This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 707 Kuro: Why do you want me to have C?

Soon, the BP of the third round began.

This time Suning chose the red side, and KT BAN first on the blue side.

In the first round, KT's three BAN slots were given to Kindred, Male Gun, and Card.

Suning's first three BAN positions were given to Dao Mei, Lucian and Seti.

Although the sides have been changed, the BAN players in the first three hands are actually not much different from the previous ones.

The blue side KT chose to grab Qinggang Shadow.

This version of Qinggang Shadow is no problem to play alone, and after all, it is the hero that Lin Cheng has played most in his career.

No one dares to underestimate Lin Cheng's signature hero.

However, Suning surprised everyone when he locked Jax with a backhand on the first floor from the red side.

Remember: "Jax! Why would you give Abin Jax? This is a replica of the previous game. The difference is that the users of Qinggang Shadow and Weapon Master have been swapped."

Wang Duoduo: "But Jax can indeed beat Qinggangying. We can't deny Abin's Jax just because he was beaten by Dao Mei in one round. At least at this time, he still dares to fight. Lou Jax’s spirit is worthy of our admiration, and being timid at this time is the scariest thing.”

Da Sima: "That's right! In this situation, players still dare to pick Jax. It's actually very stressful. Abin still dares to pick Jax. In fact, from a mental point of view, it's much better than if he doesn't dare to pick Jax anymore. .”

"It's numb! Can a human make this BP? Take the initiative to seek help from the teaching bureau, right?"

"It's not necessary. If you continue to be educated, your mentality will completely collapse."

"If the Qinggang Shadow can't defeat the weapon, it would be funny if the weapon can't defeat the Qinggang Shadow."

"I wonder if this is what Abin wanted to choose? He's too stubborn."

"Abin: Coach! Jax is good at beating Qinggangying. If you don't believe me, go watch the video of the last game."

"Every time Char Siu takes the blame for his teammates, he is so gentle."

Seeing Jax being shown on the opposite side, everyone in the KT team was also teasing him.

Bono: "Wuhu~~~The opponent is so tough, Lin Cheng, don't lose the line."

Aiming: "It seems that the opponent secretly learned a trick called Jax's card. Lin Cheng, how much did you teach in the last game? Don't be blown away."

Lin Cheng was very confident: "Don't worry, how can I learn the details of my laning just by looking at it? He can't beat me, let's watch me do a backhand teaching game."

Kuro: "Then Lin Cheng, you C! I'll lie down."

Lin Cheng: "...Didn't you just say that person C didn't eat the fried food? Li Shiheng, why are you lying down again? Can you be a bit promising?"

Kuro: "Stop talking nonsense. What do you mean? I don't have enough C yet?"

Lin Cheng: "Oh! Are you C or not?"

Kuro: "Are you annoyed? Why do you want me to give you a C every time?"

Lin Cheng: "·····"

Why doesn't this sentence sound right?

Are you a bastard who has the nerve to say that I want you to give me your C?

Following Jax, Suning locked Jhin on the second floor of the red side.

In this BO5, Suning has raised the priority of the hero Jhin very high, not because of the outstanding performance of this hero, but because the right to get off the lane is very important for Snake's roaming and vision.

The blue side backhand locked Syndraga Lee Sin on the second and third floors. This midfield combination has very strong combat capabilities.

Suning's third hero choice also looks familiar, it's still Clockwork.

Remember: "I still get Clockwork for Angel, but Suning used to ban Lucian and Syndra when I used Clockwork. In this round, when Kuro gets Syndra, Clockwork may not be able to gain lane control so easily in the middle. ”

Wang Duoduo: "Suning still doesn't dare to put all its treasure in the top lane now! The bottom lane is a Jhin, and the top lane may not be able to develop. The middle lane must have a hero with continuous output ability, otherwise Angel's hero pool There are actually characters like Akali in it.”

"You puke! You like to play with clockwork, don't you?"

"It would be funny if you send yourself away with three clockworks."

"Fuck! Stop playing like clockwork 78, even the bastard Kuro can't suppress you."

"I laughed! No one really looks down on Kuro, right? Who dares to say they can suppress Kuro this year?"

"Kuro is an old bastard. He can't beat the opponent, and the opponent can't even try to beat him."

"Does anyone really think that Kuro is a bastard? He has used all his functions."

"Brother Cheng complains about Kuro every day, what do you mean? This is a teammate certification."

"Just listen to Brother Chengzi, this guy is the leader of Kuro's black fans."

The red side Suning chose to target AD when banning people in the second round, banning both Senna and the policewoman, which was equivalent to banning two bottom lane systems.

The blue side KT BAN dropped the Leopard Girl and the female tank.

In the second round, Suning selected Shen first, and he is still Sofm's high-tech jungler.

KT's bottom lane combination chose EZ+Tahm.

Obviously, KT is determined to move into the middle and jungle.

Suning chose Niutou for the last counter position.

Although it’s not easy to play against Tahm Kench in the auxiliary Tautou lane, after all, the opponent has Tahm + EZ, so how can he still be defeated if he chooses a Tautou?

Moreover, Niutou is more resistant to the entry of Blind Sin and Qinggang Shadow in team battles. This choice is more for team battle considerations.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

On the road: Cheng (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Bono (Lee Sin, Lee Sin)

Middle: Kuro (Dark Leader, Syndra)

Bottom lane: Aiming (Explorer, Ezreal)

Support: Tusin (River King, Tahm Kench)

Red side SN:

Top lane: Bin (Weapon Master, Jax)

Jungler: Sofm (Eye of Twilight, Shen)

Middle lane: Angel (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Huanfeng (player, Jhin)

Support: Swordart (Tauren Chieftain, Alistar)

Remember: "Suning's lineup in this game is actually a bit similar to the first game, but I think this game may be much better than the first game. With the presence of Shen, at least Jax must be on the single line. More advantageous than Qinggangying."

Wang Duoduo: "That's right! In this game, KT did not use a hero like Galio as a counterattack, which means that Brother Orange's Qinggang Shadow will face much greater pressure on the sideline than the first Sword Girl... ...And to take a step back, even if Qinggangying had some advantages in the early stage, this hero does not have the powerful ability of more than one dozen like Dao Mei. At least Suning does not have to worry about this line."

Remember: "Putting aside my position, I personally am more optimistic about Suning's lineup. The side lane has an advantage, and in a team fight, KT actually does not have a very stable starting point from the front. If Qinggangying takes the lead It’s easy to go in and start a group for nothing.”

"Come on Suning! Come on Abin!"

"Abin, please do something! Don't get hit again."

"Please win a round, otherwise it will be too ugly."

"It's so funny. An hour ago, the barrage was all about killing Brother Chengzi, but now it's Abin, don't blow the line."

"After all, we will never go against the wind, there is nothing wrong with it."

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