This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 568 The trash talk session with distorted style

The colonel's finger of death made KT's passerby supporters a little panicked, but those who usually watch LCK are not surprised.

Zeyuan's poisonous milk is difficult to take effect on KT.

Although the process was sometimes a little bit fantasy, in the end KT had the last laugh.

Even though Zeyuan kept praising Lin Cheng during his commentary, Lin Cheng rarely had problems.

The audience ridiculed that Brother Chengzi is the only true god in the LCK.

Of course, Lin Cheng was not without problems.

There have been scenes where Lin Cheng was caught to death after the senior captain said, "Brother Chengzi, this is a huge attack", but this did not affect KT's victory.

Even though the senior colonel was victorious, he was still unable to influence the situation.

Before the game started, the director announced several important awards for the LCK Summer Split.

The first is the regular season POG. The person who has won the most MVPs after the game is elected. Lin Cheng was elected with 2100 POG points.

In other words, among the 36 games won by KT in the summer split, Lin Cheng won the MVP more than half of the time.

Then the best coach went to DWG’s coach Zefa.

Although KT's results were better, DWG's transformation in the summer split was too obvious. Zefa was elected the best coach with a very small advantage in the voting of all parties.

Of course, another reason is that the LCK audience is ridiculing KT's coach for being too good. With Lin Cheng's outstanding personal ability and the team's excellent execution ability, the coach can just be responsible for ordering takeaways.

Some people even bluntly said: KT can win the championship even if it is a dog tied to the coaching bench.

The people who said these words completely forgot that when the spring split started, they were still scolding KT's coach for not knowing how to employ people.

The third award is regular season MVP.

This is different from POG, which is automatically elected based on the number of times the MVP is won, while this is voted by the media and officials based on the player's overall performance throughout the season.

Lin Cheng was re-elected without any surprise.

The fourth award is Rookie of the Year.

Since the LCK's best rookie cannot be re-elected, Lin Cheng, who was elected in the spring split, naturally cannot be selected again.

The Best Rookie of the Summer Split was awarded to Showmaker. Players who have been registered in the LCK for less than two years can participate in the selection of the Best Rookie. Xu Xiu just meets this condition.

Next is the LCK roster:

Top lane: Cheng Jungler: Canyon Mid laner: Showmaker Bottom lane: Aiming Support: Beryl

As soon as this list came out, all the viewers said it was outrageous.

KT won the summer split, but only Lin Cheng and Aiming were on the first-team roster, while DWG Nakano Fu was on the first-team roster.

In fact, the list of these winners was announced two days ago, and Lin Cheng even complained about it during the live broadcast.

He believes that all his teammates should be on the first-team roster.

What the outside world sees are Canyon and Showmaker's luxurious statistics, as well as Beryl's wonderful team-building and rhythm driving.

But KT's three brothers, Nakano and Suke, actually play a very important role in the team.

Let’s not talk about Bono. In this wild core version, he is the only jungler who can reverse the effect of the version. Although his data is not as good as Canyon in all aspects, Bono is definitely the only jungler in the LCK in terms of early rhythm driving and 15-minute resource control. .

The same goes for Kuro. The damage ratio in the team is not high, but his active roaming support and Bono's rhythm are very good.

Although Lin Cheng often complained that Kuro was a bastard, he was mostly joking.

In this version with the most emphasis on mid and jungle rhythm, no matter how good the wingers are, if Kuro is really stuck in the middle, Bono will be rotten in the jungle, and Lin Cheng will definitely not be so comfortable in the top lane.

Including Tusin, although he doesn't roam as much as Beryl, and sometimes he will send waves out of nowhere, but now KT's unique vision arrangement ability in the world, Tusin, definitely contributes.

Although these may not seem so intuitive on the court, they are very important to the stability of a strong team.

After all, no matter how good Lin Cheng is, he will occasionally feel depressed.

At this time, KT did not rely on Lin Cheng to break through on the road. They could still rely on steady operations, vision, and linkage to win the game.

Although it seems that everyone is doing well in this game, and no one performs particularly well, this is where KT is truly strong.

In fact, the effect of a lineup formed according to the LCK roster is not necessarily what it will be like.

Aiming needs resources in the second half, and Lin Cheng also needs resources. In addition to setting the pace, KT's midfielder Bono and Kuro will basically consciously give resources to the two of them in the mid-term.

However, the two DWG brothers have completely different styles. Canyon's style of play is destined not to be a player who will sacrifice for the wing, and Showmaker cannot sacrifice too much for his teammates.

Just like the Galacticos where Real Madrid's stars once shone, a group of superstars stacked together produced poor results, and the team also needs blue-collar roles.

A very simple example: In the current version, if there is not a real gap in the hard power between the two teams, and one side dares to choose a four-core development lineup, it will basically be crushed early in the early stage.

After the commentator analyzed the roster in depth, the LCK opening ceremony began.

Since it was an online competition, the players from both sides did not go to the scene. Only the Roaring Emperor Continuous Caster gave a passionate speech at the scene.

Although the players were not present, the lights in the LOL PARK player seats were still on, and the screen at the top of the player seats also displayed the photos and IDs of each player.

Then, the usual trash talk session in every finals was also released.

Because it was an online competition, this time the trash talk was conducted in the form of video chatting between players, which was a bit like the face-to-face way of talking harshly during the OGN era.

As a result, the style of trash talk in this final was different from any other time.

The first scene on the screen was a shot of the top laners of both sides. Lin Cheng had a video connection with Niu Bao at the KT base.



Both of them were a little embarrassed. Niu Bao couldn't help but laughed first.

Nuguri: “Do we really want this?”

"Well~~~How about you come first?"

Although Lin Cheng talks coquettishly, he has no experience of talking trash in video chats, so he is rare and a little reserved.

"I watched your game and you played really well. I've become a fan of yours."

Niu Bao expressed his admiration whenever he had a disagreement, and the director also made a spoof animation of fans' love and sent it out.

Lin Cheng is a typical person who likes soft things but not hard words. Niu Bao doesn't know what to say.

"Player Nuguri also performed very well. I also watched many of your games. Even if the jungler didn't come to take care of you, you still played well."

Niu Bao: "For me, you are the opponent I least want to face in the finals. I feel like I have to be educated again. Maybe... can you be nicer to me? At least stop killing me alone."


Lin Cheng just laughed and didn't know how to answer.

The embarrassment can be felt through the screen.

"???Is this a trash talk session?"

"Friendship scene?"

"Both sides are so polite, hahaha."

"It feels like my toes are sticking out of the three bedrooms and one living room!"

“Those who didn’t know better thought it was a fencing invitation video.”

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