This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 740 Li Shiheng! Let's create a miracle

Although they won the vanguard, being beaten two for four this time was still very hurtful for KT.

Especially when Leopard Girl got three kills, Bono's life was even more difficult.

Bono: "Wow!! Now Nidalee has taken off, making the jungle difficult to play."

Kuro: "We have to delay our development for a while, and then we can fight them again when we have the equipment."

However, Lin Cheng is very optimistic: "Actually, this wave is not a loss, brothers! Don't panic!"


What bullshit are you talking about?

Lin Cheng: "The opponent took two more heads but we got the vanguard. According to the canyon theory of relativity, they lost the vanguard and we took the vanguard. The economic difference between the two is equivalent to the economic difference of a four-story tower."

After a pause, Lin Cheng chuckled: "Besides, I picked up the Pioneer. Isn't it too much for Brother Cheng to take one layer of the tower skin and top it with two layers on the opposite side? A Pioneer has at least four layers of tower skin. The economic difference is not that of mine." Pioneer is at least equivalent to the income of an eight-layer tapioca? We actually made a profit."


You are really a genius, can this be converted into something?

Lin Cheng is very optimistic, but from the outside, it seems that KT is really going to lose its undefeated status at the last minute.

Because in this year's World Championship, KT has never had a game where the pace was suppressed in the early stage like this.

The economic difference is three thousand in ten minutes, and the jungle matchup gap is even more exaggerated.

Canyon is the best jungler in the jungle core system. DWG is very good at taking advantage of the jungle to play games. Will it give KT a chance to find its rhythm?

After being resurrected, Lin Cheng continued to push the line frantically to put pressure on Lulu.

Even if he didn't dodge, Lin Cheng still had an extremely ferocious attitude.

Kennen was too easy to target with such an obvious target as the vanguard. Except for the resurrection of the Tsar, who dealt with the middle line of troops first, the rest of his teammates moved to the top lane to cover Kennen.

The opponent also knew that Kennen was leading the vanguard, and Panson was hanging around, preparing to put some pressure on KT.

But soon, the Czar also appeared on the top lane.

The ice has already emerged below, and the Japanese girl and the bear have reached level 6. DWG does not dare to defend a tower on the top lane, and chooses to immediately go to the lower half of the wild area to exchange for resources.

The opponent does not have a strong defense, and the economy of the first-blood tower is shared by Kennen and the Tsar.

But correspondingly, Han Bing ate three layers of tapas by himself, and Bono was countered by two groups of wild monsters.

At 12 minutes, the second dragon was easily controlled by DWG.

This game is Wind Dragon Soul, which is barely good news for KT.

DWG's offensive rhythm is not as fierce as KT's. KT will use various lane changes to capture people and towers to snowball, but DWG only needs the jungler to stabilize resources and counter-jungle to gradually expand its advantage.

Fortunately, KT's middle and upper defense towers were very secure, and the opponent chose to place the second Canyon Herald on the bottom lane. The fall of the next tower had relatively little impact on the situation.

At 18 minutes, the third dragon was refreshed.

KT tried to come out and compete for some vision, hoping to prevent the opponent's Dragon Soul from drawing cards.

But Leopard Girl is too fat!

Bono used his vision and was ambushed by Panson. Leopard Girl fired a javelin and then switched forms to kill the bear in seconds.

KT could only let go of the third dragon.

At 20 minutes, KT was lagging behind by more than 4,000, which was barely acceptable, because at 10 minutes, they were already 3,000 behind, and they managed to hold on for 10 minutes without being significantly pulled away.

At 23 minutes, the fourth wind dragon was about to refresh the first half minute.

KT Fuye seized the river view first, and found Leopard Girl coming from the blue BUFF intersection to explore the field of vision. Tusin directly gave the big move to the Leopard Girl, hoping to cooperate with his teammates and beat Leopard Girl first.

Even though KT only has Nosuke and the two in ambush, Jhin can support his ultimate move from a distance.

In fact, Tusin seized this opportunity very well. The nearest Pantheon around Canyon was one screen away, and Clockwork and Ice were still online.

But Canyon reacted too quickly and immediately stopped the clock to dodge the Japanese girl's ultimate move.

Pan Sen Dahuang Xingyun jumped towards the river to save people.

Ashe hit Jhin with his ultimate move in the river with an arrow.

Although Jhin's heroic ultimate skill can shoot far, it is too easy to be caught.

Aiming was quickly killed by Ai Xi and Lulu. The bear and Japanese girl in the river did not run away, and were double killed by Leopard Girl.

This wave of teammates fired so suddenly that Lin Cheng was caught off guard.

Lin Cheng had just gone home and replenished his equipment when he found that the opponent was counterattacking. Kenan could only hand over his T to try to save the enemy first.

But Jhin fell too quickly, and Lin Cheng found his position when TP landed next to him, and got the ultimate move of Clockwork Pressure.

Fortunately, Clockwork stood relatively far away from his teammates. Lulu and Han Bing had just killed Jhin and had no time to keep up with the damage.

Lin Cheng decisively used his E skill and ran away.

They were originally preparing for a decisive battle with Dragon Soul, but unexpectedly, Tusin seized what looked like an opportunity to take the lead in this wave, causing KT to lose three players before they even had the opportunity to fight for a decisive battle.

At this time, there were still more than ten seconds before the wind dragon was refreshed, so DWG directly turned all members on, preparing to move the baron.

Seeing this scene, Korean fans of T1 and DWG were already climaxing.

"Hey! Who is this? Isn't this the invincible KT team in the universe? Why were they beaten so badly?"

"Tsk tsk! You dare to touch the top SKT? That's it?"

"KT is crushed! DWG is gaining momentum."

"Come on DWG! Let's let two chase three and create a miracle!"

"If miracles have a color, it must be blue. Defeat those KT bastards!"


Remember: "It's over! KT has a big problem this time! Canyon never bought a stopwatch before, and Tusin didn't seem to look at the opponent's equipment before taking action. Now it's basically difficult to kill Baron."

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is the most injured! This time, you can see that he has taken the medicine! He was ready to fight for his life! But his teammates sent him to him before Kenan could come over!"

Miller: "It can only be said that KT's Nosuke was too eager to find an opportunity. They did catch Leopard Girl alone in this wave, but Canyon and the others in DWG reacted too quickly."

Zeyuan: "Then the big dragon is gone! As long as Zhongshang is still alive and Kennen still has this amount of health, it is impossible to stop DWG from beating the big dragon."

KT team voice.

Seeing his opponent turn to Baron, Bono was a little discouraged.

"It's over! The big dragon dropped it and it's gone!"

Tusin: "Ah~~~My, my, my! I didn't see the stopwatch on the other side."

"And more! I have a big dodge! I can still fight!"

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he controlled his little Kenan to swing from the jungle to the baron position.

Tusin: "Lin Cheng, don't go! Your blood volume is too low."

Kennan had just come over as a TP and got a set meal at the clockwork position. At this time, his blood volume was less than half.

Aiming also advised: "Don't go. How are you going to get in if you don't have TP to bypass and have so much health? It's a miracle that you can get into the dragon pit! Save the stopwatch and flash and wait for the next wave."

Lin Cheng: "I can't wait any longer! Wait until the base explodes, Li Shiheng! Li Shiheng!"

"Why are you shouting so loudly? I'm behind you."

"Li Shiheng! Let's create a miracle!"

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