This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 984 Kang Dongxun: This little brat Lin Cheng wants to harm me!

"In this way, KT easily won the match point game without almost any resistance. The reason why I say almost is because at least there is one person on T1's side who is desperately resisting..."

Junri changed the subject, "Well~~~ I won't say who it is, so as not to ruin the team atmosphere."

Corgi couldn't help but laugh, "It's time to start the Riddler, right?"

Junri: "Let me put it another way. There are a few people on T1 who don't want to win, but I won't say who they are."

Corgi: "Uh~~~ I can only say that T1's decision-making in this game was too stable. It was really that KT took a step back as soon as T1 took a step forward. When he stepped back step by step, he found that he was already standing on the edge of the cliff. There was no way ahead. If you dare to fight, when you are forced to fight hard from behind, you will find that the opponent is directly crushed by a cannon."

Junri: "Anyway, congratulations to KT3:0 for entering the finals first. They really deserve this overwhelming victory. In the entire BO5, they are the crushing side in terms of individual performance and team decision-making."

"It's crazy! Isn't KT leaving this beating machine?"

"After all the bloody torture, T1 should remove the stall!"

"It's really outrageous for Major to ruin the team atmosphere, 233333."

"No one wants to win, and the only one who wants to win is really out of place."

"With high emotional intelligence, there is one person who destroys the team atmosphere. With low emotional intelligence, there are four people who don't want to win."

"Don't be embarrassed, little K still wants to win."

"I feel sorry for Brother Li, why should I send these to my teammates?"

"Let's replace him with someone new next season. Teddy ICU is so outstanding when he's there."

"I would rather see those young people come up to deliver, than see these old guys come up to mess around."

"That's not what you said at the beginning of the season."

"Chance at the beginning of the season: I would rather Teddy come up to the ICU to mess around than watch these young players come up and send him away."

"Bipolar reversal match, classic face change, 2333.


On the other side, the Korean commentary box did not comment too much on T1's performance.

Lee Jung Hyun: "Congratulations to KT for advancing to the finals by easily defeating their old rivals. This is their third consecutive LCK finals since last year."

Kuro thought for a while: "If I remember correctly, only T1 achieved three consecutive league championships in 2015-16. This year's KT seems to have a good chance of becoming the second LCK team to win three consecutive championships after T1. .”

Lee Jung Hyun: "Yes! This year KT players have really shown their suffocating dominance. So far in the Spring Split, they have not lost a single game, and they are expected to keep this record until after the finals, becoming the first team in history to win 100 games in a small game. The team with a 100-win win rate is getting closer and closer to us!”

Lin Cheng’s fans were still more concerned about Lin Cheng’s personal data. Jin Zhixian took over:

"It is worth mentioning that player Cheng completed 5 solo kills in today's BO5. His current single-kill record in a single season has reached 55! This is a dream number! This is also a dream for player Lin Cheng season!”

"It's hard to achieve! I can even assert that this is not only an unprecedented data, but also a record that will be difficult for other players to achieve in the future."

KT training room.

Kang Dongxun rushed in as soon as the game ended and patted the players on the shoulders one by one.

"Well done!"

"Keep playing like this in the finals! Come on!"

"I'll add a chicken drumstick to your dinner later."

I photographed one of the team members, Kang Dongxun, saying a word of encouragement and looking very excited.

In fact, it is not only important for the players, but also for the coaches to maintain their desire to win.

As a well-known leader who drives high and goes low, Kang Dongxun was even nicknamed "Coach Dragon" and "Coach Snake" by netizens.

The dragon coach is the one who starts with a favorable wind, and the snake coach is the one who collapses at the end.

These two nicknames come from the proverb "dragon head and snake tail", which means the same thing as "tiger head and snake tail" in Chinese.

Of course, this is a relatively objective nickname, and there are also titles like 'cow horse coach' that have more connotations.

Although it has a different meaning from the bullshit on the domestic Internet, it doesn't sound good after all.

It would be nonsense to say that Kang Dongxun really doesn't care. He has endured the humiliation for so long, and finally his success in KT last year finally cleared Kang Dongxun's name.

However, at the beginning of this year, although the new KT roster was luxurious, many people suspected that Lin Cheng would find it difficult to support the new KT after several veterans left the team, and Kang Dongxun would most likely overturn the aircraft carrier.

But it turns out that after the initial chaos of the K Cup, the Galaxy Battleship took off successfully.

And it was precisely KT who went from being collectively ill at the front of the K Cup to being in a ball at the back. Everyone saw the role of the coaching team.

Am I, Kang Dongxun, awesome?

I am the number one coach in LCK!

Who dares to say that I can only recruit new people and not use veterans?

Who dares to say that the team will collapse in the later stages of my leadership?

From being criticized by the outside world to proving himself, Kang Dongxun, who has made a comeback, is naturally high-spirited.

Seeing how happy the coach was, Lin Cheng jokingly said, "Coach, is it just verbal praise? Is there any substantial encouragement?"

Kang Dongxun waved his hand, "Perform well. If you win the championship, I will take you all to the club to drive and relax."

Lin Cheng subconsciously asked, "The person you're talking about driving... is he serious?"


"Lin Cheng, your idea is very dangerous."

"Fart! It's obviously the coach's idea that's more dangerous."

After being together for so long, everyone also knew that driving had another dirty meaning from Lin Cheng. However, Lin Cheng did not explain it in detail. What they understood as driving was even more dirty.

"I'm talking about the kart club. This car is serious."

Kang Dongxun gave Lin Cheng a sharp look.

This brat wants to ruin my reputation, right?

"Shock! The LCK triple crown coach leads the players to visit the glass room together! 》

Imagine how exciting it would be if a news headline like this suddenly appeared on SNS?

Don’t doubt it, LCK players actually discussed going to a massage room together on chat software before.

After chatting and laughing for a while, Lin Cheng and Xiao Peanut stayed for a post-match interview.

The MVP of the first two games was given to Lin Cheng. In the last game, with all members of KT performing well, Peanut won the MVP with a one-vote advantage.

The connection was connected to the commentary box, and the two appeared in the live broadcast.

"Congratulations! Congratulations on winning the game. Welcome both of you to the post-game interview."

The host said hello, and Little Peanut bowed politely and responded: "Hello!"

Lin Cheng smiled and waved his hands to the camera, "Hello, Miss Zhixian! Hello, Miss Li Zhenxian! Hello, Li Shiheng!"

"How does it feel now that you've won this ticket battle to the finals?"

Before Little Peanut could speak, Lin Cheng waved his hands nonchalantly: "I don't feel anything! I didn't even exert any force, and he lay down on the other side.

! "

After speaking, Lin Cheng looked at the camera and raised his eyebrows.

"I heard that T1 fans had some objections to me picking them as my opponents before the game?"

"There shouldn't be any objections now, right?"

"Because you are really easy to fight."

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