This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 540 The duel between the two sisters in the top lane

Regardless of the fans of the two teams, as a melon-eater, naturally I would like to see a close contest, and the commentators are also making suggestions for DWG in the next game.

Two commentators from the Chinese stream believe that DWG should take more care of the upper half in terms of BP, and cannot let Niu Bao use Crocodile to fight Quinn in the lane, so as not to cause the Canyon jungle explosion.

Commentator Han Wenliu believes that what DWG should consider is to liberate the middle lane first. It makes no sense to give Showmaker a Czar and jail him in the middle lane like in the last game. The rhythm of the linkage between the middle and jungle has not been achieved at all.

The English commentator said: DWG should choose a pick like Orn in the top lane. No one can defeat Lin Cheng 1V1. As long as he can survive without being killed alone, he will be successful. If he wants to overthrow KT, the first thing to consider is that the top lane cannot explode.

Soon, the players from both sides returned to the competition seats, and the second game entered the BP stage.

DWG BAN first on the blue side, KT on the red side.

As soon as it comes up, the blue side bans the sword girl first.

KT banned Sett from the beginning, not wanting to give the opponent a hero that was too powerful.

DWG BANed Olaf for the second time, making it clear that he still wanted to continue playing jungle core.

Although Olaf is useless in the later stage, he can be regarded as a hero from the Bono hero pool that is easier to target wild cores. Olaf clears the jungle quickly in the early stage and has strong combat ability. Even if the opponent wants to invade, he must think about it first.

The red side KT's second ban player chose Jhin.

Jhin's appearance rate in the LCK is actually very low, but Ghost likes to use it.

This hero has a strong ability to push the lane in the early stage, and he doesn't need much protection from his teammates, so he can release support to a great extent. He is a very good tool AD.

The purpose of KT's move against Jhin is very obvious, that is, they don't want DWG to gain lane rights in the bottom lane and reduce Beryl's chance of roaming.

The third-hand BAN member of the blue side DWG hesitated for a long time and finally chose to ban Bard.

Remember: "Bard? DWG's move to ban Bard is a bit intended to target the lower half? It's very strong that they want to take the policewoman."

Zeyuan: "Although we all say that DWG is a team that plays mid and jungle, they did win the female police system before and achieved good results. It seems that DWG wanted to change their thinking after losing the last game. In the first half If you can't beat the zone, you'll switch to the lower half, pass the ball to the Ghost King, and let him come to C."

Remember: "It depends on whether KT will choose BAN policewoman. I think it can be used. Aiming's ice can beat the policewoman.

And now that OP heroes have been released a lot, KT can grab the bears and cards with their backhand. They come to play in the upper half, and then help Orange Brother lock the Qinggang Shadow with the third hand. "

It was the red party's turn to ban, and KT also saw that the opponent wanted a female police officer.

But instead of targeting policewomen, they banned the czar.

Now that OP heroes have been released a lot, this situation is actually not bad for the red side. Although the opponent chooses first, after all, he can get two backhands.

Starting to select people, the blue side immediately grabbed the cards.

Remember: "Oh? DWG played a trick. What they actually wanted was not to steal the policewoman but to get the cards."

Zeyuan: "The Ghost King's carry ability is still a bit weak. In this version, most teams on the blue side will definitely grab the policewoman. In this way, the policewoman will be handed over to KT."

The opponent's first choice of card was indeed a little bit unexpected by the KT players, but if the opponent didn't want the policewoman, they would definitely have to get it.

The female police officer was locked up on the first floor of the red square.

The green steel shadow appeared on the second floor, but after a slight hesitation, Bono replaced the green steel shadow with a bear lock.

DWG immediately locked Qinggang Ying with a backhand.

Originally, in the middle half of the LCK from the Spring Split to the Summer Split, Lin Cheng was almost the only one who could play this hero, but recently, Qinggang Shadow's appearance rate in the professional arena has increased significantly.

In this case, it's not that Qinggang Shadow has been strengthened, but because the Conqueror has been weakened.

Some time ago, because Aphelios and EZ were too strong, the designers started thinking about the runes and adjusted the 10-layer conqueror to the 12-layer.

The two ADs have now returned to normal levels, but many top lane warrior heroes have also been damaged as a result.

Qinggangying is a character among the heroes on the top lane who doesn't like the Conqueror very much. After the Conqueror is cut down, he can still bring Immortal to increase his laning ability.

Now everyone has been weakened. According to the 'Canyon Theory of Relativity', Qinggang Shadow is equivalent to being strengthened.

Of course, despite this, apart from Lin Cheng, there are almost no players in the LCK who can play Qinggangying alone.

Basically, Qinggang Ying from other teams plays with cards and mid-lane support heroes like Galio to build a sideband system.

Speaking of which, Lin Cheng is really a heretic.

In the version of the Spring Split where the Green Steel Shadow was reduced to a sewer, he was playing the Green Steel Shadow crazily, and when the Conqueror was at its strongest, his Green Steel Shadow still held the attack rune and refused to let go.

His Green Steel Shadow has always been able to win, but others learned his method of bringing runes and found something was wrong.

Most of those who learned from Lin Cheng were dead and could not exert the suppressive power of Lin Cheng.

Only then did everyone realize that it was not the Qinggang Shadow's strong attack, but Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow's strong attack.

Remember: "In this way, the two sides have made an exchange. DWG got the card Qinggang Shadow system, while KT got the policewoman's promotion system. They are both acceptable."

Zeyuan: "I almost thought that Brother Chengzi would use the card to steal Qinggang Shadow from the opponent. KT is also one of the few teams in this version that can only take Qinggang Shadow. The other teams all need cards and Qinggang Shadow. They are powerful if they are played together, but Brother Chengzi is powerful enough with Qinggang Shadow alone."

Remember: "I have my own considerations when putting Qinggang Ying on the opponent's KT. After all, this version of Bear is still OP, and if KT comes out first, he can swing in the jungle. If you don't choose Bear in this hand, the opponent will definitely take it away."

After locking out Qinggang Ying, the blue square third floor continued to select Leopard Girl for Canyon.

The red side locked Lux ​​backhand on the third floor.

Lux is currently the most suitable support for the policewoman's advancement system. This duo has long hands, control and AOE clearing. It is easy to overwhelm the opponent in the bottom lane and choke them.

In the second round, the BAN players on both sides were very targeted.

The red side KT banned Ashe and Senna successively, forcing Ghost to only use heroes like EZ to face the policewoman.

The blue team DWG backhandedly banned Galio and Crocodile, allowing their heroes in the top half to perform better.

Starting to select players, KT took out Zoe first on the fourth floor.

Although Kuro's Zoe proficiency is not particularly high, Zoe can put pressure on the cards in the early stage and prevent them from flying around unscrupulously.

As expected, EZ was locked on the fourth floor of the blue square. This version of Ghost's hero pool was targeted to the point where almost only EZ could be produced.

DWG hesitated for a long time in the last move and chose Karma as an assistant.

The strength of the bot lane is actually mostly determined by lane power. With lane power, you can find opportunities to use it up at will. Without lane power, even the most powerful combination can only develop honestly.

If EZ is constantly pushed in the lane by the policewoman Lux, it will almost be pushed down a tower, but if Karma is selected, he has the qualifications to challenge, at least he will not be so uncomfortable in the lane push.

Seeing that the opponent's lineup was confirmed, KT made the last choice to directly lock Riven.

Remember: "Riven! Brother Chengzi is so confident! He just has to fight for operation! I really can't think of anyone else who can play Riven in this version except Brother Chengzi."

Zeyuan: "Actually, Gou Xiong is a good choice to go to the top lane. He is relatively fleshy and has a big move, which makes it easier to escape. On the contrary, Riven is very afraid that Qinggang Shadow and the card will come after six, but this is Brother Chengzi. , he never behaves like a weakling."

"Riven! My top laner's faith."

"Tears! I actually saw Rui Mengmeng again. I thought Riven wouldn't be able to play this year."

"It looks great! The four sisters in the top lane are fighting each other with fists and kicks."

"Riven can play well in 1v1, but it's really hard to play against the cards on the other side."

"Brother Cheng is too partial. He has never played Sword Princess once. Isn't Fiona beautiful?"

"The only one missing from the top four sisters is Sword Lady. Brother Cheng, don't you think about it?"

"Brother Cheng, this old pervert, really likes the skin of the Sword Princess Headmistress. I don't know when he will take it out during the competition."

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