This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 931 Wanwan’s commentary debut

(I was locked up in a dark room in the previous chapter)

Wanwan was a little nervous when she spoke, but no one cared about her because of her strong appearance.

Corky: "This is the first time I'm explaining that I've encountered a news agency war. Wanwan's position should be clear to all the brothers, right? If there's anything unclear, let Wanwan explain it herself."

Wanwan smiled and said: "I'm showing off my cards! I'm a fan of Brother Chengzi! Of course I support Brother Chengzi unconditionally."

The barrage was filled with howling ghosts and wolf howls, and fans in Wanwan’s live broadcast room had already started asking for "for free".

The two began to conduct pre-match analysis, and after the initial nervousness, Wanwan became more comfortable.

Wanwan has made a lot of preparations for her dream commentary position. She knows KT very well, and she did a lot of homework before this game. She even calculated the winning percentage of each lineup of T1 this season.

Be clear and organized.

Although I don’t know how effective the on-the-spot commentary will be, at least Wanwan’s attitude seemed to make the audience feel comfortable.

At this time, the live scene cut in.

The camera happened to show the KT training room, and Lin Cheng waved vigorously at the camera, showing a big smile.

"Wanwan, come on!"

Afraid that the scene where he was saying hello would not appear on the screen, Lin Cheng ran to where Little Peanut was and pushed Little Peanut away.

"Wanwan, come on!"

Repeating this, he pushed aside Chaowei and the bot lane duo one by one, and approached their cameras one by one to say hello.

Wanwan was so happy that she tried hard to remind herself not to laugh out loud on the commentary stage.

Corgi: "Wow~~~ Brothers! What is a card face? Brother Guan likes Samsung for so long without even getting a greeting from Emperor Chi. It's so worth it every night."

Wan Wan: "How can I...I met Brother Chengzi in Shanghai last year. He is really a very good person."

"I testify! I will give you thousands of miles every night for free."

"Don't mention that day again, my heart aches."

"It's true! The senior colonel has been licking Sanxing for so long, and Emperor Chi didn't even say hello."

"The two of them have gone in both directions. It's true that the colonel has unrequited love."

"Brother Chengzi said hello, I'm sore!"

"Wanwan: He said hello, he has me in his heart!"

Soon, the game entered the BP stage.

Wanwan showed the audience her pre-match homework.

"The top three BANs in T1 are all targeting the top lane, so they want to grab Lilia? Ellim's Lilia has a high priority in T1 games recently, and he is also his best wild core hero, while KT on the other side is The jungler with the highest priority in version 11.4 is Centaur, and then Peanut will consider Udyr or other jungle core heroes.”

Sure enough, T1 directly grabbed Lilia on the blue side, and KT backhandedly locked up the Centaur + Kai'Sa.

"T1, let's see if we can grab the clockwork? If not, Chaowei will consider it..."

Before he finished speaking, when he saw T1 locking Zoe to Clozer, Wanwan said bluntly: "Chaowei must use Clockwork. This is the best choice. You can fight Zoe in the lane or cooperate with the troops to enter the field. Support can be left to the second round."

Sure enough, KT locked the clockwork on the third floor.

The barrage has reached 666.

In fact, Wanwan is really familiar with KT. Before the game, she needed to find T1's recent game information, but she never missed a single KT game.

Occasionally, Lin Cheng would also reveal to her which heroes had higher priority in the recent LCK training matches.

In the second round, BP Wanwan performed even better.

"T1 banned three top laners in the first round, but why not continue to ban Qinggang Shadow? When KT chooses the team, they will definitely choose a warrior in the top lane, but Brother Cheng's signature Qinggang Shadow is still out there? Chengzi I won’t give up Qinggangying just because T1 chose Crocodile.”

Sure enough, KT really picked Qinggang Ying behind Crocodile.

It's really hard for the audience not to be convinced now.

Although Qinggangying is Brother Chengzi's signature hero, his BP can be predicted with such certainty by Counter. Who would believe that Wanwan doesn't really love Brother Chengzi?

The lineups of both sides are selected.

T1 selected the strong top, middle and jungle combination of Crocodile + Lilia Zoe, combined with the Erhammer combination in the bottom lane.

KT, on the other hand, has a rushing system headed by centaurs. Qinggangying, Kai'Sa and auxiliary Niutou can all follow them into the field. There are many people who can help Clockwork bring the ball into the field.

Keji: "The lineups of both sides are very unique. T1's front and rear rows are more three-dimensional, with Poke and core AD in the front row. KT's team may not be able to rush together with their teammates."

Wanwan: "Yeah~~~ But KT's charge is too powerful. Only one Thresh can't protect Zoe and Aphelios. Unless the crocodile on the road is fat enough, it must be fought as soon as possible. Being able to go in can put enough pressure on KT's formation, otherwise once the heroes and Qinggang Shadow are cut to the C position, the T1 team battle will be very difficult."

The early stage of the game was relatively stable. Lin Cheng managed to gain a health advantage through detailed operations on the long road. When Lilia came over, Qinggang Shadow was able to pull away with just a hook lock.

On the contrary, it was because Lilia left the first half after finishing the wild monsters in the first round, and Crocodile, who was in poor condition, returned to the city early to hand over TP.

T1's bottom lane Aphelios and Thresh have an absolute line advantage. In just four minutes, the blue side has eaten a layer of the tower skin.

"Is it too dangerous for T1 to press so hard in the bottom lane? After Orange leads the TP, he likes to use it to support his teammates, and Kai'Sa made a back-eye in the grass in advance, and the blue side did not clear it."

Wanwan's early warning came true quickly. Seeing the crazy forward pressure of the opponent on the bottom lane, Lin Cheng went straight back to the city and handed T and fell into the grass on the bottom lane.

Niutou's W deceived Thresh's E skill first, and Qinggangying came out and hung E on the wall in front of him and kicked Aphelios.

Bang! Bang!

Little Lu Bu flashed towards the river to hide, but Lin Cheng caught up with E in time and kicked Aphelios unconscious.

Qinggangying landed on the ground and hit AQ, and Niutou flashed over to control the Q skill.

Kai'Sa opens E to speed up damage recovery.

Although Thresh gave the lantern and flashed backwards, Aphelios had no chance to pick up the lantern and was killed by Qinggang Shadow's second stage AQ.

Thresh didn't run away either. Effort immediately gave up on the mortal Aphelios after using the phase dash to accelerate, and went straight after Thresh to knock the bell.

Thresh was stuck, Qinggang Shadow followed the tactics and swept across, and the three of them easily killed Thresh.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow scored a double kill.

Wanwan: "Thresh E is handed over... Then KT is going to kill Aphelios! Orange Brother's E dodges! Qinggang Shadow double kills, Crocodile has no time to play."

Corgi: "T1 is a little careless in the bottom lane! How dare you press so hard without clearing out the bush den. Brother Chengzi likes the first TP to stay for support."

As soon as Keji finished speaking, Wanwan suddenly said: "T1 has been sent!"

Corgi: "???"

Has it been sent yet?

Your ingredients are so authentic too.

Brother Guan wouldn’t even dare to be as naughty as you.

The barrage can no longer hold up.

"Haha! It's true! You are worthy of being the great devil Wanwan."

"Wanwan's classic saying: Brother Chengzi takes one head, and the opponent's winning rate is reduced by 50%. If you start with two heads, the opponent will send it directly!"

"Everything is said. The young lady's explanation is really comfortable and very good."

Wanwan's commentary was not fast, and neither was Corgi's, neither of them fought.

Many female commentators are criticized because their basic skills are not up to par. For example, although God K has an interesting personality in the commentary box, he often talks nonsense.

Wanwan, on the other hand, is the kind of person who understands the game well and never talks nonsense. She occasionally makes some small jokes in her live broadcast room.

As she said: How can a fan of Brother Chengzi not have an interesting soul?

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