This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 506 Wolf’s Second Way Commentary

Although this year's news agency war has become a one-sided situation, games with T1 will never lack viewership, not to mention that KT's attention now is equally astonishing.

As the largest foreign game live broadcast platform, Twitch has always been the main base for LCK overseas broadcasts.

Today's news agency battle is live on Twitch with three official channels, and there are also many personal anchors on OB.

Former T1 auxiliary player Wolf also served as a contracted anchor to represent the T1 club to officially broadcast T1 events. Ten minutes before the start of the game, more than 70,000 people had already flooded into Wolf's live broadcast room.

You know, the Wolf live broadcast room of T1 games usually only has less than 30,000 people watching it. Today, the number has tripled, and the number of people is still increasing.

Most of the people who came to watch Wolf's live broadcast were local Korean viewers, and T1 fans accounted for the vast majority of them.

Of course, there were also some passers-by and KT fans.

Although there are official live broadcast rooms for Korean streaming outside, some KT fans like to come to Wolf's live broadcast room to find a sense of presence, and by the way, watch Wolf crying when T1 was beaten.

Twitch displays the number of viewers in real time, and the frequency of barrage bombardment of tens of thousands of people in live broadcast rooms is even more exaggerated than the rooms of domestic live broadcast platforms with millions of viewers.

"I heard that Faker no longer participates in team training matches. Is it true?"

"Come on Faker! Prove to everyone that you are not old yet."

"Wolf! Please help Faker."

These are undoubtedly T1 fans who are leaning towards Brother Li, and they all hope that the Triple Crown legend can lead the team to create a 'miracle'.

Yes! It's really a miracle to beat KT now.

Halfway through the league, no team has reached the high ground of KT. Defeating KT is certainly a miracle.

The chubby Wolf analyzed T1's current situation while selecting barrage interactions.

"Although I think Faker can create any miracle, but, you know..."

Wolf moved the chair so that his fat body was completely stuffed into the chair before he continued helplessly: "Well~~Now there is a clear gap between our T1 and KT."

"We KT are invincible!"

"Faker is old! Now is the era of KT Cheng! We will rule the LCK and the world!"

"Faker is not as good as Kuro now! It's really time to step down."

"Lee Jae-wan won't be broadcasting at the speed of light again today, right? KKKKK!"

These gloating fans are undoubtedly KT fans. T1 was swept by KT just last week. Wolf's defense-breaking performance was broadcast at the speed of light, which made KT fans laugh for a while.

Wolf ignored the provocative KT fans, "The players are already on the field, come on! Sang Hyuk, come out at your best!"

On the broadcast screen, members of T1 were debugging equipment.

The players in the team were each focused on the screen in front of them. There was no communication between them, and Faker had no expression.

The screen turned and the camera showed KT's match seats.

The KT members were much more relaxed. They were still talking to each other while debugging the equipment. Even Aiming couldn't help but smile like a chrysanthemum when she heard Tusin's words next to her.

Lin Cheng appeared in front of the camera. Instead of joking with his teammates, he shook his fist at the camera.

"Come on! Player Lin Cheng is really handsome."

"Cheng! Keep destroying the enemy! Maintain a complete victory over T1."

"We have the best top laner and the best team. We KT are invincible."

"See? How confident! This will be his time."

Seeing how arrogant KT fans were, shouting and beating up T1 in T1's official live broadcast room, how could the T1 fans in the live broadcast room be able to bear it?

"Relying on a Chinese carry, KT is really a shame to the LCK."

"KT's a traitor! He will probably rebel at the Asian Games the year after next."

"It will be embarrassing for a group of Koreans to cheer for the Chinese team."

“These people don’t deserve to be Koreans!”

Expulsion of nationality is not only exclusive to LPL viewers, T1 fans have also begun to fiercely denounce KT fans in the live broadcast room.

Wolf could only pretend not to see it and choose some normal barrages for interaction.

Soon, the first game entered the BP stage.

T1 BAN first on the blue side, KT on the red side.

Seeing that T1 lost Dao Mei, Sett and Syras in the first round of banning, Wolf said bluntly: "Does the banner in T1 want to take Drizzt? In the current version, there are not many heroes commonly used by T1 players who rely on ultimate skills to make a living. , do you want Faker to lead the rhythm?"

Version 10.14 is very different from a month ago. The previous T0 AD Verus was almost invisible after being severely cut.

Sure enough, the blue side locked the card in seconds on the first floor.

In response, the red side KT first locked up Galio, and then grabbed the blind monk for Bono.

T1 immediately locked Aphelios and Qinggangying on the second and third floors.

Wolf: "That's a good Pick! Not only does this hand not give Cheng the advantage of Camille in order to replace BAN, but it is also very good when paired with my own Drizzt."

The red side KT sacrificed Jace on the third floor.

Wolf: "KT still needs to fight in the middle and jungle. T1 should ban Ezreal in the second round!"

Wolf: "This game is very stressful for Cuzz. The opponent will definitely target the jungler to ban him. There are not many useful junglers now."

Wolf: "But it doesn't matter! I got the card for Sang Hyuk, so Sang Hyuk can set the pace. Cuzz, you can just farm in the wild with peace of mind."

Sure enough, KT went crazy for the jungle position in the second round, and Cuzz had no choice but to forcefully choose a spider to support the early confrontation intensity in the upper half after the Leopard, Female and Male Guns were gone.

The lineups of both sides are finalized.

Blue Square T1:

Top road: Canna (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Cuzz (Spider Queen, Elise)

Middle: Faker (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: Teddy (Sorrow of the Waning Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Effort (Soullock Warden, Thresh)

Red side KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Future Guardian, Jace)

Jungler: Bono (Lee Sin, Lee Sin)

Mid lane: Kuro (Colossus of Justice, Galio)

Bottom lane: Aiming (ice shooter, Ashe)

Support: Tusin (Abyssal Titan, Nautilus)

T1's lineup has many ways to win the game. Cards to set the pace are a good choice whether it is to fatten up the top lane or the bottom lane.

On KT's side, the top, middle and jungle are very powerful. Galio's ultimate move can also support Jess on the wing and two tool men on the bottom.

The lineups of both sides have their own focuses, but the balance is broken at the first level.

Relying on the strength of Ice and Titan at level 1, the red side KT chose to let Galio go to the middle lane to make expressions, and the other four teamed up in the bottom lane to block the vision to sneak attack on the people hidden in the blue square triangle grass.

As a result, KT miscalculated this time, and all five people on the opposite side were hidden in the triangle grass.

After all, there was one more person. Except for Aphelios, the other four people in T1 all had level 1 control skills. KT was ambushed and killed three people directly.

Except for Han Bing who slipped away from behind, all the other KT brothers were slaughtered. Even Lin Cheng's cross flash was retained by Li Ge's card and flash yellow card.

Qinggangying succeeded in a double kill, Aphelios got a head, and the rest of T1 all had assists.

KT directly cracked at the first level.

Wolf danced excitedly: "Handsome! Beautiful! Perfect! T1 has done a lot of homework. In the last round, KT teamed up and invaded the second half when they got the Ice Titan. This time T1 has obviously guessed it. It was a nice ambush."

While enjoying himself, Wolf couldn't help but applaud while watching the replay. When he leaned back and laughed, his chubby body was so heavy that the chair almost deformed.

"Opportunity! The opportunity to break KT's winning streak is right before your eyes, so seize it! Come on! Lee Sang Hyuk."

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