and operate normally.

After the apocalypse, the popular pet people trading industry belongs to this category.

However, the rabbit elves with many variegated colors generally only mix two or three colors.

I have never seen a rabbit sprite with seven colors.

What a poor bloodline can such a rabbit elf appear.

If it wasn't for the coquettish rabbit in front of him showing off his magic, they would all wonder if the colorful rabbit elf would have degenerated to the level of an ordinary rabbit.

While the two rabbit elves were talking secretly, Xiaowen was already standing on two legs, like a human figure.

The bald old rabbit on the back fell on the spot, splashed water, and rolled twice on the ground, but still did not wake up.

Xiaowen didn't care, the rabbit paw pointed at the two rabbit elves.

"Congratulations on getting a precious opportunity to answer the questions, and have the opportunity to answer the questions I asked, pay attention, if you answer well, there will be rewards!"


"Yes, I ask you to answer, and there is a prize for correct answer!"

The two rabbit elves looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

In this barren mountain and wild ridge, where is the fool who appeared.

"You don't need to ask questions, you and the old rabbit behind you, just go back with us."

Xiaowen moved in his heart.

"Go back? Where?"

Looking at the puzzled expression of the colorful rabbits, the two rabbit elves only felt that the news of this product was too ill-informed, I am afraid that they have stayed in the deep mountains for many years.

"The Abyss of Chaos has been temporarily incorporated by the Rabbit Elf united army led by Captain Moore as a temporary base. The above has issued an order, and if you suddenly approach, you should take it back and make a registration, which is convenient for management. ."

Captain Moore?

Rabbit Elf United Army?

It looks like a big event is happening.

After thinking about it, Xiaowen really agreed to go to the temporary base with the two rabbit elves.

Anyway, with the identity of the rabbit elf now, he can't still attack his own people.

Carrying the old rabbit on his back again, Xiaowen followed behind the two rabbit elves.

I don't know how long it took to advance, and the vision ahead gradually became wider.

In the distance, vaguely, you can see the dense rabbit ear tents, all over the audience.

The rabbit spirit inside, walking back and forth, seems to be performing tasks.

The solemn atmosphere of the base area, as if some kind of war is going on.


At this moment, the old rabbit on his back finally woke up.

"Where is this place?! I'm not already, already..."

The brain was in chaos, and the old rabbit had no idea what was going on.

Mingming was still in the abyss of the cliff just now, fighting with the giant poison e that suddenly broke in, and forcibly took them away one by one, and he was dying, and entrusted the funeral.

In a blink of an eye, he woke up again and appeared in this place.

The tents unique to the Rabbit Elves when they marched, and the huge number of Rabbit Elves, all made the old Rabbit bewildered and didn't understand what was going on.

It was not until Xiaowen put him down and listened to Xiaowen's touching deeds of 'desperately saving him', and what happened afterward, that he finally understood the miracle that happened to him.

"Idiot... I never thought that in order to save me, you would be able to stimulate your physical potential!"

The old rabbit was greatly moved, and he never thought that this was Xiaowen's lie.

What an honest apprentice, how could he lie!

After meeting a one-eyed rabbit elf who seemed to have a high status, the old rabbit and Xiaowen were temporarily placed and used as logistics personnel.

However, looking at the disgusting expression of the one-eyed, it is estimated that when the base is transferred next time, these two logistics will be thrown away.

The variegated rabbit elves have always been unpopular in the entire rabbit elves society.

The more complex the color, the less pure the bloodline, and it is reasonable to be viewed with colored eyes.

Old Rabbit is no trifle.

He has been collecting news from the outside world.

Therefore, I also know something about this huge and elite united army of rabbit elves.

For them, the combination of rabbit elves with the army is by no means a good choice, and it is easy to cause trouble. If they attract the attention of high-level officials and discover the true life experience of the colorful rabbit elves, the situation will be even more difficult.

After the old rabbit was arranged by Captain Poison Eye, he immediately proposed to Xiaowen to escape from this place.

But he was fooled by Xiaowen with haha.

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