There is also a gap between Lao Se Batch and Lao Se Batch.

Some people dare to write the words "Lao Se Pi" on their faces, while some people only dare to hide behind the screen and point out the world.

Lin Cheng is very strange. He dared to openly clamor for black silk knife girl skin during an interview, and he also dared to shout in the live broadcast room in front of countless audiences at home and abroad: People's sexual preferences are free! I'm not sick! I don't go to the doctor.

But after he blew himself up in front of Sister Shiyan, he felt embarrassed.

The calmer Zheng Shiyan is, the more random thoughts he has.

Even Sister Shiyan didn't even make a move, Lin Cheng had already cleared up Lan in his mind.

The last remaining mana decisively launched his ultimate move.

The twists and turns, the twists and turns, slipped away!

After helping to put away the toys, Lin Cheng immediately rubbed oil on the soles of his feet, as if he had just experienced a social death.

After spending two days at home over the weekend, KT soon ushered in the eighth week of the schedule.

On March 11, KT faced LSB.

Although it has changed from a sandbox to an old sandbox, LSB's record this year is really dismal. With 3 wins and 10 losses at present, LSB has become a strong candidate for league deputy squad leader.

Onfleek, the original main jungler in the sandbox, finally got a chance to play in the second round after being suspended for half a season.

LSB fans originally thought this was an opportunity for the team to counterattack.

Onfleek has been one of the team's outstanding players in the past two seasons, and maybe it will surprise fans.

After all, the league has just been restructured, and the top six teams this year will be able to participate in the playoffs. LSB still has a chance if it works hard in the later stages.

But the surprise didn't come. After being absent from training matches for a long time, Onfleek and his teammates were always not on the same channel. He came to play two games in a hurry and created two bad scenes. After that, Onfleek was sent to watch the water dispenser again.

As Lin Cheng expected, this old man paid a heavy price for his inappropriate remarks, and there is a high probability that he will not be seen again after this season.

Speaking of which, the former top three heroes really took three completely different paths.

Griffin, who started at his peak, was playing the biggest and most exciting roller coaster.

After jumping from heaven to hell, they eventually fell apart and the Griffin team was disbanded at the end of last year.

DWG, which was beaten all the way from the secondary league to the LCK by Griffin, grew steadily and then fought back.

DWG rushed to the world runner-up position last year, and after receiving sponsorship from Kia, they still remain competitive in the LCK this year.

If KT hadn't been the villain, maybe DWG would have created a miracle of grassroots counterattack.

The experience in the sandbox was much duller, not comparable to that of the two older brothers.

You can't touch the top when you go up, and you can't sink to the bottom when you go down.

This team doesn't want to fail, but it doesn't have the ability. It is really a true portrayal of most of the social animals with dreams.

Teams in the relegation zone face the league leader with a unbeatable record. Almost no one thinks that LSB will cause trouble to KT this time.

However, the charm of e-sports is that no one dares to say that winning is 100% guaranteed before fighting.

Just like when RNG faced G2, no one expected that Uzi would not be able to pick up the lantern in the key round.

Perhaps this is God's mercy.

That year, he gave all the glory to Brother Shui Zi, and even allowed him to take away his favorite Kai'Sa.

And this time KT obviously showed mercy when they faced LSB. The brothers played very laxly at first, and in four minutes they were double-killed in the middle and jungle in the bottom half just to grab a river crab.

Lin Cheng chose Quinn Counter Crocodile. Although he had a matchup advantage online, Lin Cheng was wildly targeted because of the split in his center and field, and was killed twice in ten minutes.

And in the vanguard team battle, KT suffered a big loss again.

It was rare for KT to be at a disadvantage in the early stage.

KT has rarely been at such a disadvantage in the early stages of this season's Spring Split, and it seems that its 100-win rate is a bit hard to guarantee.

However, starting from the mid-term, KT decisively changed their game thinking.

Even after being caught in two waves, Quinn still had the advantage in the single-band line, and KT relied on Lin Cheng's pull to start operations.

Knowing that the opponent's lineup was not flexible enough, his teammates directly gave up half of the field of vision, leaving only Chaowei Clockwork to guard the side push line. The rest of the teammates relied on Lin Cheng's half of the field to help with vision.

Lin Cheng led alone. If his teammates couldn't win the battle, he would avoid the battle, giving Quinn a chance to lead the line.

Anyway, there is only one thing that teammates have to do from the front:

drag! Just drag it hard!

KT played too greasy overall, and used Quinn's mobility to avoid the battle head-on.

It looked like KT was being chased, but the outer towers of the sandbox kept falling, and the Crocodile basically stayed on the wing waiting for Quinn to push the lane.

Since the sandbox did not have a very stable means of retaining people, several attempts to capture Lin Cheng were unsuccessful. Instead, KT's team members took the opportunity to rush Xiaolong on the other side to interrupt the Dragon Soul rhythm because of Lin Cheng's capture.

The biggest problem with LSB is that no one can lead the lane against Quinn.

Unable to defend the edge, unable to open the front, and unable to catch Quinn, he was pulled until his scalp was numb.

In this way, Lin Cheng just took out all the opponent's side towers in the early 20 minutes.

Eating a lot of defense tower economy, Quinn equips the crocodile to become more and more difficult to defend when the opponent is ahead.

It didn't work to drag it on like this. Seeing that the damage of the clockwork was gradually increasing, LSB chose to force the four people in front to force the dragon when the rhythm of the dragon soul was cut off.

KT's economy is still lagging behind, and the only one with an advantage in equipment is Quinn. At this time, it is still difficult to fight head-on, and a wave of team-ups may directly explode.

Moreover, Quinn did not teleport, and KT did not call Quinn back to join the team when the opponent was at its strongest in the mid-game.

Teammates harassed Baron, and Lin Cheng reached high ground in the bottom lane.

Dolan, the top laner in the sandbox, knew that Lin Cheng's purification was not yet finished, so he wanted to fight under the highland tower.

But Lin Cheng reacted quickly. Quinn's E skill accurately kicked off the crocodile's protruding face. Then he landed outside the tower and fired wildly. The two passives instantly reduced the crocodile to half health.

The crocodile took two steps back. Seeing Quinn's aggressive pursuit into the defense tower, Dolan decisively flashed and tried to make a move with the Red Fury W.

However, Lin Cheng stepped back just as the crocodile turned back.

The distance between two steps was like a chasm. Crocodile Red Fury W was held in his hand and could not be shot out. Quinn, who had passive acceleration, hit the white button twice and then chased into the tower to complete the killing.

After killing the crocodile alone, Lin Cheng immediately demolished the tower.

Although his teammates on the front did not prevent his opponent from taking the baron, Lin Cheng still broke the crystal hub in the bottom lane and rode away before the LSB personnel could return to defense.

After taking the baron's own high ground but losing it, the sandbox team members were very angry.

But it's of no use.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the crocodile died in the sandbox and the rest of the sandbox team went back to make repairs, everyone in KT quickly dealt with the upper and middle lines of troops.

By the time the crocodile resurrected and the sandbox reorganized the army line in the upper half of the area, most of the Baron's BUFF time had been consumed.

But just when LSB was about to use the final Baron BUFF to advance, Quinn seized the opportunity to go around and steal the opponent's auxiliary Luo.

Now that there are less people, the sandbox has no choice but to give up.

In the end, the big dragon who traded the high ground and the crocodile's life did not even destroy KT's second tower.

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