After grabbing the wine barrel, Chaowei used flying stars to help Lin Cheng push the line, so that Lin Cheng could go home and save TP to run back.

Brother Khan died in battle and returned home to make up for the tear, purely to disgust Lin Cheng in the lane. There is no follow-up tear equipment in this version of the wine barrel.

However, with the mana of tears and the frequent release of skills, the wine barrel will indeed become more disgusting in the lane.

After Lin Cheng saved TP and ran back, he didn't have much temper when faced with the constant harassment from the wine barrel.

Brother Hanzi also learned a lesson, treating himself as a comet. The barrel kept throwing Q to disgust the Qinggang shadow. When Lin Cheng was aggressive, the barrel drank a mouthful of wine and the A was indestructible, and then ran away after being stuffed.

Even though Lin Cheng can knock out a lot of HP of the wine barrel with one set, the mana cost of the wine barrel skill is not high. With the skill of Goddess Tears, Brother Han can come back with his passive skill, and he can also suppress Qing Qing at the same time. Steel Shadow HP.

This is also the reason why when choosing wine barrels in the arena, you basically have to ban Sword Demon.

Sword Demon has long hands and also has excellent recovery ability. The characteristics of the wine barrel are destined to disgust other short-handed warriors but cannot interfere with Sword Demon's development.

After more than five minutes, Qinggang Shadow's health was only about 60%. Canyon Udyr showed up and tried to cooperate with the barrel GANK.

Lin Cheng saw that Udyr was not panic at all, and did not copy the operation of breaking the hook lock for Brother Khan at all. He retreated and waited until the barrel couldn't help but hand E first, and then Lin Cheng threw the hook backward. Lock.

Although the wine barrel's E skill knocked Qinggang Shadow unconscious, the forced displacement of the hook lock immediately pulled Qinggang Shadow away.

Canyon didn't go up to the intersection to take pictures of Qinggang Ying. He gave Lin Cheng a thumbs up and walked away.

Lin Cheng easily avoided a wave of danger without even using his flash.

Lin Cheng's understanding of Qinggang Ying was very good. He used the E skill to crush him until he saw the opponent's control and take the first shot before handing over his E.

As long as the hook lock is controlled before climbing to the wall, the hook lock will force Qinggang Ying to be taken away.

Of course, if the hook lock is already hung on the wall, it is basically a control that can interrupt Qinggang Shadow's displacement at this time. It all depends on the player's skill release timing.

Because Udyr showed up on the top lane, he had certain lane rights in the middle and lower lane. Peanut immediately activated Xiaolong.

Seeing that the Titan on the bottom lane wanted to use his body to block the line of troops that were about to enter the tower, Mr. Dai went up to attack the Titan alone.

You have to know that the Little Death will be using the river for vision. Beryl will be more aggressive and directly flash into the pile of soldiers to control Kaisha. Maybe something will happen to Mr. Dai.

But DK didn't know the location of the bull's head, and seeing how fierce Kai'Sa was, the red side duo didn't dare to move Kai'Sa against a wave of troops.

As a result, a very comic scene occurred.

The Titan was twisting left and right outside the tower with the minions on his back. Kai'Sa followed and moved back and forth to prevent the Titan from getting the hook angle and at the same time looked for opportunities to click on the Titan. The Ghost Emperor was cleaning up the minions beside him.

Pull like crazy.

When Kai'Sa was about to fill up with plasma, there were finally not many minions left. Samira pulled up a W-spinner to help Titan block Kai'Sa's passive flat A, and cleared the blue side's minions until only three were left.

Never seeing the bull's head, Titan pressed forward to find the opportunity to hook.

Mr. Dai is a master of art and courageous. He relies on three soldiers to move and take advantage of the disappearance of the front whirl to point out the full layer of plasma on the Titan. His Q skill Icathia rains down.

Although minions from the red side arrived to help share the damage, Titan still only had one-third of its health left.

Just as the little god of death's bull head came back for vision, the Titan retreated dejectedly carrying the giant anchor.

Kai'Sa took the opportunity to click on Titan again.

Junri: "Ouch! It's hard to walk, right? Now Beryl moved back and forth and lost all his blood."

Rita: "Udyr just showed up on the top lane. Maybe the Titan blocked the lane like this because he didn't know the location of Leopard Girl and was afraid of being overrun? He went to Sancao to take a look."

The retreating Titan first took a look at his own triangle grass, and then returned to the city.

But below, Niutou suddenly pushed up the Samira in front of the tower with WQ's second company, and Kaisha opened E and accelerated up to level A.

Although Kai'Sa just didn't have enough mana, Titan's return to the city was also interrupted, and Beryl could only come back to cover Samira to take the line.

This is a wave of artillery trains that are about to enter the tower, and Samira will definitely eat it.

At this moment, TP lit up in the river grass.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! You can have a blast."

"I ate the biscuits, and I didn't have enough blue."

"It doesn't matter! Alistar can just follow. The opponent's HP is very low, but I have the upper hand."

"Wait for me. I'll get the dragon first."

"Wang Hao, please leave it alone and continue beating your little dragon."

Lin Cheng's Green Steel Shadow had just reached level six. Seeing that the pressure on the top lane was low and the bottom lane had a chance to appear again, he didn't even go back to the city first to hold on to half health before turning in T.

Just now Niutou scanned around to confirm that there was no red square in the river grass, but DK did not react in time to Qinggangying's TP.

Qinggangying TP landed, and the army line had entered the tower at this time.

"Is Xiang Hao's skills good?"

"Two seconds, two seconds, you're good to go."

Lin Cheng used his E skill to hook directly to the river wall, and his W tactic to sweep sideways.


The dash indicator of his E skill doubled as he flashed across the wall and stuck to the red square triangle grass, and Lin Cheng took action with his second stage E.

Although Beryl just took a look at the triangle, the white figure flashed past without giving his opponent a chance to react.

The sharp leg blades were precise and elegant. As the green steel shadow passed through the wall, it tactically swept across the outer edge and scraped the two people.

Samira had just added a minion under the tower when she saw the Titan next to her being kicked unconscious by the green steel shadow flying out of the wall.

Lin Cheng landed on the ground and launched a passive shield against Titan AQ, attracting the hatred of the defense tower.

Beryl used her backhand to ignite the fire, stood up and opened the shield, trying to control it.

But Lin Cheng's operation was not sloppy at all. After playing AQ, he immediately took action with Hex Ultimatum.

Before the first attack of the defense tower landed, Qinggang Ying had already jumped high and entered an unselectable state.

Kai'Sa's Void Search hits Titan.

The green steel shadow landed on the ground and directly took away the remaining blood Titan with one kick.

Apart from handing over the ignition, Beryl didn't give a single control from the beginning to the end.

Moreover, the golden ultimatum area also bounced Samira downwards, and the forward-pressing bull head Q skill in place hammered Samira up and ignited it.

When Kai'Sa followed up with A, the amount of mana restored by the biscuit met the target, and a heavy rain of Icathia rained down.

Samila was almost crippled when she landed.


Ghost flashes back to the tower.

However, the Niutou QA+ Ignition has triggered the phase rush. Effort rushed to the tower to quickly catch up and adjust the angle. A W barbaric collision pushed Samira towards the direction of the triangle grass.

At this time, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow killed the Titan and carried the tower twice before pulling away from the triangle.

Seeing the residual-blooded Samira flying over, Lin Cheng's quick eyesight and quick hands kicked him out with the second stage precise etiquette in his hand.

A beautiful alley-oop dunk.


"Double Kill!"

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