Although the economy was still lagging behind the small two thousand despite the passive cards, the situation was finally stabilized by the veterans of T1.

KT is not in a hurry either.

The advantage lies with me. No matter how well my opponent avoids fighting, as long as they control their resources, they will always have a chance to break the situation.

In 18 minutes, the third dragon was easily won by KT.

The first tower in the middle of the red side stood firm for a long time and was finally pulled out by KT taking advantage of the opportunity to switch lanes. The two sides began to pull wildly around the jungle.

The dragon refreshes in 20 minutes.

KT was not in a hurry to make a fuss about Baron, and was ready to wait for the Dragon Soul team battle in three minutes.

It wasn't until the 22nd minute that KT increased its control of the upper half of the field to prevent the opponent from stealing the dragon.

At this time, vision in the jungle must be done as a team. Both sides' mid-towers have fallen. Whoever pushes the line first will have a chance to gain vision.

Lin Cheng changed lanes in advance and came to the middle, and followed his teammates to create a wave of vision in the upper half.

When the jungle collides, KT's combat effectiveness is obviously stronger, so the blue side has a field of vision in the upper half of the opponent's jungle, which is quite offensive.

Taking advantage of his teammates' vision, Mr. Dai prepared to completely push the line of soldiers in front of the red square tower.

At this time, I saw Xia coming up to clear the line under the cover of the rest of T1.

Mr. Dai retreated.

The rest of KT have moved from the jungle to the lane.

Teddy was on his own, scattering feathers in front to clear the line.

However, his position is a bit too far forward.

"Xia! Catch Xia! He didn't dodge."

Seeing the crocodile emerge from the intersection next to F6, Xia's teammates behind him slipped away faster than Teddy.

Xia also turned around and retreated, but Lilia's vortex seed blocked Xia's turning back.

Teddy had no choice but to turn around and avoid the vortex species.

Thresh's lantern was placed in a position where Kasumi couldn't pick it up.

Mr. Dai's Kai'Sa activated the E skill to accelerate and catch up, raining down Icathia.

Xia was forced to activate W to counterattack.

Teddy turned around and threw the feather at level A, and immediately pulled out the barb.

Soldier A had just left three feathers behind him in advance, and Xia Kuangfeng adjusted his position just enough to allow all four retracted feathers to hit Kaisha.

Mr. Dai quickly purified and released the confinement.

Who would have thought that Xayah's next basic attack critical hit would directly cooperate with Heavy Rain's missiles to take away Kai'Sa, who still had nearly one-third of her health.

Mr. Dai flashed his ultimate move and died suddenly without even delivering it.

At this time, the crocodile next to him used the E skill to get close. As soon as he turned on the W and was about to make a move, Kasumi turned on his ultimate move to avoid it.

"Go back! Go back!"

At this time, all KT has left is short-handed, and there is no need to force four-on-five with fewer players.

Everyone else in T1 had given up on Xayah just now and did not press forward immediately. When they found out that Xayah was operating, it was too late to follow him.

But the opportunity to turn the situation around finally came up, and the red side did not give up.

Thresh turns on Crown Acceleration.

Udyr leads the charge.

"Hey! From Xia's position, she can only turn around to hide from the vortex species, but Kai'Sa takes action... and it's just a matter of seconds! Wow! Teddy is in action!"

Zeyuan exclaimed: "I thought he was going to give it to me for nothing this time, but Guangfeng cooperated with Barb and killed Kai'Sa directly in front of KT teammates, but it was Deft who gave it away."

957: "You may not believe it, but it was Kaisha who made the first move."

It's also Mr. Dai's unlucky fault. Xia itself is the best development point of T1. All two basic attacks were critical hits and he didn't even have a chance to react.

In this wave of KT, all members retreated. Seeing Thresh opening the crown to pursue, Lin Cheng immediately decided to fight back.

"You can fight! Look at me, prepare to fight back."

Chaowei: "I don't have E and W anymore, so it's hard to cut in."

"Don't be afraid! Just use your big shoulder. This Bo Xia has no skills. Just wait for me to kill him."

Seeing Udyr rushing up like a mad dog and about to knock out the crocodile at the back, Lin Cheng's Sett suddenly activated Q to accelerate, turned around and picked up Udyr with a big move and smashed it to the back.


Udyr was smashed into the middle of the crowd.

Since the astonishing damage is related to the enemy's health and Sett's AD, Lin Cheng's equipment causes the damage of this ultimate to be very explosive.

Except for the card, the other four people in T1 all suffered astonishing damage.

All four blood bars on the field disappeared in an instant.

E's strong hand splits the skull.

Keria dodged and pulled away, and the other three were knocked together.

Seti raised his hand and punched Xia almost to death.

The card had already thrown out a yellow card on the side to prevent Kasumi from being beaten further.

When Lin Cheng turned around, his teammates had already turned around.

But just now Keia moved forward to dodge Seti's E skill, and Thresh opened the Nether Prison to delay the entry of KT's front team members. At the same time, Thresh hooked Riel to prevent Effort from giving devastating control.

Keria wanted to buy time for her teammates to deal with Sett.

His teammates were briefly blocked behind, and Lin Cheng's Sett was knocked unconscious by Udyr before he could wake up from the dizziness caused by the card.

Jace's Q skill, which is in melee form, immediately hammers Seti away, and then switches to another form to output.

Kasumi QA followed up with a barb and quickly moved back to the A position.

Despite his talent and resilience, Lin Cheng was still under attack for a long time.

However, Lin Cheng's equipment is really very good. If he hadn't planned to go home after completing the field of view, he would have even pulled out his bloody hands by now.

The AP damage of the card is really not enough. The equipment of Death Dance can't overcome the AD damage. Even though the mythical equipment is the power of the wind, the burst damage from the opponent only knocks out more than half of the blood of Se.

With his pride level at full capacity, Lin Cheng launched a deliberate punch.


Lin Cheng flashed and adjusted the W position.

White energy exploded, and Seti's W flash hit three people perfectly.



Neither Xayah nor Jace dodge, and two white true damage jumps out.

Xia herself was so disabled that she only had one bar of health left, and now she directly owed Lin Cheng 600 blood points.

And Jace wasn't much better. After releasing Boom Fist, Seti Guangfeng went up and knocked him down with two punches.

"Double Kill!"

After winning the double kill, Death Dance's contempt effect is activated.

Death Dance stopped bleeding and quickly restored Seti's blood volume.

At this time, teammates had already broken through Thresh's blockage and joined the battlefield.

In fact, if it weren't for Crocodile's lack of skills, Thresh would have been lying down long ago.

Lilia herself used Thresh to create Phase Rush, and Little Peanut decisively went up and flashed Q to give the card the effect of Dream Full Branch.

Ye Lanyao took action, and the remaining two people in T1 fell into a deep sleep.

The four men fought, and Kacard and Udyr died one after another.

T1 was defeated and the team was wiped out.

"With the numerical advantage in front, T1 wanted to pursue, Thresh activated the crown...Seti's backhand ultimate move, defeating four people!!!"

Zeyuan's voice suddenly increased: "Oh my god! This Seti is so scary! The damage is so exaggerated. It was originally T1's pursuit, but Seti came in and exploded instantly!"

957: "If the team destroys it, the big dragon is gone! Dragon Soul T1 will be forced to take another wave later. If it can't be defeated, it will be sent."

"Fuck! I thought there was hope for T1, but it was gone with just one punch from Jinfu."

"That's ridiculous! Seti's ultimate move is so scary."

"Hahaha! Why doesn't Teddy continue to show?"

"I was able to show off just now because the opponent was also an AD, and he broke his leg directly in front of the warrior daddy."

"Teacher Shai, the god descended to earth, and the sword demon hit four with one Q. This Seti looks even more fierce."

The team destroyed their opponents, and KT took advantage of the situation to win the Baron, completely widening the economic gap.

But T1 had no chance to breathe, and the Dragon Soul team battle followed.

This game is Earth Dragon Soul, which is very suitable for a lineup like KT that plays one wave. After T1 was resurrected, they bit the bullet and took another wave.

However, KT's equipment advantage was too obvious. Although Thresh hooked Lilia first, after being sent out by Little Peanut, KT counterattacked and wiped out the opponent again.

After this wave of defeating KT, they no longer took the Dragon Soul. It happened that all the bottom lane troops reached the high ground on the red side, and Lin Cheng and Chaowei directly handed them over for demolition.

In 24 minutes, the T1 base was bulldozed.

KT ended the first news agency war of the year with 2:0.

This is also the final battle before the Spring Festival.

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