This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 982 Top laner Yuan Hua

"2:0! KT won the second game with a crushing attitude and entered the match point."

Junri sighed with emotion: "No one expected that this game would be like this. I thought that Li Ge's desperate dragon grab would be an opportunity for T1 to come back, but KT directly crushed T1 with a backhand and took away T1. .”

Corgi: "Looking at this game, I really feel sorry for Brother Li. Akali grabbed the dragon and killed people. She did everything she could, but her teammates collapsed so badly that even T1 didn't even get an assist at the end of the game. No."

"Damn! Is T1 really a large orphanage? All four teammates have a record of 0-X-0."

"What kind of valuables are these? Is this a record that a human can achieve?"

"I cried! It's even more outrageous than when Song Sheng was the dean."

"Brother Li is still capable of C. I don't know if he killed Dan's horse and kept targeting Brother Li."

"That's it for T1? Don't you dance before the game?"

"T1 lost, Brother Li didn't lose! If you have the ability, the two sides can exchange and play singles once."

"To be fair, the upper limit of T1 is not enough. Young people must be promoted."


T1 training room.

Looking at the word failure displayed on the screen, Faker was a little stunned.

He bit his finger out of habit, and then pushed up his glasses.

The hands are shaking slightly.

He tried his best, he really tried his best.

Compared with his teammates' attitude of lying down and waiting to die at a disadvantage, he has really been working hard to save the situation.

Unfortunately, except for himself and Little K, the rest of his teammates didn't seem to have the heart to fight back.

In the last wave, Akali charged with two assistants and wanted to counterattack, but her teammates did not dare to follow her at the first time.

Of course, Brother Li didn't mean to blame his teammates.

Everyone’s play style is different, so you can’t force it.

He can only try his best to do better.

However, League of Legends is a game for five people after all.

And it must be admitted that the opponent is too powerful.

Since last year, KT has always been at a disadvantage when facing them.

You can't win in a laning match, you can't win in a team fight, and you can't even win in operations.

Moreover, we often encounter various unfavorable operations by the opponent's top order, and T1 has been reduced to a background board many times.

Even though four teammates have changed this year, the Chinese top laner still dominates the news agency battle.

Faker suddenly felt powerless.

Perhaps many opponents felt the same way when they met SKT?

I drank some water and adjusted my mood.

Don't be discouraged! Treat every time you enter the game as a new beginning.

Soon, Faker's eyes became firm again.

Many people in the outside world are saying that he is old, but Faker himself has never felt this way.

He is still full of enthusiasm for the game and still full of desire to win.

Just like he does on the field.

No matter how great the disadvantage is, he will never give up looking for opportunities.

Never cower, never be afraid of taking the blame, and never lie flat.

This is what makes him different from other players.

Maybe even Faker himself didn't realize it.

The crown was thick, but he never shrank under the eyes of the world.

Some players will lose the desire to make progress due to excessive pressure, and will become timid and confused.

But Faker never does this.

Although his style of play is becoming more and more functional, this late devil still dares to fight hard.

Soon, the third round of BP for both sides began.

The loser chooses a side, and T1 continues to BAN first on the blue side.

As usual, T1 first banned Dao Mei on the blue side, and then banned Qinggang Shadow and Zoe.

KT continued to ban Seraphine, Centaur, and Thresh in a very targeted manner.

The blue side grabs Udyr.

KT directly locked Olaf + Kai'Sa with the first two hands.

Junri: "Oh? Olaf? Are KT planning to change their play style this time? I think we can continue with Rock Bird + Cards. This pair of midfielders and midfielders with strong support capabilities performed very well in KT's last game."

Corky: "Hmm~~~ After all, jungle cores are basically afraid of Udyr. Olaf is indeed a hero who can compete with Udyr in the jungle in the early stage. There were also players using Olaf in the playoffs a few days ago. To deal with Udyr."

T1 first gets the small cannon on the second floor of the blue square.

The third hand hesitated for a long time, and finally T1 locked the Czar.

Junri: "Finally! The Tsar is here! T1's repertoire, Brother Li beats the Tsar at the bottom of the box."

Corgi: "In fact, we have seen it too many times in the past two years. T1 looks at Brother Li in desperate situations, and Brother Li digs out the Tsar in desperate situations."

Junil: "And I have to say that the Tsar is really a hero favored by the LCK. This hero brought the championship trophy to SKT, and also made great contributions to KT's championship last year. Kuro's Tsar is also very good."

Seeing the opponent's czar, the red square third floor did not hesitate to use the clockwork.

In the second round of banning people, KT targeted the auxiliary company to ban Riel and Japanese girl.

T1, on the other hand, targeted the top lane and banned Lucian and Silas.

Junri: "T1 seems to be trying to get Gnar for Canna? Everyone knows that Lucian is good at Gnar, and Brother Orange also used Silas Counter Gnar."

Corgi: "Yes! But only Brother Cheng and Xiaohu can take Silas Counter. Everyone else thinks that Silas is a disadvantageous matchup against Gnar."

Junri: "Let's see if KT will grab Gnar? There are almost no regular counters for Gnar on this board."

Start selecting people.

The red square on the fourth floor did not light up for a long time.

"What did Lin Cheng say? The opponent's intention is too obvious. Do you want to snatch Nal?"

"Forget it! Get the support first. I have plenty of stuff to fight Gnar."

Therefore, the fourth floor of the red square locked Titan first.

T1 showed its last two choices, Bull Head + Gnar.

KT discussed the final choice.

Effort casually revealed a scarecrow first, and then Akali.

"Akali is okay! This hero can beat Gnar, and this version just so happens to be greatly strengthened."

Before Junri finished speaking, Effort replaced Akali with another hero.

"It's just a flash, this shouldn't be possible, the players are still discussing..."

Before he finished speaking, the fifth floor of the red square was locked.

Tide Hai Ling, Yuan Hua. (Cross out this paragraph)

Tidal Sea Spirit, Fitz.

Junri: "Ouch! Isn't it Liang Yiliang? This... is coming, coming, the little fish man is really here!"

Corgi immediately reacted: "I remember that Brother Khan used the murloc to defeat Gnar before, but the effect in that game was relatively average. Apart from that, no one else used the murloc to defeat Gnar. What's the point? There is no explanation and no clear explanation.”

Junri: "I don't know if other people have any opinions, but Orange Brother's little murloc must have opinions, and theoretically speaking, Gnar is afraid of heroes with explosive power. Let's go into the game and take a look."

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue side T1: Gnar in the top lane, Udyr in the jungle, Tsar in the middle, Cannon + Bullhead in the bottom lane.

Red square KT: Murloc on the top, Olaf on the jungle, Clockwork in the middle, Kai'Sa + Titan on the side.

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