This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 88: 1 cut center (3/4)

?Prince Kao frowned, thinking about it, until he saw someone rushing out of the underground cell's exit.

He suddenly shrank his pupils, slapped the throne, stood up abruptly, and made a final decision.

Because, the guy who rushed out of the underground cell had a blue earring on his right ear.

Soul-moving earrings…

younger sister!

Maybe it's because Prince Kao's expression is too grim.

Or maybe it was because Prince Kao's killing intent was too strong.

The palace was quiet again.

"Don't fight anymore! I've start a full-scale war! The whole city is coming! Do our best to protect the Red King and show the value of our floating city!"

what! ?

Everyone's face changed greatly.

"Prince Kao, absolutely!"

"My lord, don't be impulsive!"

"Prince Kao, our strength is not enough to confront the defense forces of Gravity City head-on!"

The whole city came.

That was the most dangerous and terrifying order in the floating city.

It means that the entire floating city will descend below, to the gravity city, and start a full-scale war.

All the people living in the floating city must wear battle armor as part of their combat power.

This command, starting from the customization, no one thought that there would be a day when it would be implemented.

However, now, Prince Kao has made a ridiculous order that should not be given.

"Needless to say, I have made up my mind! Five minutes later, the floating city began to descend, ten minutes later, it landed completely. Within ten minutes, the whole city was notified and everyone was armed to the teeth. This is a battle we all have to fight. The hard battle! Believe in me, Kao, you can start preparing now, if you don't believe in me, and don't want to participate in this [City Coming] war, I don't force it, and you can leave by yourself tomorrow."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell silent.

With a sigh, they started to announce and prepare for the upcoming battle one after another.

No matter how much dissatisfaction, they are all members of the floating city, willing to follow Prince Kao to the death.

Under the news, everyone in the floating city was notified.

Most people silently made preparations and participated in the battle.

Only a small number of people panicked and refused strongly.

These people are temporarily held together, waiting for the end of the fighting tonight, all of them will be exiled.

As for whether they survived their exile, no one cared.

If you are unwilling to sacrifice for the floating city, you are not qualified to live in the floating city.

Although everyone obeyed Prince Kao's arrangement and actively prepared for battle.

But in their hearts, they are still very puzzled by this decision.

And how can they understand it.

What does the existence of the Red King mean?

"If my sister, relying on her relationship back then, was the first to gain the support of the Red King, then even if I defeated the Rabbit Spirit, the Shattered Continent would have no place for me... This is a battle of life and death! The Red King must win Floating City!"

Prince Khao was all thinking about **** his sister and capture the Red King.

As for who the traitor was, he didn't really care.

Under the full-scale arrival, the real traitor will inevitably reveal his legs!

Even if they can endure it, these traitors are only working hard for the floating city and using waste.

Once the dust settles, there will be time to clear the bugs.

Five minutes later, directly above Gravity City.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, a huge city slowly fell.

And the falling speed is getting faster and faster, rubbing violently with the air, and burning violently.

Like a huge fireball, it fell down and cut through this silent night!

The underground cell exit.

With a swish, the long-knife girl rolled out of the exit.

He slammed his head on the ground, used the reaction force to maintain his balance, and stood up with the broken leg as a fulcrum.

Although looking at the past, you can only see the long legs of others, but it is still more comfortable than the perspective of rolling on the ground all the time.

Where to flee? Where to flee?

On the way to the exit of the dungeon, through a few words of information, the girl with the long knife roughly understood.

My own copy role is very strong!

But now the strength is underestimated, and it takes time to cultivate and restore strength.

I don't know the exact time of this recovery period, but as long as it recovers to its peak, it will be able to sweep across the Broken Continent.

Then the current situation is that she was imprisoned by the rabbit elf for a long time, and was rescued by this girl with earrings.

Depending on the situation, the character seems to have something to do with this sissy.

But this has nothing to do with the long knife girl.

Anyway, it's over if you play stupid, and you'll be locked up for too long and lose your memory.

What's more, she lost her tongue and couldn't speak, which completely saved her troublesome communication problems.

Feeling the sight of the long knife girl, Princess Bilan gave a slightly calm look, listening to something with a dignified face, and the earring in her right ear once again exuded a bright blue light.

"What's approaching...a lot...a lot!"

Princess Blue's brows were furrowed. This number was very unusual, and it was most likely an army of rabbit elves.

Faced with such a number, even if he had the trump card of the Red King in his hand, he would definitely not be an opponent now.

Luo Lao took a step forward.

"Princess, if you plan for the worst, I am afraid that all the personnel of the Gravity City Patrol Bureau have been dispatched. Can you listen to it, which direction is a little less personnel, and we will break through there."

Are all the Rabbit Spirits of the entire patrol station dispatched...

Princess Bilan's heart sank, feeling more and more difficult, and things gradually got out of control.

At first, she just planned to rescue Luo Lao and ran away, and at most, she would recruit some outstanding prisoners in the No. 1 and No. 2 cells.

As a result, Lao Lao not only pulled the person in the third cell, but also persuaded her to release the Red King.

This is fatal.

The delay before and after has already exceeded the planned expectations.

Coupled with the heavyweight prisoner of the Red King, it is indeed enough to cause the entire Gravity City to counterattack.

She listened to distinguish, but the number of people in each direction was very large, and no one direction was suitable for breakthrough.

Cold sweat ran across her cheeks, she tried her best to calmly think and think about countermeasures.

Others are okay, even if they sacrifice, it's not a big deal.

But Lao Lao and Hong Wang must be taken out.

It seems that some cruel decisions are necessary.

He put his ear in Luo Lao's ear and whispered a few words.

The latter obviously hesitated, but finally obeyed Princess Blue's arrangement, and began to reorder the team to form a diamond-shaped defensive formation. Princess Blue, Luo Lao and Red King were in the middle of the formation, enjoying the most advanced. Protect.

"Lord Princess! Lord Princess, can I change positions? I'm so weak, I can't fight head-on!"

The wasteland youths are arranged in the front position, ready to be replaced with the strong prisoners in the back row at any time.

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