This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 572 Kuro’s unique skill! Flash to catch the sheep!

Although Lin Cheng's wave of blood exchanges without killing any kills made the commentators scream, this wave did not just knock out the opponent's state.

Because of this wave of exchanges, Ornn gave way to the lane, and Lin Cheng's Qiyana pushed to take the initiative in the lane.

Aiming's Ai Xi is used to learning E at Level 2, and has already detected Canyon's opening route. Knowing that Leopard Girl is brushing up, Lin Cheng will move towards the river after pushing the line.

Bono's bear also clears the jungle from bottom to top.

Although Leopard Girl took the first step to occupy the river position and wanted to hit the river crab, Qiyana came close behind.

Canyon hit the mark with a shot, and when he saw the figure of the bear, he decisively turned around and gave up.

If this were the LPL division, even if the two sides fought without shaking hands, the Leopard Girls would probably look for opportunities to fight for punishment, but the LCK is relatively more stable.

At this time, the KT duo in the lower half happened to press the line and enter the tower, and the two went directly to control the river crabs in the lower half.

In this way, because of Qiyana's line advantage, Leopard Girl lost her first river crab.

Don't underestimate a river crab. It is very painful for the jungler to lose the first river crab.

The scene was relatively dull, and there was no sign of attendance until five and a half minutes, and almost no one from each line even went home.

However, Lin Cheng had a clear advantage in the top lane due to two waves of blood swaps, and Qiyana had a small advantage in lane control.

Before leveling up to level six, Lin Cheng had already switched perspectives to observe the battlefield. After leveling up to level six, Qiyana immediately retreated to the back and handed over TP.

Since the bottom lane was also pressing the line, Tusin's Karma set his sights next to the red square toad pit. Qiyana landed and circled from the path next to the blue buff to the red square triangle grass.

It happened that Hanbing and Karma pushed the line into the tower again.

Zeyuan: "Here it comes! The two sides have been developing peacefully for so long. Orange Brother is finally going to attack first. He needs to cooperate with his teammates to cross the tower. Leopard Girl has just brushed towards the top half. I never thought that KT would be defeated by KT at this time. Top laner, come and jump the tower."

Remember: "Qiyana didn't even go home to replenish her equipment. She just disappeared on the top lane and T came down. DWG had no defense at all, but the red side had TP to protect it, and the triangle grass had the red side's vision."

When Qiyana approached the triangle grass, Senna happened to stay on the left side of the defense tower. Because of the consumption of ice and Karma, the Japanese girl did not dare to push forward, and she was very close to Senna.

Lin Cheng directly used his Q skill when he was about to enter the triangle grass.

Qiyana originally held the grass element in her hand, and a green sneaking path led to the triangle grass.

He had already communicated with his teammates that the position of the triangle grass might be within the opponent's field of vision, so Lin Cheng deliberately made a circle and came from the direction of the river, blocking the Q skill released by the corner wall of the triangle grass.

In this way, under the protection of the sneak path, Qiyana's movement around the corner and into the grass will not be detected by the opponent's vision.

Qiyana's location information will not appear on the opponent's mini map.

He quickly rushed out of the triangle grass, and Lin Cheng dodged his hand the moment he was about to be discovered by the defense tower.

At this time, DWG's duo was leaning unsuspectingly on the left side of the defense tower to hit the target.


A flashing sound effect sounded, and Qiyana suddenly appeared next to the two of them, throwing out a shock wave that accurately pushed the two of them towards the defense tower.

Kalmar RQ takes action.

Thousands of ice arrows followed.

Lin Cheng immediately grabbed the earth element with his W Fangyuan Shaling after his R flash, and used the displacement of his W to reach the two people who were pushed against the wall.

Starting with level A, the Q skill elemental fury is thrown out.

The extra damage of the earth element combined with electrocution killed Senna instantly.

"First Blood!"

Without stopping, Lin Cheng's E skill shot at the Japanese girl the moment AQ hit.

Because Qiyana's E is the same as Yasuo's E, both have a fixed charging distance. The close-to-face E allows Qiyana to pass through the Japanese girl and appear in front of her teammates.

If Lin Cheng had been slower or less decisive, he might have been pinned under the tower by the awakening Japanese girl.


Beryl was also very decisive. After waking up, she knocked Qiyana unconscious with a flash.

After being ignited, the Japanese girl took over the imprisonment of the Zenith Blade and wanted to replace the tower-resistant Qiyana.

If Lin Cheng was alone, he might be beaten to death by the tower, but he had teammates.

The shield provided by Karma with his backhand offset the damage of the defense tower, and Aiming gave another healing acceleration, allowing Lin Cheng to get up and quickly draw away the aggro of the defense tower.

Instead, the Japanese girl flashed over and couldn't run away.

Because Lin Cheng's R flash was too sudden, Beryl was pushed to the tower just now without even using W. He took a wave of damage and dropped to one-third of his health. Now that he flashed forward, he did not replace Chia. Na was still held by Karma's chain.

Hanbing drew his bow and shot an arrow, and white ice arrows like a rainstorm shot the Japanese girl to death under the tower.

Remember: "It's very detailed! Brother Orange used the grass element Q to avoid DWG's eye position on the triangle grass... and directly flashed with R! Wow! Senna was evaporated, and the Japanese girl wanted to change, but Karma's shield and Ice's How do you change the treatment?”

Zeyuan: "It's too fast! It's too cruel! Brother Chengzi's R flash was so decisive! Saina was killed as soon as he met her, and her teammates didn't react immediately, so they didn't have to pay TP bail."

Remember: "Brother Orange really didn't give him any chance in this wave. Qiyana couldn't react when she touched her in stealth state and her R flashed. The DWG duo were pushed to the wall when they flashed and they immediately announced their bottom lane. split."

Cooperating with the duo to complete the kill, Lin Cheng took out Tiamat after returning.

This piece of equipment will greatly improve Qiyana's clearing speed, allowing Qiyana to have more opportunities to roam.

Just when Lin Cheng went out, a fight suddenly broke out in the middle.

Crocodile handed TP back to the lane first, and then found an opportunity to use a military punch to force out Akali's Xia Formation. Ornn handed over TP directly on the top lane.

Kuro didn't dare to stay inside the Kasumi Formation, so he turned around and ran away.

The crocodile moves forward.

Akali's E skill enters the tower.

At this time, Ornn, who landed on the ground, began to call the sheep.

One section of the sheep ran over Akali under the tower, and Ornn knocked the second section of the sheep back.


Kuro handed over Flash.

The result was embarrassing. Akali hit the sheep's head in a flash and was knocked up under the tower.


Niu Bao dodged decisively and hit the defense tower with a headbutt.

Akali takes off again.

Ornn knocked out the fragile one, and the crocodile came up and easily made up the head.

Ze Yuan: "Hey! Kuro's unique skill reappears! He flashes to catch the sheep again! This is not the case once or twice this year. Niu Bao directly flashes to the control, and Xu Xiu gets the kill."

I remember laughing: "What kind of unique skill is this? In fact, this wave can't be blamed on Kuro, because Ornn's second-level ultimate move is very fast and has a wide range. The moment he sees the sheep, it is actually not very easy for the players to judge what the sheep's head can cover. The range is specific, so we often see players flashing and catching sheep on the field.”

"It's so funny! Kuro is addicted to catching sheep in a flash, right? How many times has he done it this season?"

"Kuro: My teammates are so strong, what's wrong with me picking up a sheep?"

"Ornn's Predictive Sheep is really hard to hide from. I panic every time I see the Sheep coming."

"My brother Cheng will definitely not show up to pick up the sheep."

"Don't brag! Brother Cheng has done it even if he shows up to pick up a leopard girl."

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