This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 62 Trial Training KT

Lin Cheng's application for suspension of study specifically stated that the purpose of his suspension of study was to work professionally. Seoul National University did not embarrass him at this stage and quickly approved his application. However, Lin Cheng had to solve the visa issue during the suspension of study by himself. , or let the club come forward when the time comes.

Lin Cheng immediately replied to Kang Dongxun via email, expressing his attitude.

Since KT has a game tomorrow, the two parties have agreed to set a tryout time for the day after tomorrow.

On February 24, Lin Cheng put on a mask and went out after lunch.

Longshan District, KT club base.

Lin Cheng honestly took his temperature at the entrance and explained his purpose of coming. Soon Kang Dongxun appeared at the base gate in person.

Kang Dongxun's attitude was more enthusiastic than Lin Cheng expected. It seemed that he was really disappointed with his two top laners.

Although KT won their first win of the season in yesterday's game, their performance on the top lane was still not ideal.

The two exchanged a few words while Kang Dongxun led Lin Cheng into the base.

As one of the oldest clubs in the LCK, although it is not as good as T1 who built a new building in Gangnam District, KT's new base is relatively complete.

The main building of the training base is a three-story building. Except for the parking lot, it is almost surrounded by green space. The greening is very good.

The glass door at the entrance of the base building has a fingerprint lock. Kang Dongxun pressed his fingerprint and joked to Lin Cheng: "I hope your fingerprint will be entered after a while. Don't pull your hips during the trial training." , I have assured the team manager that the invoice and contract have been drawn up for you."

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Don't worry, if you eliminate me, I will go to Hanwha."

Kang Dongxun: "·····"

This coach experienced Lin Cheng's snake skin for the first time.

The training room of the base is on the second floor. When the two of them went up, the KT players were staying in the tactics room and listening to the team analysts reviewing the game.

Kang Dongxun clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, "The players for today's trial have arrived. Please introduce yourself."

Lin Cheng nodded, "My name is Lin Cheng. Well~~~Although I am Chinese, I think there should be no communication problems with you."

The players at the scene were a little surprised. Although they had heard that a passerby player was coming to try out today, they didn't know it was a Chinese player.

It's not that they have any objections to Lin Cheng. In fact, they have met many times in RANK. Some of them are Lin Cheng's friends, but they don't know that the guy with the ID Cheng is Chinese.

To be precise, there is no precedent for LCK to introduce foreign aid, which is why they are surprised.

Whether in Europe, the United States or China, the salary level is higher than that in the LCK.

In their view: If you, a Chinese, have the ability to play professionally, why would you come to compete with us for jobs if you don't go to the LPL and get a high salary?

Many people think that with the self-esteem of the Koreans, they will not bring in foreign aid at all, let alone the Chinese.

But actually the fundamental problem is not here.

The SKT club has already had a precedent of Chinese foreign players.

Of course, it's not that Li Xu.

But on the Koreans' more dominant project StarCraft.

The fundamental reason why there is no foreign aid in the LCK is because the Korean League of Legends developed very early, and with the emergence of a large number of outstanding players, Korean players are more cost-effective.

At the same level, the wages of local players are low and there are no communication problems. In this case, only fools would buy foreign players.

On the contrary, because the wages provided by Korean clubs are not as good as those in other regions, Korean players continue to be poached from the LCK.

Speaking of which, the Korean sub-league CK had a precedent of introducing foreign players last year. BBQ ambitiously introduced American coach and Swedish foreign player Malice after being relegated.

As a result, the Swedish guy failed to live up to his expectations, played badly in BBQ, and was kicked out after one season.

Facts have once again proved that unless he is a truly outstanding player, it will be difficult for a foreign player who does not understand the language to perform well in the team.

In Kang Dongxun's view, Lin Cheng has both strong laning strength and no language barrier.

Another point: In the prior communication, Lin Cheng’s salary requirements were so low that he was surprised.

Unlike other professional players who make a living by playing professionally, Lin Cheng has found a way to realize his dream during the epidemic, and he has never thought about how much money he can make by playing professionally.

Kang Dongxun gave the team members time to communicate with each other, and the first person to greet Lin Cheng was actually his competitor Ray.

"Hello, I am EDG's top laner Ray."

Ray said this in Chinese, and he didn't know whether he was being funny on purpose or just out of habit. Lin Cheng almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Ray is 23 years old this year. He can't even compete with the team's other elderly top laner SoHwan. He also knows that there is a high probability that he will change teams again next season, and another top laner will make no difference.

So he didn't show any resistance to Lin Cheng, and it seemed pretty good to be a substitute and still get a salary without having to play?

Another person who understood this sentence was Kuro. He spoke in Chinese for the second time: "Hello, I am Kuro Li Shiheng, the mid laner of BLG."

Lin Cheng was amused. The banter between his two teammates was a positive sign.

The others didn't know what they were saying in Chinese, but they all briefly introduced themselves one by one.

Kang Dongxun is very satisfied with the attitude of the players. All the players here only joined KT this year, and they have not formed any ideas of teaming up with others. The overall atmosphere in the team is very good.

Soon, the trial training specially prepared for Lin Cheng began.

The content of the trial training is actually very simple, which is to play a few team training games to see how the players perform.

When Lin Cheng first arrived, he couldn't see anything like a tacit understanding with his teammates, but the players' basic skills and game awareness could be seen.

Since KT's first team didn't have enough personnel to make up two lineups, Kang Dongxun temporarily found two youth training players who were not yet old enough to play to make up the number.

Lin Cheng was assigned to the main side, paired with jungler Bono, mid laner Kuro, bottom lane Aiming and assistant Tusin.

SoHwan and Ray were both assigned to the substitute side, and Ray even went to play in the middle.

Everyone was not too surprised. At this time, the coach brought him for trial training. No one thought that Kang Dongxun was just looking for a substitute.

Since it was an in-team training, the BP seemed very casual. Kang Dongxun directly asked the players to communicate and conduct BP on their own.

The main team is on the blue side and the substitute is on the red side.

"Lin Cheng, which hero are you best at? Just grab it."

In order to take care of Lin Cheng, the team members gave priority to soliciting Lin Cheng's opinions. Aiming Jinshengdi even said: "What do you want to play? Let's talk to the opponent first and don't let them lose the ban."

Lin Cheng felt the warmth from his teammates and smiled casually, "It's okay. You can ban any hero. I'll choose after you ban."

When both sides finished their ban in the first round, Lin Cheng locked up Qinggang Ying with his first choice.

This hero can not only play in the lane, but also cooperate with teammates to support the team. In Lin Cheng's opinion, he is the best hero to show himself to the coaching staff.

Soon, the lineups of both sides were determined. Since it was a training match, everyone did not pick the heroes that were strong in the version.

Lin Cheng's Green Steel Shadow faced SoHwan's signature hero Sword Demon on the blue side.

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