This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 963: Can you lose even if a flying dragon rides on your face?

The spring weather was just right, and the two were playing and having fun on the balcony.

After receiving a punch from Xiao Tong, Lin Cheng decisively launched a sneak attack.

It can no longer be called a sneak attack.

This guy was a bully, and he just hugged his little wife and kissed her fiercely.

While Xiao Tong was dizzy from being kissed, Lin Cheng secretly got on the little wife's beautiful legs in stockings.

Although it resulted in a deep tooth mark on his arm, it was not a loss.

As long as you get to the high ground before being beaten to death by your little wife, everything will be worth it.

A few fatal injuries are nothing to mention.

Brother Cheng is super brave!

I have to say that having sex with my little wife while basking in the sun is a lot of fun.

Until Xiao Tong shyly hid indoors, Lin Cheng got into the living room to soak up the sun.

"The LCK game has started, shall we watch it together?"

Lin Cheng smiled and sat on the sofa leaning against his little wife.

Xiao Tong moved her buttocks and huddled in the corner of the sofa, staring at Lin Cheng warily.

"You sit over there! Don't come over."

"Hey! You've gone too far!"

"You're not allowed to come over anyway."

"If you don't come here, you won't come! Who cares?"

Lin Cheng stood up with a groan, sat on the cushion on the floor away from the sofa, and stared at the TV angrily.

After two or three minutes, Lin Cheng didn't even turn his eyes.

"Are you angry?"


Xiao Tong was a little aggrieved. He was the one who obviously took advantage, but this guy was still angry with him.

But she soon realized something was wrong.

Lin Cheng was clearly looking at her sideways.

The two met their eyes, and Lin Cheng quickly turned away and continued to pretend to be angry.

"Lin Cheng."


Lin Cheng was still acting, and his tone was foul.

"I'm angry."

"Tch~~~ You still have the nerve to be angry? I..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Cheng couldn't pretend anymore when he saw Xiao Tong's aggrieved look with his eyes lowered.

"Hey! You're really serious! Okay! Even if I'm wrong, okay?"

Xiao Tong ignored him, bent her knees, hugged her knees with her hands and buried her head between her legs. Her expression could not be seen clearly.

"Are you really angry? Stop it!"

"They say it's my fault! Just forgive me."

"I'm sorry! Sister Shuyan thought I was bullying you when you came back like this."

"Be good, little Tong! How about I let you take another bite to vent your anger?"

The situation was reversed in an instant, and Lin Cheng's tone that he had maintained just now had become humble.

"You guy... you're so disgusting!"

Xiao Tong buried her head and muttered a complaint, but she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth secretly.

Although this guy always bullied her, he still cared about her.

"Look! The game has begun! Miss Xiao, please forgive me for now."

Lin Cheng shamelessly took Xiao Tong's arm and started acting coquettishly, "Okay, okay? Don't be angry!"

Xiao Tong raised her head and tried to keep a straight face, "Can you stop being so disgusting? Stay away from me!"


Lin Cheng sat aside obediently and turned to watch the game.

The first round of BP between T1 and Hanwha has entered the final stage.

"Hey! Lin Cheng."


"How about a bet?"

"What are you betting on?"

Lin Cheng subconsciously turned his head and looked at Xiao Tong.

Xiao Tong did not look at him, but stared at the screen seriously.

"Let's bet on the outcome of the first round. Whoever guesses correctly wins a condition?"

Lin Cheng subconsciously asked, "Are any conditions acceptable?"

The precious condition last time was something he would never forget. If Brother Cheng wins again this time, it won’t be... Hehehehe!

Unfortunately, before Lin Cheng could think about it, Xiao Tong blocked the follow-up.

"Of course not! Even excessive demands are not acceptable...Anyway, I don't think anything is excessive."

"Okay! Which team do you choose to win? T1?"

"You choose! I'll choose the other one."

"What? Is there such a good thing?"

The drafting on the field has been completed. It is obvious that T1 has a better lineup, and T1's personal strength is also much stronger than Hanwha.

After the second round of the news agency battle, the veterans of T1 continued to win continuously until the last game of the regular season. They did not even lose a small game, and one of the opponents they defeated was Hanwha.

The lineup, strength, and status are all superior, and Lin Cheng can't think of a reason why T1 would lose.

Therefore, Lin Cheng's first reaction in his mind was:

She got it for free!

My little wife is giving me a chance on purpose!

"Then I choose denying!"

After saying that, Lin Cheng looked at Xiao Tong seriously, for fear that his little wife was playing tricks on him.

Xiao Tong tried not to look at Lin Cheng.

"Well, then I'll choose Hanwha, and let's make this bet."

"It's done!"

Lin Cheng grinned from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

Xiao Tong bit her lip and hugged her knees, looking a little nervous.



"It's so kind of you."

"Don't talk, you haven't won yet."

"If T1 can't win this game, it can be buried. Hey! Let's confirm the criteria of the conditions first?"

"Shut up! Watch the game."


Lin Cheng responded cheerfully, turned his head and watched the game seriously.

The game started as Lin Cheng expected. There was still a gap in personal strength between the two players. In just three minutes of the game, T1's bottom lane duo completed a lane kill.

Then Canna played Morgan's flash and TP on the top lane.

T1 has obvious advantages.

Lin Cheng finally managed not to laugh out loud.

As expected of a good brother of our news agency, I have the advantage.

He stole a glance to the side.

Xiao Tong watched the game intently, her emotions not seeming to be affected by the situation at all, but her fists were already raised.

Lin Cheng smiled slightly.

Sit tight on the Diaoyutai.

However, just when Lin Cheng thought it was safe, the situation on the field did not immediately turn to T1's side.

T1's advantage in the lane was not taken advantage of. There was no active linkage between the lanes, and Cuzz was too good at wandering. In the early stage of playing Bear, he just did nothing and either farmed or went shopping.

Both sides played very cautiously, with almost no collisions in the early stage. Vanguard and Xiaolong struggled for a long time without firing a shot, and both retreated after punishing them.

The two sides waited until the 27th minute for the first wave of 5V5 large-scale collision.

Or because Hanwha was about to launch Fire Dragon Soul, T1 had to fight.

As a result, there was something wrong with T1's thinking. After a long struggle, one of them was killed first. Cuzz's bear chose to jump back with his ultimate move when he saw that the dragon soul was about to fall.

What's even more outrageous is that after escaping with his ultimate move, Cuzz flashed and hit the wall.

This time, not only did the bear not run away, but T1 was also defeated, and the dragon soul and dragon fell together.

In the end, Hanwha won the game by using the big dragon to reach the high ground.

Everyone in Lin Cheng was dumbfounded.

Xiao Tong seemed to be relieved inexplicably, and the fists that had been tightly held relaxed.

"Na! I won!"

Lin Cheng waved his hands dejectedly, "I understand! Just ask for the conditions, Brother Cheng will not default on the debt."

“I haven’t thought about the conditions yet, so I’ll keep them in mind.”


Sighing, Lin Cheng collapsed to the ground.

T1 these melons!

Can you lose even if the flying dragon rides on the face?

My little wife was almost given away for nothing!

Unexpectedly, the people from T1 ambushed Brother Cheng here.

The previous chapters that had no trace of driving were actually deleted without any notice from the editor.

I feel like I have become a key monitoring target of Qidian.

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