This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 703 Suffocation! A desperate operation

Regarding the Tusin river boxing incident, teammates also made fun of them for a while.

What does it mean to hit a teammate with a punch instead of E in front of him?

Are you dissatisfied with us?

The loss of the vanguard that was supposed to be a sure thing did have a certain impact on KT's offensive rhythm, but it wasn't a big problem.

On the contrary, Suning, who got this pioneer, felt like he had nowhere to release himself.

On the top lane, Qinggangying was kept under the tower by Jax. Sofm had no chance to come over and release the vanguard. Just when Sofm showed up in the middle and was about to help Clockwork push the lane to release the vanguard, he suddenly found that Jax and Seti were coming from the same position at the same time. The upper and lower sides came closer.

Sett and Jax directly showed up to help clear the line, not allowing the opponent to push the line of troops into the tower at all.

Facing a Seti who already had level 6, Sofm didn't dare to step up and release the vanguard.

And if the Pioneer is released from behind, it may be solved without even being able to hit one end.

This is the pioneer he paid for with his life! It can't be wasted like this.

Unable to release the mid lane, Sofm could only try to rush to the bottom lane.

Angel's clockwork even came to cover him.

As a result, Tusin left a ward in a key position in the opponent's jungle before switching lanes.

After discovering the movements of the prince and Clockwork, Lin Cheng followed him to the bottom road with a ghostly mind, and at the same time took the tsar with him who had finished pushing the line in the middle.

Although Qinggang Shadow was put on the top lane to take out two waves of lanes, Qinggang Shadow's lane pushing speed was too slow, and there was Bono's blind monk in the upper half who could make up the lane. Qinggang Shadow had no chance of pushing lanes to touch Tappi. .

At 12 minutes, as soon as the slutty prince ran to the bottom lane, he found that the three brothers Shang Zhongfu who had just been in the middle lane on the opposite side came over again.

Fucked! The ghost is still there, right?

Remember: "Ouch! This is so uncomfortable for Sofm! There is no place to release the vanguard. KT is going too far. Don't they even give the subsistence allowance for the two-layer tower skin?"

Wang Duoduo: "Before, KT basically kept the first Canyon Pioneer in their own hands, but I didn't expect that they also did such a good job in defending the Pioneer. Sofm must let it go, and the time will come if we don't let it go."

Da Sima: "The line power advantage is still too great! The opponent's top laner has no TP and goes directly to the bottom lane to defend the vanguard. This is a very exaggerated thing. In the final analysis, it is because Abin does not have line rights."

Remember: "That's right! Moreover, several wards can clearly see the prince's movements. KT will capture your prince's position, just to prevent you from having a chance to release the vanguard."

This wave of vanguards that rushed to Sofm in the bottom lane had to be released even if they didn't.

But there is still the same problem. Although Suning also has four people, the existence of Tianfei Jax at this time makes the combat power of the two sides completely unequal.

And Clockwork hadn't flashed yet. Once Seti's ultimate attack hit him from the front row, Angel would have almost no chance of survival.

Sofm could only release the vanguard from behind, and then pretended to try to cover the advance of the vanguard.

As a result, Jax pushed forward, and the opponents immediately did not dare to pretend anymore. They turned around and allowed the vanguard to be beaten by KT's personnel.

In the end, under KT's textbook defense, the pioneer Suning finally exchanged was in vain.

Remember: "Wow~~~ It feels so uncomfortable! Obviously the team with the vanguard is the one taking the initiative! But KT's defense against the vanguard is really watertight, and this small lane switching operation is really amazing."

Wang Duoduo: "Looking on the bright side, at least this pioneer did not give KT. Otherwise, based on the opponent's operational capabilities, it may snowball very quickly."

"Fuck! I'm so desperate! I've been played."

"I recognize KT's operation, I can only be led along."

"I advise you not to go too far! How dare you not give tap money to the richest man?"

"It doesn't feel like a team of the same dimension. KT's lane change speed is too scary."

"Not bad! If the opponent gets the vanguard, Suning will lose even more."


In fact, Sofm had the opportunity to release Pioneer early.

However, many junglers like to clear the jungle first and use the enhancement of the vanguard to return to the city for two waves, and then use the time to release the vanguard. It is this psychology of Sofm that gives KT the opportunity to switch lanes after the two wing lanes handle the troops. .

By the time KT takes care of the troops and starts operating, it will be difficult for the opponent to find a comfortable opportunity to release the vanguard.

Defending the opposite vanguard's attack, Lin Cheng returned to the top lane to face Qinggangying.

At this time, Qinggangying, who didn't even have three phases, didn't dare to dance in front of Jax. He just followed the old rules and just huddled under the tower and got beaten.

Although he did not bring explosives, due to the huge single-lane advantage, Lin Cheng still successfully pushed down the first tower on the top lane when Tapi disappeared at 14 minutes.

But Abin had a good eye and had already escaped early to avoid being killed by Jax who broke the tower.

As soon as the upper tower is broken, Jax begins to threaten the jungle and mid lane.

Kuro had already used his ultimate to force the flash of Clockwork in advance, causing Angel to have to clear the line under the tower for a long time.

After Lin Cheng finished pushing the lane, he drove the scanner around in the wild area when he had time.

Even if Sofm consciously provides support for the middle lane, he cannot hang around all the time. In this version, no matter what type of jungler he is, he must ensure the number of junglers he clears.

Just when the prince's attack on the stone man was discovered by Tusin's eye position, Lin Cheng once again touched the middle.

Lin Cheng got stuck very well at this time. The opponent's clockwork was placed in the eye position of the grass behind the three wolves before he eliminated it.

This time Angel was planning to go home after clearing the line, but he happened to be caught by Lin Cheng.

When the troops entered the tower, Jax rushed out of the jungle area next to him with Counterattack Storm.

Lin Cheng inserted his eyes in seconds and used his Q skill to get close.

Clockwork quickly moved forward, trying to restrain Jax who was close at hand.


Lin Cheng didn't know what to do. He dodged the shock wave and stunned the clockwork. He picked up the hammer and started hammering.

Kuro drifted to make up for the output twice, and Jax killed the clockwork with a pillar.

——The Weapon Master is unstoppable!

The blind monk who was nearby came over, and the three of them led the troops and began to quickly demolish the tower.

Remember: "It's over! When Clockwork dies, the middle tower will also fall, and Suning's vision will be even more difficult. This wave is a big rhythm."

Wang Duoduo: "Angel still didn't dodge this time! This is how a hero without displacement faces the Tsar. He comes directly to your face to flash his ultimate move, and there's nothing you can do about it! But as soon as you flash, his teammates will come. Fuck you."

Da Sima: "There is really no way! Abin has pinged the signal and Jax has disappeared, but Angel must bite the bullet and come up to clear the line, otherwise the wave tower will still fall, and the top lane will crack like this."

After knocking down the opponent's mid-tower, KT started the operating mode that it is most familiar with.

By pressing the line, when forcing the opponent to defend, they suddenly switch to the bottom lane and attack the outer tower of the bottom lane.

Suning did not dare to defend due to the numerical disadvantage, so it could only let down a tower outside the lane.

One tower outside the three lanes fell, and the blue side's field of vision was directly compressed by half. Not to mention the river, even the own wild area began to become dangerous.

Lin Cheng returned to the top lane and pressed hard. As long as his teammates watched the players on their respective lanes, he dared to press without thinking.

Because the prince + Qinggang Ying cannot defeat him now, and even the three coming from the opposite side may not be able to catch him.

Taking advantage of Lin Cheng's strong pressure, Bono came to help and easily forced down the second tower on the top lane.

Then the familiar line changes again.

In just over a minute, Lin Cheng coordinated with his teammates to change lanes and destroy three blue square towers at the speed of light.

Even the commentary was very misleading. KT destroyed three defense towers in just over a minute without any fighting.

Even Suning couldn't fight for their lives, because KT always maintained a numerical advantage when switching lanes.

It’s so disappointing!

Unknowingly, in just over 20 minutes of game time, KT already had an economic advantage of 8,000.

People have been watching the games for the past two days. . .

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