This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 542 Ultra-limit Blitz

If it were an ordinary person, they would not dare to pursue a wave of soldiers after being knocked out of so much health by the first mover.

But Lin Cheng was too brave.

After all, Riven was stuck with three Q levels just now, and the cooldown of Dance of Broken Wings is actually only about five seconds.

And because Lin Cheng's position was too good, Niu Bao couldn't pull away quickly even with the acceleration of his Q skill.

He crossed the line and chased after two steps despite the damage from the minion. When the Qinggang Shadow was about to pull away, Riven slashed out with a knife.

The effect of the bone plating on Qinggangying's body has disappeared, and the shield also disappeared when the damage from this knife took effect.

Lin Cheng's Q skill Dance of Broken Wings starts.

Riven swung her sword like the wind, moving with the sword, and her dancing figure was carried forward by the sword.

He closed the distance between him and Qinggang Ying, raised his hand to hit the rune blade, and at the same time, the second stage Q of Broken Wing Dance canceled the attack and swung back.

The sword moves lightly, and the basic attack enhanced by the passive rune blade is swung again.


In Riven's flamboyant set of military fists, a golden ax can be vaguely seen emerging, and Riven is stacked with 12 layers of Conquerors.

The three-stage Q Dance of Broken Wings was launched brazenly.

The sword moved fiercely, Riven jumped up high, and the sword blade in her hand slammed into the ground, knocking the Qinggang Shadow and the surrounding soldiers into the air.

With full stacks of Conqueror and passive effects, Lin Cheng slashed back with his sword, and Lin Cheng immediately retreated.

Qinggang Shadow's blood volume dropped to just over one-third.

However, because she was chased by minions and received two kicks from Qinggang Ying before and after she fired a set of light speed QA, one of which had the effect of the Grasp of Eternity, Riven's health actually dropped to about one-third. look.

Strictly speaking, neither side gained much.

And because Riven has no means of recovery, it will actually be a loss if there is no follow-up to this wave.

However, let's not talk about the follow-up. When Lin Cheng retreated after three Qs, the Qinggangying who landed on the ground directly turned around and started to press forward.

Lin Cheng didn't dare to fight either.

Don't look at Riven's stack of Conqueror, Qinggangying learned the Q skill at level one. Lin Cheng estimated that there are still about four seconds until the opponent's skill is ready. At this time, it would be too stupid to fight with the opponent head-on. .

The two sides began to push and pull, and Nuguri pressed forward and drove Riven to the corner of the river wall on the red side before he was ready to give up.

The moment Qinggangying turned around, Riwen in front turned back and leaned over, and fought Qinggangying face to face.

Once touched and gone, Lin Cheng continued on the Conqueror.

Niu Bao turned around and retreated after playing Q for a while.

Instead, Riven began to press forward.

Both sides had taken drugs during the previous fight, and now their blood volume had recovered a little. Niu Bao obviously found that he could not kill the opponent in one wave before Riven's Q skill improved, and Qinggang Shadow started to be in danger.

Qinggangying retreated, Riwen pursued, and the situation was reversed.

There was a tug-of-war between the two sides. Just now, Lin Cheng was at the corner of the river wall on the red side. Soon, Lin Cheng had almost pushed his opponent to the corner of the river wall on the blue side.

Qinggangying has activated the second stage of Q to accelerate the retreat.

Just as the blue side's second wave of troops arrived, Lin Cheng's Q that had finished cooling down came close, and the second Q hit Qinggang Ying and closed the distance enough.

Qinggangying's backhand hit the second level of precise etiquette damage.

Lin Cheng's backhand tied A and then triple Q.

Riven struck the ground with her sword.

Just in time, Qinggangying's next shot, Flat A, was knocked into the air before he could take action.

Interrupting the opponent's draw, Lin Cheng slashed at the Qinggangying who was knocked away with a backhand.

Since Lin Cheng was beaten deliberately just now to continue the Conqueror, the damage of this set was much higher than before. Although the first Q was used to close the distance, Qinggangying was still directly reduced to residual health.

After hitting level A, Riven immediately turned around and took the initiative to take a step away from the still-healthy Qinggang Shadow.

Just out of reach, the Qinggangying who landed on the ground subconsciously took a step forward.


At this time, Lin Cheng suddenly appeared behind Qinggang Ying.

Riwen struck first with a knife, and the still-blooded Qinggang Shadow was killed on the spot.

"First Blood!"

Remember: "The two sides fought so fiercely on the road! They didn't replenish their troops and insisted on fighting... This was too angry! Fighting from the middle to the top and chasing from the top to the bottom,... Hey! Riven! Now that I have good skills, I have a chance to kill alone! Huh? What happened to Brother Chengzi's flash? It was obvious that Riven was able to reach the last sword with A and moved in the opposite direction, but it did not affect the result. Niu Bao didn't have time to cross-dodge and was still singled out. killed."

Zeyuan smiled: "Okay! Flash to celebrate! The advantage of solo killing on the road is great, I will hand over the flash to you."

I remember also getting angry: "Hey! Did you say that you saw Nuguri flashing even to death? Brother Chengzi deliberately performed it for him. Look! This is how flashing is used."

"Laughing to death! Tutorial on how to use flash."

"Oh! One level one kill, the game is over."

"Qinggangying Level 1 dares to fight Riwen face to face? Niu Bao has lost his mind."

"Don't Qinggang Ying learn W at level one? Is it okay to see Riven just W after finishing Q?"

"To be fair, if Brother Chengzi hadn't been in a good position, Riven wouldn't have been able to fight in the first wave of Qinggang Shadows."

"The magazine also met Qinggang Ying, a first-level Q student, but the magazine was smashed."


Soon, the director gave the replay.

The details of both sides were full, but the commentator still did not find the reason for Lin Cheng's nonsensical flash. He could only guess whether Lin Cheng thought that his opponent's passive was about to get better, and he just flashed directly because he didn't dare to gamble.

Immediately afterwards, the director gave the victim's perspective.

From Nuguri's first point of view, the audience finally discovered the reason for Lin Cheng's confusion.

It's really because Qinggangying is passive.

When being knocked into the air by Riven's third stage Q, Qinggang Shadow's passive was so low that it only had 0.4 seconds of cooldown left, and it had already turned around when it landed.

And Riven took advantage of the knock-up to launch a basic attack to cripple the Qinggang Shadow. If he didn't immediately turn his head and move to distance himself after A, the Qinggang Shadow would definitely be able to take advantage of the interval between Riven's attack and the back swing to use the passive attack. Shielded.

Although Riven still has one and a half health bars, she is fighting against the blue side's second wave of soldiers. If she slashes the Qinggang Shadow's shield with a backhand, the outcome may be really different.

Zeyuan: "Wow! Is it so thin? It's really because of the Qinggang Shadow Shield! This person is too scary, isn't he? He has taken care of all this.

The level of explanation is too low! Brother Chengzi, this is not a flash celebration, this is an extreme blitz! If you hesitate even a little bit, it might be Riven who gets the show off this time. "

I remember also sighing: "It's amazing! Although our first reaction from the perspective of God was that Riven's flash was a bit redundant, the facts proved that Brother Chengzi was right.

He actually accurately reached the node where the Qinggang Shadow Shield was just right. This operation of turning back and walking to increase the distance is really amazing. It can only be said that the commentator does not understand the game at all. Brother Chengzi still uses us to question? "

"Damn it! Qinggangying's shield is actually really good."

"Fuck! A CD that lasts for 16 seconds is actually choked to death?"

"It would be wrong to compare someone with a golden body. The contrast is too strong."

"Mom, come and see the gods."

"Brother Chengzi: No one knows CD better than me!"

"Niu Bao is desperate! I should be the one who shows off clearly."

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