This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 669: Lu Bu among men, Red Rabbit among horses

When Taobo was unwilling to take over the team head-on, KT easily took down the third dragon.

However, because Taobo's mid-tower has not been lost, Zoe still has good room to play, and KT has not been able to suppress the development of the male gun too much.

At 22 and a half minutes, the fourth dragon is about to be refreshed, and it is also KT's draw dragon.

Because of the Wind Dragon Soul, Taobo didn't seem to care very much and didn't go to the river in advance to take a stand.

Moreover, they have no vision in the river, so EZ and Zoe are not very good at their performance.

After Xiaolong refreshed, the male gun took the female tank's line of sight into the grass next to F6, and EZ was still playing red.

Apparently, Taobo was ready to let go of the little dragon and delay its development for a while.

After all, the blue side is a 3C lineup, and it is more beneficial to them to maintain this economic gap for another five minutes.

However, KT is not a Shakespeare team like GEN·G. Bono's pony discovered the opponent's line of sight and dropped the refreshed wind dragon to start sprinting forward.

"Lin Cheng, look at me! Follow me to find someone."

"Crocodile and Zoe are on the line and can rush."

The clatter of horse hooves sounded, and just when the male gunner and the female tank moved away from the F6 grass ward and continued to line up the F6 frontal ward, they saw the men and horses charging forward menacingly.

Lin Cheng handed over his ultimate move Mercy to Soul Fall.

Although the male gun turned back to E, the men and horses had already raised their hooves, Destruction Charge kicked the male gun, waved the weapons in their hands and launched a Q rampage.

When the people in Taobo saw the men and horses rushing over like this, their first reaction was to run. The female tank's Q skill stunned the men and horses and ran around the red BUFF wall and ran down together with the male guns and EZ.

However, the mercury shoes used by the Centaur and the female tank's Q control time are very short. Bono gets up and sprints after two steps before launching his ultimate Shadow Blast.

The ghost cavalry charged forward,

In addition to the EZ and E being pulled sideways, the female tank in front of me and the male gun in the back all suffered from the fear effect in the aisle in front of the red buff pit.

Since the men and horses were close to the female tank and opened up, the prophet was frightened for a very short time. After the men and horses rushed over, the Japanese female E skill pointed at the men and horses and gave a big move.

However, the galloping men and horses were too fast. By the time the sun flare fell, the men and horses were already chasing the male gunner in front of them.

The Japanese girl has a big move, and Shen's big move has already landed.

Lin Cheng decisively used E-dodge to taunt.


Shen passed through the male gun in front of him, and suddenly a figure 7 flashed on EZ's face next to him.

Brother Shuizi was naughty and was caught by Bono, so now Lin Cheng will not let him go.

Lin Cheng was very detailed and was not in a hurry to hand over Q. He pressed the Ju Jiu active skill while performing a basic attack, and activated the Q skill only after the attack strengthened by the new moon was released.

The soul blade flew back and hit EZ just as he was getting rid of the taunt.

Brother Shuizi who wanted to escape was slowed down by the soul blade, and Shen chased him and cut him.

Senna's ultimate move, Shadow Rebellion, follows.

He carefully raised his sword to kill EZ, and Lin Cheng had already achieved seven kills, which was almost amazing.

Although EZ has Ice Fist, being attacked by a warrior with advanced development will result in evaporation.

EZ fell too fast, and the 369 TP next to it had not yet fallen.

The men and horses, on the other hand, went berserk and forced the male gun's ultimate move to move into position.

Zoe turned back and jumped QE from the side to take the first shot. The flying star hit the centaur and the bubble hit Shen.

The crocodile TP landed, and Taobo wanted to fight back.

At this time, a golden magic circle emerged under Shen's feet.

Galio's ultimate move supports him.

Tahm Kaida is also preparing to appear with Senna.


The colossus descended, and the crocodile and the Japanese girl on the other side were knocked into the air.

Lin Cheng fell into sleep, and Galio hit the crocodile with a combination of punches.

Bono's men ran alone to attack the male guns and female tanks in front.

The crocodile is not fleshy, Senna came to cooperate with the output, and Lin Cheng's Shen backhand slashed for a double kill.

"Double Kill!"

Shen is already super awesome.

Bono on the other side is so fierce that he chases the male gun and the Japanese girl together to have sex together.

The Three Phases of Centaur, Death Dance and Red Jungler are super capable. Bono relied on sprinting to kill the male gunman who didn't have much health, and then chased him to the light gate and hacked the Japanese to death despite Zoe's harassment. female.

Remember: "Oh~~~ Centaur rushed three by himself! These two people are too fierce! Both Shen and Centaur scored a double kill! Taobo was about to release Xiaolong, but Centaur rushed in and hit a wave of zero for four. .”

Cat: "The field of view is still too poor! The Poke lineup needs to have a field of view advantage to be powerful. If the troops rush in like this, there is no way to stop it.

This man and horse are the same as the God of War. Unless there is a vision prophet who can give the man and horse a set of control before the man and horse rush up, there will be a chance. Otherwise, when the man and horse rush in, they will be scattered immediately. The death dance and three-phase melee combat are too fierce. . "

957: "Look at Senna's equipment and the Youmu he brought out. This is obviously for the purpose of rushing with the troops! KT's current thinking is to overwhelm Taobo in one wave of fighting. Even if Taobo knew it, he wouldn't be able to hold it. This wave.”

"Damn it! This centaur is just rushing around like a ghost."

"Two tough men, fighting so hard that a group of girls were scared."

"Lu Bu is among men, and the red rabbit is among horses. Now both Lu Bu and the red rabbit are alive."

"It's obviously Bono who's charging like crazy under Brother Cheng's crotch!"

"Bono is very embarrassed!"

"Brother Chengzi also expressed his concern!"

"No driving!"


After a wave of zero for four, KT no longer cares about the dragon, and the whole team turns to the baron pit.

The red team's lineup was not happy to defeat the dragon, and Zoe, who was the only one left in the battle, wanted to come over and harass her.

However, Senna's flash shot slowed down the glacier's increase. Lin Cheng directly moved to the ward behind TP and came out to taunt Zoe who was trying to run away.

Zoe was kicked to death by a horse, and Taobo was destroyed by the group.

Tam still held the baron's hatred, and everyone turned around and captured the baron.

The entire KT team returned to the city to make up for a wave, and then began to advance.

The blue side's lineup struggled to deal with the minions blessed by the Baron BUFF, and the outer towers of the blue side were destroyed one after another.

However, except for Senna, all the red players have short hands, and the high ground is indeed not easy to access.

It was found that the division of the zone involved the grinding tower too slowly. When there was one minute left for the Baron BUFF, KT started a five-man group in the middle.

However, it was impossible for the men and horses to rush up from the high ground in front of the other side's sight. Shen could not take the initiative without flashing. The two sides were in a stalemate in the middle for a while.

With more than 20 seconds left for the Baron BUFF, KT finally launched an attack when the opponent's C position cleared the line.

Tusin Tam suddenly drove his troops to the high ground.

The men and horses who landed directly made a big move. Although they only frightened Zoe, they also forced Taobo's formation to break up.

Shen and Galio were defeated one after another.

KT's equipment advantage was too great. They rushed to the high ground and killed Zoe and the male gun. The price they paid was just a stopwatch for the troops.

In the five-on-three opportunity, KT naturally would not let their opponents breathe, and they pushed forward from the center to end the game.

KT successfully won the first game of the knockout round by relying on the European system of Ueno, waist and horse.

The third update is finally completed! It’s so difficult for me to update three times now. Thank you everyone for your votes.

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