This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 579 Kang Dongxun’s hidden worries

Remember: "DWG is so uncomfortable! There was no chance to counterattack. When Ornn's ultimate move still had a few seconds to cool down, Qiyana's first move pushed them unconscious and four people were wiped out. We congratulate KT on their success in the LCK summer." Win first in the final."

Zeyuan: "Look! I already said KT3: 0! In Cheng Zi's state, DWG really has no chance. When you see Canyon's Leopard Girl lagging behind the Bear, you will know how big a disadvantage DWG has. .”

Remember: "Let's wait and see how DWG makes adjustments in the next game. We also look forward to more exciting games from both sides. Although DWG has not defeated KT this summer, if they can equalize the score in the next game, The momentum may come up.”

"Okay! Break the demon, right?"

Zeyuan smiled: "Although it is a bit of a joke, it is not completely unreasonable. After all, BO5 is still different from the regular season. It is not that there are no teams that were violently defeated in the regular season and counterattacked in the playoffs."

"Stop counterattacking, DWG really can't beat KT, bloodline suppression."

"DWG is really outrageous. It's like God of War when playing against other teams, but it gives up when it comes to KT."

"Wait for one move and let one chase three."

"I laughed when I asked one to chase three. In the next game, should we wait for two to chase three? In the next game, let three chase their dream?"

"Trivia: Whether it's LCK or MSC, Brother Chengzi has never lost a single BO5 game."

“Brother Cheng’s BO5 100% winning rate is a joke?”

"Originally, I thought DWG had no chance at all, but since the big school has always favored KT, I think DWG still has a chance."


After winning the first game, everyone in KT discussed the content of the previous game with relaxed expressions in the training room.

Kuro's Akali operation Lin Cheng was teased a lot.

Not to mention flashing to pick up the sheep, Lin Cheng was disgusted by the operation of chasing people until they got lost in team battles.

Coach Kang Dongxun brought Acron in. When he saw that there was no water in Lin Cheng's cup, Acron picked up the cup and helped to get the water.

"Pass water to the boss."

Acron imitated Lin Cheng's tone and joked. Lin Cheng looked at him again and again with suspicion, and then stared at the water in his cup.

"Don't worry, I didn't add kudzu powder...and I didn't spit on it."

Lin Cheng felt relieved and took the water glass as if he was flattered.

Mainly because this assistant coach has a criminal record.

Lin Cheng and his teammates teamed up to trick him last time, tricking Acron into getting water and then nailing him to the bottom of the KT food chain in the new period.

KT's food chain ranking is very interesting. It is often determined by playing flower cards, playing board games, or in the form of secret missions.

Acron was established as a low-level employee because he unknowingly completed Lin Cheng's water-receiving instructions. He was responsible for serving tea and ordering takeout for a week.

Although he usually does these things when he is in charge of the team members' lives, Acron feels that taking the initiative and being dominated are two different concepts.

So Acron took the opportunity to retaliate and secretly added kudzu powder into Lin Cheng's cup while receiving water.

The kudzu powder that Acron bought to soak in water for health was very tasteless. After Lin Cheng was caught, he no longer allowed his assistant coach to fill him with water. He even went to Kang Dongxun to file a complaint.

As a result, Kang Dongxun not only refused to stand up for the team members, but also laughed at Lin Cheng because he had been cheated by Lin Cheng in the past.

Putting aside the daily disputes of these clubs, the coaching staff is obviously very satisfied with the performance of the players in this game.

Although Rift Pioneer suffered a loss in the team fight, KT immediately adjusted its decision-making, and the subsequent operations were perfect.

"Everyone, keep working hard. There are still two trophies waiting for Lee Se Hyung and Park Yong Hyuk to pick up."

"Come on! We also want to get back the Shanghai trophy."

"Don't worry! I told you, I want to send Li Shiheng away happily."

"Lin Cheng, please speak so nicely that it makes me feel like I'm going to die."

"You said you wanted to go peacefully."

"You fart! I said goodbye with a championship."

Seeing the team members starting to quarrel again, Kang Dongxun was happy but also troubled.

Because Kuro and Tusin have decided to retire after this year, the departure of the two most experienced veterans in the team will inevitably have a great impact on KT's operational capabilities.

Although it is said that the players are involved in decision-making on the court, most operational decisions are made by Kuro and Tusin. Once the team's brains are lost, it is difficult to predict KT's path next year.

Even though the operation of KT players has become the biggest highlight this year, KT's frighteningly stable and powerful operation ability is the most valuable thing about this team.

Extremely strong resilience against the wind, seamless snowballing operations against the wind, and a fatal blow to the opponent at the right time. This is the label of KT's operation.

However, these tactical arrangements on the field cannot be completely preset by the coach off the field. They can only be analyzed and directed by experienced players on the spot based on the battle situation.

Some team players clearly have strong personal abilities, but their operational decisions after the laning period are extremely difficult, just because they lack an excellent commander.

It has been confirmed that next season they will lose at least the two most experienced veterans in the team. Near the end of the season, Kang Dongxun and Acron have begun to express their concerns in this regard during their usual exchanges.

In addition, these two players may not be the only ones they lose next year.

Members of the coaching staff still have long contracts with the club, but the contracts of these players are only one year.

Now even Lin Cheng may not be able to stay. It is natural for the coaching staff to be worried about the team's prospects next season.

As a coach, you naturally want your team to be stable and competitive.

However, the current situation of e-sports is that personnel mobility is very high, which is why it is difficult for any team to remain strong and strong.

Of course, next year, the LCK will launch a comprehensive alliance. Kang Dongxun knows that KT will definitely make the greatest efforts to retain Lin Cheng.

But not necessarily for others.

Aiming's worth is not low to begin with, and after this year, his worth will definitely skyrocket again. If KT really bleeds money to keep Lin Cheng, Aiming's future may not necessarily be with KT.

Bono's situation is a bit more complicated.

Players entering the late stages of their careers will definitely try to get a long-term contract, but the LCK club seems to be very cautious when it comes to players' long-term contracts.

Even though Clid performed so well last year, winning the spring and summer championships and reaching the semi-finals of the World Championship, he still couldn't get a long-term contract with T1. In the end, Clid chose to switch to GEN·G.

And Bono is much older than Clid, so he will definitely have differences with the club on the new contract.

None of his five starting players has a bright future. It is inevitable that Kang Dongxun will feel troubled while being happy.

He has already made plans.

If it is really impossible to keep all three starting players, the club must at least try its best to keep Lin Cheng.

With Lin Cheng here, as long as his teammates are normal, KT will still be a strong team.

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