This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 584 Brother! Brother Li Heng! Please!

Due to the failure of the first wave of exchanges, Tusin has been suppressed. He has never returned home and can't even see out. He doesn't know whether the spider is nearby.

But as an experienced veteran, Tsuin guessed that the spider would attack the tower when he saw the opponent hoarding lanes.

After all, although there are crocodiles on it, Akali is not that easy to catch as long as she doesn't mess around with Xia Zhen, and it is not strange for spiders to run lower and lower.

At this time, Lin Cheng didn't dare to continue controlling the line, and used his skills to clear the line like crazy.

Because of the additional experience of a single kill, Akali was promoted to level six after clearing the line with two Q skills.

Lin Cheng immediately dropped his troops and looked for the crocodile's location.

With her ultimate move, even if she can't kill her opponent, Akali can still hit the crocodile with a set of damage to the point where she doesn't dare to turn her T to the bottom.

Facts proved that Tusin's experience was correct, Canyon's spider took action for the first time in the game.

When a large wave of soldiers entered the tower in the bottom lane, the spider came out from the triangle grass.

Bono's bear is in the lower half. When the opponent starts to gather troops in the bottom lane, the bear stands in the closed grass in the bottom lane and prepares to counter-crouch.

After the spider emerged, Bono's bear moved closer.

DWG has discovered the bear, but has no intention of giving up.

The blue soldier's body lit up with TP.

In order to ensure the success of crossing the tower, Niu Bao's crocodile turned T under the top tower.

Immediately, the defense tower on the red side also lit up TP, the Tsar from Kuro in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, Syndra also handed over TP.

Both sides will start a large-scale team battle in the bottom lane in the early stage.

Zeyuan: "The bear showed up but did not persuade everyone in DWG to retreat. Wow! The three TPs lit up. DWG must fight this wave in the bottom lane. They are working too hard!"

Remember: "In addition, there are four people opposite TP! Is DWG going to imitate KT's five-for-four? They are really getting angry!"

Ze Yuan: "Let's see if there is any chance to form a duo first. KT's duo is not in very good condition, and Jhin's flash is not good yet."

Because of his teammates' warning, Lin Cheng started looking for the crocodile's location in advance. When he couldn't find the crocodile's location in the alcove above, Lin Cheng finally found Niu Bao who had just handed over TP when he eyed under the blue square tower.

On the opposite side, under the tower, it is impossible for Akali to rush into the tower with her ultimate move to lose health.

I have no choice but to take a ride.

Lin Cheng walked into the defense tower in two steps and used his E skill, Falcon Dance.

The shuriken accurately hit the crocodile under the tower and put Falcon Dance's mark on it. Akali also used the reverse retreat of her E skill to draw away the hatred of the defensive tower.

After waiting for a moment, Lin Cheng directly activated the second stage of Falcon Dance.

It happened that the crocodile TP reached the bottom lane.

Akali turned over and turned into a green light and rushed towards the other end of the canyon.

On the other side, when the T was handed over in the middle, DWG had already taken action decisively.

The spider walked up and threw neurotoxin to attract the defense tower's hatred, and immediately formed a cocoon to take action.

Lux's Q skill, Binding of Light, also followed suit.

There were two female police clamps under the tower. The red team's duo was forced under the tower to face the skills flying from two directions and had no room to move. Jhin was hit first by Cocoon, and Pike was also imprisoned by Lux.

Bono's bear had already sounded the alarm in advance. After seeing the spider carrying the tower, he flashed decisively in an attempt to stun the opponent.

But Canyon was also very decisive, and just as the bear was approaching, the spider that switched forms dodged into Jhin's face.

Amimng purifies and instantly removes control, but it's useless. The opponent directly deals damage.

Jhin, who was already dissatisfied with his health, was directly killed by the policewoman with a headshot and the spider that rushed towards him.

Although Pike hooked the spider, Tusin was unable to immediately use the E skill Phantom Wave due to being imprisoned by Lux. As a result, after the spider took two damage from the defense tower, Diaotian successfully removed the aggro of the defense tower and let the running bear go. The Q skill just can't be taken.

Lux, who was carrying the tower, retreated.

TP personnel from both sides have landed.

The crocodile TP landed on the ground, and E suddenly hit Pike.

Tusin's Pike was clamped by a female police officer after being imprisoned. When he was just able to move under the tower, he was knocked unconscious by a crocodile.

Syndra pushed the ball to stun the Czar, who was also down, and W smashed over to collect the remaining health Pike.

Now Kuro's situation was very dangerous. Seeing that the situation was not right, he got up and quickly pushed away the crocodile in front of him with a big move, and walked back.

Lux pulled away while carrying the defense tower to the limit. The crocodile was knocked off the ground by the Tsar and was already carrying the tower.

Seeing the Tsar's ultimate move standing in front, DWG did not choose to pursue it deeply, and all the players turned around and prepared to retreat.

At this moment, a green light and shadow rushed from outside the screen.

Lin Cheng's Akali finally entered the field after crossing the diagonal line of the canyon.

"Brothers! Help me! Brother Cheng is here!"

At this time, everyone in DWG had just begun to retreat, and Lin Cheng's Akali Falcon Dance entered the field and cast a cold shadow of the Q skill diagonally in the air.

Five kunai were thrown out, hitting the crocodile and slowing down Syndra at the end.

Lin Cheng's operation was very fast, and without giving the opponent a chance to adjust, Falcon Wu landed and directly launched his ultimate move to kill Dazzling on the inside and outside.

Akali turned over and jumped over the crocodile in front of her. With her backhand, Akali sprinkled the cloud formation and moved forward to press.

Syndra condensed the Dark Orb, and DWG immediately wanted to deal with Akali, but the Xia Formation provided Akali with shelter in time.

Pulling out the passive of his ultimate move, Lin Cheng did not show up in a hurry. After adjusting his position, he started to draw A with the crocodile behind him. At the same time, he sprayed the Q skill Cold Shadow forward in the opposite direction, hitting Syndra and slowing down the policewoman at the end.

Xu Xiu's big backhand move came down directly, and the policewoman turned around and turned her gun.

Akali's health drops very quickly.

The spider in front turned around and wanted to cooperate with his teammate to kill Akali, but Akali in the Xia formation quickly disappeared again.

After adjusting his two-step movement, Lin Cheng launched the second stage of internal and external killing.


Green light and shadow suddenly flashed, and Akali's second-stage ultimate move passed through Syndra and the policewoman and directly killed the remaining health Lux behind.

Lin Cheng's ultimate move was too precise. After killing Lux, he just got close to the spider and hit it with an AQ backhand.

A level five spider dies at the speed of light with less than one-third of its health.

"Double Kill!"

At this moment, because Lin Cheng's initial attack dealt damage to the level 5 crocodile, the defense tower's final attack fell on Niu Bao.

"Triple Kill!"

Akali's second stage ultimate move has escaped the protection of Xia Zhen, and the policewoman shot it with a backhand.

Lin Cheng took advantage of the situation and pulled it to the side, blocking the position and waiting for the energy to recover.

Both the policewoman and Syndra were in bad shape, especially Syndra, who was almost out of health after being penetrated by Akali's second-stage ultimate move just now.

However, Lin Cheng was in bad shape just now after Syndra used her ultimate move and took a headshot from the policewoman, and he was not in a good condition. He did not dare to approach directly after pulling aside to avoid the policewoman's Q.

Lin Cheng: "Brothers! Help me, it seems Brother Cheng has a chance to kill five times."

Kuro uttered two words: "Please!"

This kid actually laughed at me just now and asked me to watch his video to learn how to operate Akali. He also wants me to help him get pentakill?

Lin Cheng is very aware of current affairs and does not hesitate at all.

"Brother! Brother Shiheng! Please!"

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