This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 86: Thieves are hard to guard against (1/4)

?The words of the blue-blue princess lifted everyone's spirits.

Such a feared powerhouse is his ally, which undoubtedly makes everyone full of confidence in the future.

"As long as you get over the immediate difficulties and escape from Gravity City first, everything will go normal... Broken empire, revival is in sight!"

Lola stood up and shouted a slogan, which was answered by everyone.

Under the leadership of the blue princess, the girl with the long knife took the lead and rushed to the No. 1 cell.

Faintly, the long-knife woman felt that there were trace elements in the air, constantly merging into her body.

But during the movement of his face rolling on the ground, he didn't think deeply.

Everything, wait until you escape.

Gravity City, Patrol Bureau.

"What did you say?!"

The chief of the patrol bureau almost jumped out of his seat.

Grab the captain of the first team in charge of the report.

"You said the underground cell was robbed?"

"Yes, yes! At present, we have sent the responsible team members to support us, but it seems that all the prisoners inside have been released. The situation is not optimistic."

The commander-in-chief had blue veins on his forehead, and roared: "This is how it is! Few people know the location of the entrance to the underground cell, how could someone break into it!"

"This... this... subordinates don't know."

The underground cell is the key to Gravity City's ability to stand out from the cities occupied by many rabbit elves.

It is precisely because of the importance of the [Underground Prison] that Gravity City will become the capital of the new era of Broken Continent.

Occupy the most troops, the most resources, and take the strictest defensive measures.

As a result, someone has broken into it now!

This is simply impossible!

The commander-in-chief couldn't imagine what kind of catastrophe he would face if the incident became a big one, and the members of the [Rabbit Temple] left in the Broken Continent knew about it and reported it to the [Rabbit God Court] on the original plane.

"Can't... Never let this happen! We must completely resolve the matter before [Rabbit Temple] knows the news, and report it to the higher-ups first!"

Since he invaded the Broken Continent and became the chief patrol officer of Gravity City, it was the first time he was so panicked.

Because of the seriousness of this matter, it is enough to make people lose their heads!

As if thinking of something, he quickly asked: "Right! That steel door, the steel door hasn't been opened, right?"

"Gate of Steel? You mean... Gate of Steel that imprisoned that one?"

The captain of the first team obviously knew what kind of existence was behind the steel gate.

However, the only one who really has the key is the captain. He has never seen the legendary existence, what does it look like.

And because of the strength of the prison escape team, no one could rush to the No. 3 cell alive, so naturally, the situation of the Steel Gate was unclear.

After thinking about it, he shook his head.

"Probably not. The steel door was forged by the adults of the [Rabbit Temple]. It is impossible to open it from the inside. Without the key, the steel door cannot be destroyed from the outside..."


The commander-in-chief's shrill voice interrupted it directly.

"Anything about my head, you and I use an uncertain word like 'should'? Just tell me, is there a woman in the prison escape team who is completely amputated and has no tongue!"

When the captain of the first team heard the words, his pupils shrank suddenly on the spot.

He seemed to have thought of something, his face was as pale as paper, his whole body trembled, and he was terrified.

"According to the reported news, it seems that there really seems to be such a number one person..."


The surrounding eyes moved back, and the team leader, the whole rabbit, was thrown directly against the wall.


The walls were cracked with lines, but the captain of the first team was still trembling, not daring to move.

Because of the extremely angry reaction of the commander-in-chief, he almost endured his previous statement.

"Why...why are you such a foolish group of rice buckets! Why was the Red King released! Why!"

The blue veins jumped violently, and the roar of the commander-in-chief came one after another.

"General, Captain, maybe the situation is not as bad as you think. Maybe that woman is just a woman with similar characteristics to the Red King. After all, even if we gather the strength of our entire patrol bureau, it is impossible to forcibly break the gate of steel. what."

These words made the commander-in-chief calm down a little, but he was still panting.

Holding the hottest hope, he hurried out of the patrol station without saying a word.

He didn't even drive the car, he jumped up and down with his body and rushed to his home.

The captain of the first team was stunned for a moment, then followed closely.

Two or three minutes later, the guarded commander-in-chief's home.


With a loud bang.

The door of the captain's house was smashed open by himself with violence.

Go straight to the bedroom and open the secret compartment...

The face of the commander-in-chief instantly became gloomy and submerged, overflowing with murderous aura.

The captain of the first team was long overdue.

Following the furious commander's line of sight, he looked into the secret room.

Inside the secret room, it was a mess, as if someone had rummaged through the box.

The safe that was originally hidden in the wall was placed on the table in the middle of the secret room at some point.

The contents of the safe were scattered on the table. The stationary wooden box that originally contained the exclusive key to the Iron Gate became empty inside.

"The cheap rabbit... That cheap rabbit... actually took refuge in the human rebels!"

The commander-in-chief's eyes radiated scarlet light, and his cold and violent voice sounded slowly.

The captain of the team was shocked.

"The commander-in-chief knows who did these things?"


The commander-in-chief suddenly turned his head and glared at the captain of the team next to him, almost unable to restrain his killing intent.

This reaction shocked the captain of the first team.

At that moment, he really thought he was going to be killed by the commander-in-chief.

The surrounding air blade flow fluctuated violently.

Fortunately, at the last minute, the impulse was restrained.

"Apart from my wife, who else can do this quietly? Except for me and her, as long as the other people trigger the mechanism, I can immediately get the alarm prompt, but in fact... I spend the whole day in the patrol station, I didn't hear any alarms at all!

I should have found out... She went home early in the The guards have already reported to me, but I was busy dealing with the details of tonight's action, so I didn't take it to heart... Unexpectedly, she went home early, yes To do this kind of thing! "

Day and night defense, home thieves are difficult to prevent!

It turned out to be the work of the captain's wife...

The captain of the first team suddenly realized and understood why there was such a big mess.


As soon as the two said this, footsteps suddenly sounded outside the door.

Looking back, the two were stunned.

The person who came in was the captain's wife, a blue-haired rabbit elf with a solid color.

Madam looked panicked, and when she saw the two captains, she immediately showed surprise, as if she had a backbone and ran towards them.

"Honey, it's so good to see you! You don't know what happened to me, it was a nightmare! I, I became human..."

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