This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 83 The whole audience cheered

Due to the rush to stop the opponent's dragon soul, T1 had no time to clear out all the vision along the way. Neither the red BUFF grass nor the two red control guards in the opposite grass were cleared.

When Lin Cheng's TP fell, Titan and Ornn rushed into the river and tried to harass him. Cuzz's wine barrel chose to stand behind the dragon pit, waiting for an opportunity to grab the dragon.

The double C on the blue side was very clumsy because they didn't dodge. Zoe was still stuck on the wall at the corner of the river to throw away skills. The female gunner was directly behind the OB, ready to zoom in at any time. He even had time to eat two small F6s. bird.

However, what T1 didn't notice was that Lin Cheng's Seti had already touched the red buff pit, and was only separated from the opponent's double C by a wall.

But Lin Cheng didn't have a field of vision from the other side, so he couldn't tell the specific location of his opponent. He could only huddle in the dragon pit and wait for the opportunity.

Corgi: "Seti's position is so insidious. He was not noticed by the blue side at all. T1's field of view is too poor. Seti TPed down and directly touched the hinterland."

Junri: "No, Cuzz, why don't you look for Seti's location now? If it wasn't for the lack of vision, Seti would have already taken action."

At this moment, Brother Li's Zoe suddenly used his ultimate move to jump back and appear in the river, pulling the flying star to consume the opponent.

The moment Zoe appeared in the river, Lin Cheng probably judged the position of his opponent.

Because there is still vision of the red side in the direction of the river grass in the middle road, Zoe is likely to get stuck in the corner and launch the return jump.


Lin Cheng dodges decisively, crossing the wall and appearing in the blue side's field of vision before Zoe even comes back with her ultimate move.

Titan and Ornn are standing under the river, and the wine barrel is OB on the back of the dragon pit. At this time, no one can restrict Seti.

After this exchange, Lin Cheng realized that there was a female gunman shopping next to him.

Without saying a word, with the acceleration of the aura cloak, Lin Cheng made a small twist and retreated to the side of the female gun, and took action with surprise.

Seti's strong arms suddenly lifted the female gun up, leaped high and hit it in the direction Zoe returned from.

Crows fly!


The earth shook.

After a heavy fall, Seti threw the female gun in front of Zoe.

When Seti landed, he immediately turned around and launched his W deliberate punch.

Since Seti's position would fall a little behind the target after the breathtaking landing, the angle at which he turned around and punched deliberately completely enveloped the two of them.

Zoe used her backhand to weaken Seti.

Under the astonishing 99% huge deceleration, the T1 double C that did not dodge had no room to operate at all, and was hit by the real damage of the punch at the same time.

Although there is no lofty ambition bonus, the real damage at the center of the punch is not affected by weakness. Now Zoe and the female gun's health has dropped to a very obvious level. Seti backhand punched the female gun and used the curse blade. Damage, the right fist is punched out quickly.

Zoe also wanted to pick up the flash fragments dropped by Lin Cheng, and Seti didn't need to adjust his position. He used his backhand E skill to drag the two of them forward with precision.

He raised his fist and hit Zoe with two bangs. He pressed the giant hydra to reset his normal attack. He punched out the crescent moon effect of his left fist with the dignity of a heavily armored warrior. He followed up with his right fist and knocked out Zoe instantly.

Just now, Zoe showed up to use her ultimate move and was speared by Kalista. This time, Lin Cheng was weak and killed her instantly.

Zoe died suddenly. Seti used his Q skill to reset his normal attack while swinging his right fist. He hit two heavy backhand punches. The female gunner who had been beaten half to death by Ju Jiu's splash screamed and fell to the ground.

"Double Kiil!"

The destructive power of the giant Hydra was too strong for Sett in this kind of outfit. Sett landed and used Q and Giant Nine to reset his basic attacks. It was almost a face-to-face attack that defeated Zoe with a set of military punches. And the female gun.

In fact, a hero like Shen can get into the C position in seconds with just a giant nine, let alone Lin Cheng's three-phase starting hand.

Corgi: "Double C fell! T1 is over! Seti was too strong. He entered the field and immediately knocked out the two C positions of T1. Is this weakness just for show? Zoe can't even pick up the flash fragments that fell next to her. No, although Zoe’s health is not full, the female gunner is really full of health.”

Corgi: "...Brother Li's ultimate move exposed his position. Cheng was too decisive this time. He probably didn't even expect to dodge Teddy's female gun right in his face, while Titan and Austrian Endu stepped forward, and no one could restrain Seti immediately."

Junri: "Mainly, the preparations for T1 are not sufficient. It's dark behind your jungle. If you can't see Sett from the front, you have to at least have someone look for Sett's position."

Corgi: "However, KT has been beating the dragon, and there really is no time to slowly find Seti for T1. I can only say that KT's vision suppression in the first few minutes to the decision-making of beating the dragon is very beautiful, and it gave Seti a perfect As for the entrance position, as long as Seti with this kind of equipment can enter the field smoothly, it will be too easy to reach C position in seconds."

"It was too fierce! Knocked down two of them instantly."

"In addition to having short legs, Seti, a great hero, has really high three-phase giant nine bursts."

"Double C in a single second, I ask, how can we lose this team battle?"

"Brother Li is down! Cry!"

"Seti: It's a woman, stand up for me."


When Lin Cheng took action, Aoun immediately activated his ultimate move in the river to protect his double C, but Bono's prince kept EQ to force Aoun and failed to hit the second stage sheep.

Titan hooked the corner and threw his ultimate move, but Seti's punch was too fast. Before Titan's ultimate move could knock him into the air, Seti had already knocked over two women on the spot.

The opponent's double C knocked down, and KT easily knocked down Titan and Ornn with a crushing force.

However, Cuzz, who had been hiding nearby for a long time, took advantage of Bono to walk away and secretly went down to take over the remaining health of Xiaolong.

"Middle, middle, you can go high."

Seeing that the army line in the middle was suitable, KT left Kuro's Enchantress to find the wine barrel, and the others gathered in the middle and went straight to the high ground.

Kuro spent a long time looking for Cuzz's barrel in the jungle, and finally completed a solo kill.

Quickly remove the opponent's middle crystal, and the red side is about to retreat when the opponent's double C is resurrected.

However, at the moment when the female gunner and Zoe came up to clear the line, Kalista took back Tarik with her ultimate move, then flashed and threw Tarik towards the female gunner under the incisor tower.

The female spear that did not flash was knocked into the air, and Kalista inserted the spear wildly.

Tusin flashed and used dazzling light to stun Zoe, Bono's Prince EQ came up to stick, and Seti knocked down Brother Li with two punches, while Yasuo's icon was displayed.

Brother Li, do you still remember me? The stone man who gave you Yasuo as a dog.

On the other side, Teddy's female spear was forced into a hedgehog by Aiming, and she directly pulled out the spear and killed her.

Seeing that the defense tower was about to kill Tusin, the cosmic light finally fell in time.

With the last two soldiers, the red side successfully demolished the incisor tower.

The resurrected Ornn and Titan came out and gave away two kills tenaciously. T1 was defeated again and the team was wiped out. KT flattened the opponent's base in a wave.

Junri: "After demolishing the middle high ground, KT can go back and make up for a wave... Flash! Kalista flashes to start the team! Double C is dead again, this is going to be a wave!"

Keji: "The team is about to be wiped out again. KT played too well this time. Not only did Lin Cheng perform very well, but the performance of his teammates also improved accordingly."

Junri: "KT! Is dawn coming?"

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