This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 952: Peanut drinks and starts ordering!

Lin Cheng got the offensive top laner and completed a solo kill on the top lane. This was originally a relatively comfortable rhythm for KT.

But bad news soon came from the bottom lane.

In the previous wave, the GEN·G duo performed a line kill. After pushing the line of troops into the tower, Xiaopao and the prince immediately looked for opportunities to return to the city.

It happened that the gun carriage line was stuck under the blue square tower.

When Mr. Dai resurrects and runs out, he will face a wave of forward push.

Generally speaking, at this time, it is the best choice for Kai'Sa to cooperate with her teammates to quickly push the line under the opponent's tower and then find an opportunity to return to the city.

However, in the early stage, Kai'Sa and Niutou did not have the ability to push the line that quickly. The next wave of red square soldiers' line was stuck slightly outside the red square tower.

This thread can be very dangerous to eat.

Because Udyr is fighting river crabs in the upper half of the river, Leopard Girl is likely to be near the lower half of the river.

And based on a rough estimate, I know that the opponent's duo should be back online soon.

But if you leave the line here and leave, pushing the line forward in such a big wave basically means Kai'Sa explodes.

2V2 itself is not easy to fight. If the lane is stuck in this wave, Mr. Dai can easily be quickly opened up the last-hit gap.

Therefore, the KT duo wanted to force the line forward.

Because there are so many blue side soldiers in this wave, the prince and Xiaopao may not dare to take action as soon as they come back. They only need to push the line of soldiers past KT's duo to achieve their goal.

But Clid was too decisive.

Leopard Girl dropped the half-beaten river crab and moved to lean down. When the prince and Xiao Cannon appeared on the line, Leopard Girl had already appeared in the grass in the lower river.

This time happened to be a period of vision vacuum. When the Leopard Girl's vision hit Kai'Sa first, it was announced that KT's bottom lane had exploded.

Even though Niutou backhanded the prince's EQ very well, the little Death couldn't guard three of them by himself.

Kai'Sa was instantly defeated by Leopard Girl, and the bull's head was also stuck by the red BUFF's slowdown.

The three of them gave chase, and Xiaopao took another head.

"Beautiful! KT is too greedy this time! Do you dare to take this line? Leopard Girl and Xiao Pao each have one head, very comfortable!"

The director had just finished replaying Lin Cheng's solo kill. Unexpectedly, when GEN·G came back, he would return the favor in the bottom lane. Zeyuan's voice suddenly became energetic.

Wanwan: "KT had already gone to the river to ping the signal. They guessed that Leopard Girl was nearby, but they didn't expect it to come so quickly. This military line is too uncomfortable."

Zeyuan: "This game is great to watch! Four kills broke out in three minutes, and the pace is very fast! Maybe the result no longer affects the points situation, and the players on the field played very relaxedly."

"It's so true! Just now the colonel was suggesting a strict inspection of the defense towers. Will the game look good now?"

"I don't know if the players are relaxed or not. Anyway, the senior colonel must be very nervous."

"Don't give away in the bottom lane! This is testing Brother Orange's carrying ability, right?"

Something happened again in the bottom lane, and the duo was unwilling to accept it.

Mr. Dai: "Hey! I guessed Nidalee's location, but it's a pity that she's still dead."

Effort: "The other side doesn't dodge anymore! It doesn't even dodge anymore!"

Lin Cheng: "I can't save this wave."

Mr. Dai: "It's okay! Don't worry about what's going on below, just C!"

In this wave, Lin Cheng went home to replenish his equipment and was running to the line. When a battle broke out below, Lin Cheng had the opportunity to turn in T for support.

But it's not necessary.

The Leopard Girl's vision hit Kasha Lincheng first with her Q, and she knew she couldn't hand over TP.

Kai'Sa will die, and the Bull Head skill has been handed over.

The Bullhead might not die if Lucian T goes down, but most likely it will be Lucian who dies.

Even if Victor doesn't evolve his E skill Clockwork in the middle lane, it's still difficult to fight in the lane. The bottom lane is already like this. If Lin Cheng, the TP, is forced to hand over and destroy himself, the game will be difficult.

At least now they can still guarantee the right to play the lane. Lin Cheng made a wise choice to avoid letting KT lose all three lines.

Running back to the lane, Lin Cheng did not rush to counterattack the crocodile, but kept harassing Rascal who pushed the lane over, at least delaying the opponent's return to the city.

After Brother forced his troops to push the line into tower B and return to the city, Lin Cheng decisively used his skills to push the line crazily, and then found an opportunity to return to the city again.

Lin Cheng was very particular about the timing of his return to the city, because Leopard Girl's jungle route has been exposed. In order to maximize the jungle clearing efficiency, Clid will definitely rush to the upper half after returning to the city for the first time.

Just when the crocodile came back, the Leopard Girl had almost cleared the second round of wild monsters in the first half.

At this time, Lucian was still on the road, whether he was pressing or being pressed, he would attract Leopard Girl's attention, but Lin Cheng happened to be B.

Leopard girls who don’t want to go shopping above can only browse the lower half of the area.

Then Lin Cheng ran back and reappeared on the top lane.

I am very experienced. When the Leopard Girl brushed down, the Crocodile returned to the line early and deliberately did not push the line forward.

But without external intervention, the initiative on the road is not in the hands of the Crocodile.

"Wang Hao! Come here and prepare to attack Renekton. Leopard Girl shouldn't be here."

"You push the line, I'll arrange the field of view first."

"It doesn't matter! The better you can, the better. If you can't, Renekton won't lose the line."

Lin Cheng came up to look for an opportunity to penetrate the troops and consume his Q while quickly pushing the line. When Lucian was about to send the line of troops into the defense tower, Udyr had already touched it.

When Udyr was spotted in Triangle Grass's field of vision, he immediately retreated.

Lin Cheng ignored him and ate the tapi with peace of mind.

Watching the soldiers being beaten to death by the tower one by one in the autistic grass, my heart was bleeding.

The field of view was blocked and Udyr's position was unclear. I squatted in the grass and watched the defense tower eat up a large wave of troops.

Finally, Lucian retreated and all the blue soldiers under the tower were cleared.

The next wave of melee soldiers happened to be stuck a little outside the red square tower.

Crocodile is ready to go online.

But Udyr is still hiding behind the stone man grass wall.

Little Peanut even went to the grass and placed a control guard to ensure that the crocodile did not know his movements.

Zeyuan: "Little peanut, what do you mean? You've been squatting for half a minute and you still can't move, right? Squat! Just squat hard! The Ueno joint team won't let me take the line."

Wanwan: "Udyr is very patient this time, but Leopard Girl went down to fight the dragon, do you still have to squat? Hey! It seems to be effective."

Zeyuan: "Don't go! Brother~~~something is going to happen!"

Just after the crocodile entered the tower, Udyr emerged from the stone man bushes.

Seeing Udyr's figure, Crocodile made a bee-crying expression.

Because there were only three red side melee minions stuck outside the tower, Lucian easily sent the line into the defensive tower.

The two men double-teamed, and Udyr in his bear form directly hit the crocodile under the tower and stunned him.

Lin Cheng's Lucian has already moved up in advance, dotting E and W.

The crocodile's blood volume dropped sharply. After getting up, an E suddenly jumped between the two of them. With the Q skill, he recovered a small amount of blood and knocked Udyr unconscious with his backhand W.

However, the crocodile had already lost a lot of health to Lucian, and White Fury Q had no reply at all. Lin Cheng's backhand Q just took the kill.


Udyr took the damage from the defensive tower three times and handed over Flash to avoid being replaced by the defensive tower.

Little Peanut: "Huh? Didn't you say that he had a chance to escape? Kill him now?"

Lin Cheng: "I swear Renekton really did dodge! I just don't know why he didn't hand it over!"

The two of them were still wondering, and someone in the commentary box was already sighing.

Zeyuan: "Oh~~~Brother has been ordered! He just grabbed the upper road and beat him to death. Little Peanut squatted hard this time, and he even got it."

Wanwan also became naughty and said with a smile: "As we all know, peanuts cannot be used as the main dish. If Brother Chengzi has peanuts to go with wine, he needs to order at least one more dish."

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