This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 93: Shock and awe (1/5)

?As for the strength of this captain, it lies in city management and personnel allocation.

He can keep his subordinates in good order, and he can also obediently serve above.

Even if there is an accident in Gravity City, the problem can be settled through personal connections and operations. At least in the surface data report, there will be no problems.

Therefore, from the above point of view, the captain's ability is very strong, and he is indeed qualified to guard this important strategic city.

However, in the current situation, this kind of internal affairs-like ability is of little use.

At most, it is the team commanding ability, and there is room for play.

But now there are only a few hundred rabbit fairies in hand.

Compared with the mighty number of people on Prince Kao's side, it is simply a drop in the ocean.

The situation fell into absolute passivity.

In the case of not outstanding personal strength, it is really difficult to break the crisis and stand out from the encirclement.

Taking a deep breath, the commander-in-chief decided to build a line of defense first, and drag it as long as he can.

Under his command, the surrounding rabbit elves formed a defensive formation, ready to resist stubbornly.


The airflow wall reappeared.

With these bunny spirits at the center, four walls rise around.

It can be ordered by Prince Kao.

under the siege of the crowd.

The four walls are sometimes twisted, sometimes deformed, and can't last long at all.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

The commander-in-chief raised the rabbit's paw and pointed to the sky.

Two invisible updrafts, spirally intertwined and rushed into the night sky.

When it reaches a certain height, it suddenly turns into a distorted sound wave, spreading out layer by layer.

"Call for help?"

Prince Kao glanced at it, saw through the intention, but did not take it to heart.

All the people from the Patrol Bureau are here.

Wait for the members of the outer circle to come to the rescue.

This time difference was enough to cut off the captain's rabbit meat piece by piece and steam it.

However, Prince Kao just thought of this when a huge boulder that was peeled off from the floating city suddenly burst apart.

As if hearing the sound waves of rescue, there are more than 30 rabbit elves in it, all jumping out of it.

"Master Chief!"

With just a glance, these rabbit elves discovered the situation of the captain and rushed over to provide support.

The rabbit elves outside the third circle really couldn't catch up with the rescue captain.

But under the floating city falling to the ground, there are actually a lot of rabbit elves, just buried by boulders, not really dead.

Now that I heard the signal of rescue, I immediately accelerated to break free from under the boulder and came to rescue.

Not only the thirty or so Rabbit Elves, but also the other surrounding boulders where the sound of air blades hitting the gravel began to appear frequently.

This is what Prince Kao did not expect.

"The light industry team and the logistics team are responsible for intercepting and blocking these rabbit elves coming out of the boulders. The gravity team will increase the attack with me!"

A part of the armed civilians, as well as the personal guard group, were sent to search the whereabouts of the Red King.

When the personnel are scattered, only this kind of response can be made.

The order was issued, and Prince Kao's people began to move separately.

A group of people went to intercept and kill the Rabbit Elf who had just broken free from the boulder and came to support.

The other group continued to attack the airflow wall of the captain's team.

It seems that because of external pressure, the offensive of these people has become more messy.

Only lasted a few minutes...


The airflow wall of the patrol chief's team shattered with a bang.

Prince Kao seized the opportunity and led the team to rush into it to start a fierce battle.

There are more and more rabbit elves crawling out of the wreckage of the boulder and joining the battle.

The light industry team responsible for interception was initially able to gain the upper hand, forcibly suppressing and killing these escaped rabbit elves with a number and concentration of magic attacks.

But now as the number increases, they are gradually unable to suppress them.

Fortunately, Prince Kao has already made some achievements.

As long as he kills the chief of the patrol bureau, the situation will be relieved immediately, and he will no longer be so passive.

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

Without the leader, the command system of these bunny elves would fall into chaos, and their resistance would inevitably drop by several levels.

Seeing that the commander-in-chief was in trouble, these bunny elves were obviously agitated, and their offensive intentions became very strong, and some even started to sprint regardless of casualties.

This makes the light industry group more and more difficult to resist.

After all, they are not the gravity group and the pro-guard group.

There are not so many strong players, only the advantage in number, concentrating strength can really quickly solve some scattered rabbit elves.

But it's a bit difficult to stop them all.

Fortunately, Prince Kao has already broken through the airflow wall. As long as it is delayed for a while, I believe there will be results soon.

Taking advantage of the interception, the leader of the light industry team took time to glance at the distance.

But it was this sight that made him suddenly stunned in place.

I saw in the distance that the rabbit elves who were injured by the fall of the floating city and the third circle of defense of the patrol bureau had already surrounded them.

"Prince Kao!"

The leader of the light industry team urged.

In the center of the battlefield, the leaders of the two teams had completely fought together.

The blue light and the invisible air collided violently.

During the fierce battle, Prince Kao shouted impatiently.

"Hold on! It's almost done!"

After getting a response, the leader of the light industry team could also bite the bullet and continue to fight with the rabbit elves who came.

In the field of melee together, from the overall point of view, the team of Rabbit Elf has the advantage.

But in the short term, it is the strength of the floating city that controls the situation.

Once Prince Kao takes down the head of the patrol chief, there is a high probability that the advantage of the floating city will continue to expand.

Maybe the short-term advantage can be completely stabilized and transformed into victory.

The final direction of the two forces has been completely linked to the battle between the two leaders.

From the point of view of the battle, the captain of the patrol bureau was losing ground, and even relying on the desperate help of the team members, it was barely dragged to the present, and it would probably be a few minutes before the defeat.

While everyone was waiting for the two leaders to decide the winner...


A scarlet beam of light rose into the sky.

The silent night illuminated the faces of everyone present.

The sudden burst of light made everyone stunned, subconsciously stopped the offensive, and looked at the source of the scarlet beam of light.

He was stunned, stunned, horrified, and even horrified.

"That, that is..."

"No, it's impossible! How can it be so fast!"

"King... Red King..."

"As in the's her power..."

In the field, the more powerful the existence, the more frightened it will be.

Because they all understood what that scarlet beam of light soared into the sky meant.

The Red King, the incomprehensible beast who repelled the [Rabbit Temple] with the power of one person, actually regained his strength in such a short period of time? !

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