This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 88 When playing games, I rely on my brain

Lin Cheng: "Oh! Beautiful! This captain dares to be so cruel to me. Does he think I have no brothers?"

Kuro: "I have no TP anymore, please be careful on the road."

Bono was a little worried: "My F6 will definitely be gone. We won't make much profit this time."

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry, this is my C."

Lin Cheng felt warm for the fact that his middle and field brothers sacrificed their own growth to help, and even stopped killing people.

He felt sorry for his teammates' efforts even if he didn't play C.

Since the captain followed his teammates to go to Yinman at the first level, he replenished Yao Guang on the way back and then handed over TP to return to the line. After resurrection, he had no TP and could only rush to the line with his legs swinging.

At first, the captain was pushing the line, but Lin Cheng was stuck in the line and pushed back quickly. By the time the captain ran back to the line, Qinggang Shadow was already at level three, and the line of soldiers was still close to the middle.

Seeing the captain approaching, Qinggangying took two steps back and gave up his position in the military line.

When the captain came up to replenish his troops, Qinggangying suddenly took a step forward and fired a tactical sweep from a distance, the outer edge of his leg blade accurately scraping the captain.

Qinggangying leaned forward with long legs. The captain fired a gunfire negotiation with his backhand, then put down the gunpowder barrel in front of him and stabbed him forward.

Although you are level 3, why do Qinggangying, who has not returned home, wander around in front of me, Captain Yaoguang?

Because he didn't go home, Qinggangying's health was reduced to just over half by the gunfire.

However, Lin Cheng had no intention of retreating. After Captain A dropped the bucket by one health point, Qinggangying raised his foot and kicked out the passive shield.

Canna stared closely at the bucket in front of her.

Lin Cheng ignored the barrel and adjusted his step to point A at the captain again.

The Qinggang Shadow raised his foot and kicked it out, and the health of the gunpowder barrel decreased again.

The moment the captain raised his sword, he saw a flash of light on the green steel shadow, and he quickly turned around and kicked the gunpowder barrel first.

Lin Cheng used his Q skill to reset the successful basic attack points.

The captain who failed to grab the barrel was a little angry. When the Qinggang Shadow's shield disappeared, he raised his knife and slashed at it, triggering the Immortal Grip. The Qinggang Shadow's health was less than half.

Qinggangying's AQ triggered a strong attack, and the captain's HP, which was in a vulnerable state, seemed to be less than half.

However, Canna didn't panic at all. In terms of sustained combat ability, the Qinggang Shadow who had taken damage at this time was obviously very poor.

He didn't believe there was anyone on the other side coming to help.

Just when the skill cooled down, the captain raised his hand to attack while firing a gun with a cursed blade to negotiate. Qinggangying's health was already very dangerous, and Lin Cheng retreated in panic.

The captain chased after him for a few steps, and another shot of gunfire knocked Qinggang Shadow's health out of balance.

Fortunately, the decay rate of the gunpowder barrels is very slow now, and Qinggangying was not hit by the second barrel behind the captain, otherwise Lin Cheng would definitely be chased to death in this wave.

After crippling the Qinggang Shadow, the captain turned around with satisfaction to get rid of the hatred of the soldiers, and turned back to replenish his troops.

Although Qinggang Shadow's stamina was severely lacking, there were too many minions on the blue square, and Canna's health was also reduced to a very low level by the minions.

Junri: "Qinggangying's move is a bit unreasonable. Although you are ahead by many level one minions, after all, it is outrageous to fight Captain Yaoguang with such a huge health disadvantage. It's a good thing he ordered the bucket, otherwise he would have just It’s really dangerous if you don’t light the bucket.”

Corgi: "Yes, although Cheng's tightrope walk was thrilling, he still made a profit. After all, he can come back after going back to replenish TP. This is equivalent to making this round of blood exchange in vain."

Junri: "Well, although the truth is this, ordinary players will never exchange blood like this. After all, your jungler just caught the second level, even if you want to pretend that there is someone behind you, it's still... wrong! He is doing it What?"

Before the explanation finished, he saw the remaining-blooded green steel figure shrunk under the tower and directly handed over the TP, then dropped it towards the ornamental eye that he had just placed on the red square triangle grass after taking the captain's head.

This position was scanned by the prince in the previous wave, and it was confirmed that there was no red square vision.

Lin Cheng is going to launch a sneak attack!

Canna's captain did not linger too much in the military line, and retreated to the back to prepare for the return journey.

However, following the remaining vision of the soldier, Lin Cheng clearly knew the opponent's movements. He had already touched the green steel shadow above the red square triangle grass and clung to the wall at the corner of the river.

Qinggangying's E skill has a dash indicator. Although he didn't have an exact view of the opposite side, Lin Cheng accurately judged the captain's position.

Start the tactical sweep, and at the same time, the second E wall returns to take action.

Just as the captain retreated to the wall at the corner of the river, suddenly a white figure came over the wall, and the outer edge of the leg blade accurately cut past.

Damn it! What the hell!

The captain was caught off guard and knocked unconscious.

Canna reacted quickly. The captain, who had already reached level three, took a sip of an orange to relieve his stun and restore his health. Qinggangying had already landed on the ground and took action with his AQ to trigger the adaptive defense shield.

The captain with remaining health made a backhand Q, but the recovery effect of the Eternal Grasp was not triggered, and the damage was blocked by Qinggangying's shield.

The captain turned around in panic, Lin Cheng took a step after him, directly activated the second stage of Q precise etiquette, raised his foot and kicked out.

The strong attack was triggered, and the captain threw himself on the street, falling to the ground and twitching.

Lin Cheng raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Is it amazing to have Yaoguang?

When I play games, I rely on my brain.

Junri: "Hey~~~This TP is too spiritual! Can you believe that the remaining-blooded Green Steel Shadow TP used to capture a captain with more health than him? This TP is too courageous."

Corgi: "This is too smart. Although Qinggangying couldn't beat the Yaoguang Captain in one wave, he waited for the skill CD and then used TP to fight the second wave. There was a sneak attack by Qinggangying who was passive and skilled. , the captain will be dead if he is hit by E."

Junri: "Although the captain lost too much health just now by the minions, I have to say that this person really has a game IQ. How can a professional player take such risks to hand over TP operations? His playing style is too It's fun to watch.

This is a second-level E with blind vision. If this kick fails, the Qinggang Shadow with this HP will be counter-killed by the captain, who is too daring to fight. "

Keji: "We all say that players with aggressive playing styles and good operations are easy to gain fans, but often people with aggressive playing styles are easily criticized by us for sometimes not being smart enough in their playing style. But to date, their playing style is really fierce, detailed and Smart, no one doesn’t like this kind of player, right?”

"Eh? Don't bring me with you when you talk."

Junri joked: "Who are you implying? Which aggressive top player is not smart in one-on-one play? Who is brainless?"

Corgi: "·····"

"Haha! This hermaphrodite, the Major, has started again, specializing in making fire."

"Report Corgi for implying that my Shy brother is brainless."

"Although he didn't say his name, why do I think he's talking about the shy man."

"Brothers, Weibo will attack him later."

"I'm a fan. I really like Brother Chengzi's style of play."

"Canyon artist? This TP is quite creative."

"Brother Chengzi is awesome! He has such a good mind."

"If this E is empty, it will be another story."

"If ordinary people were to get around with their remaining health, the coach would have scolded him, 23333."

"What's outrageous is that Captain Yaoguang was single-killed by Dolan Shield Qinggang Ying. What a shame!"

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