This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 504 Fingers intertwined

After doing some ideological and political education for friends in the live broadcast room, Lin Cheng, who was very hungry, saw that it was almost time for dinner, so he quickly turned off the live broadcast and went to the next door.

Xiao Tong was still taking online classes, Han Shuyan was cooking in the kitchen with her long hair tied up, and Lin Cheng strolled over.

Lying on the countertop of the open kitchen with his butt sticking out, Lin Cheng looked weak.

"Sister Shuyan, what are you having for dinner? I'm starving."

"I've stewed the ginseng chicken soup, please wait a moment."

Han Shuyan took a spoonful of chicken soup, put it to her lips, blew on it, and tucked a strand of long hair hanging from her forehead behind her ear.

Her gesture was particularly gentle and touching in Lin Cheng's eyes.

Lin Cheng leaned over and stretched his neck to watch eagerly.

Han Shuyan lowered her head and ignored him, blew the chicken soup in the spoon to cool down and took a sip.

"Does it taste good? What does it taste like? The soup made by Sister Shuyan is definitely better than the one in the restaurant."

Han Seoyan handed over the spoon in a funny way.

"Now! Try it yourself."

There was half a spoonful of clear chicken soup inside, and Lin Cheng took the spoon in his mouth.

"It's really good. This is the best chicken soup I've ever tasted. Hmm~~~ Although there seems to be no salt."

The corners of Han Shuyan's mouth raised, her eyes curved into crescent moons, and the waves in her eyes were flowing.

"Then you can eat more later."


Seeing her bustling about, Lin Cheng sneaked in and took the opportunity to hug Han Shuyan's waist from behind on the pretext of helping to serve the rice.

"Yeah! Don't make trouble."

"I didn't cause any trouble."

"Quickly let go! Xiaotong will come out in a moment."

"She will come out when she comes out. What should I be afraid of if I hug my girlfriend?"

Lin Cheng buried his head on Han Shuyan's shoulder, smelling the fragrance in her hair, looking unwilling to let go.

"Who is your girlfriend? You are still in the assessment period."

Lin Cheng was lying, burying his head and saying, "I don't care, I've already kissed you, you can't help me."

Han Shuyan turned her head angrily and bit Lin Cheng's ear lightly, "If you don't get out of the way, I'll deduct ten points from you. You were one point short of passing."

"No, how can one deduct ten points? This is not fair."

Lin Cheng quickly let go and couldn't help but ask: "Is it really just one point missing? Then if I help you wash the dishes later, will it pass?"

Lin Cheng's face was full of expectations. If he passed the exam, would he be able to...

Hey hey hey.

"You think beautifully."

Han Shuyan snorted and ignored him, lowered her head and continued busy with her work.

Lin Cheng then turned around and helped to serve the rice honestly, and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice:

"Hey! It's so annoying. Why is my girlfriend so arrogant?"

Han Shuyan lowered her head and gently stirred the chicken soup in the pot, with a nice smile on her lips.

Lin Cheng filled the rice and put the side dishes on the table.

"Sister Shuyan, how long does it take?"

"You eat first. I haven't finished it yet. I'll wait for Xiaotong to eat together."

"Then I'll wait a little longer. Why would I be eating alone if you didn't come over?"

Glancing secretly in the direction of the kitchen, Lin Cheng picked up the rice and took a big bite, then picked up a pair of chopsticks and fried octopus and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although he said he didn't eat alone, Brother Cheng was really hungry.

I'll just take a bite.

After secretly taking a big bite of the meal, Lin Cheng, troubled by guilt, threw away the bowl and chopsticks and ran to open the refrigerator to see if Xiao Tong had any cakes in stock.

There was no cake, but there were two boxes of macarons, but Lin Cheng didn't like eating them because they were too boring.

Forget it, it only takes a few minutes, let's wait for them to eat together.

After closing the refrigerator door, Lin Cheng stood there and couldn't think of what to do to pass the time.

So, he opened the refrigerator door again, and then slowly closed it.

Open and close the refrigerator door repeatedly, trying to see when the light inside is turned off.

When Xiao Tong came out, she saw Lin Cheng staring at the gap inside the refrigerator door like a fool. Last time, the little girl Enxi spent a long time playing with the refrigerator door out of boredom. She didn't expect that Lin Cheng was also infected.

"Hey! Lin Cheng, you are so boring. It's!! What a sumptuous dinner today."

After casually complaining about Lin Cheng, Xiao Tong sat down at the table and picked up the bowl, "I'm so hungry! Sister Shuyan, let me eat some first."

After saying that, Xiao Tong brought the rice bowl to his mouth and took a sip.

Lin Cheng, who had let go of the refrigerator, realized that what Xiao Tong was eating was the same bowl of rice he had just eaten.

Lin Cheng sat down next to Xiao Tong humbly, "Is it delicious?"

Xiao Tong chewed with a bulging mouth, "Hmm~~~ It's delicious. Sister Shuyan's craftsmanship is really good, but this seafood cake seems to have a bit of flavor. I tasted a little bit of the fried octopus."

Lin Cheng reminded: "That's because I used those chopsticks to pick up the octopus, and you used the bowl and chopsticks I used to eat."

Xiao Tong's movements froze, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Who told you to move so fast? I didn't even have time to remind you."

"Then just stop talking. It's better if you don't let me know."

Lin Cheng slowly picked up the rice bowl next to him and handed it over, "Then do you want us to change it back? I don't think you're dirty."

Xiao Tong frowned and thought for two seconds, feeling a little hesitant.

"Hey~~~Forget it! It's not like it's not happening anyway... Let's just leave it like that."

Lin Cheng chuckled and reached out to pat Xiao Tong on the shoulder, "Comrade Xiao has a good ideological consciousness. After you eat my saliva, you will be mine. Brother Cheng will protect you."

"Can you stop sounding so disgusting? I can't eat anymore."

Xiao Tong angrily pushed Lin Cheng's arm away with chopsticks. When she saw Han Shuyan bringing chicken soup, she quickly complained, "Sister Shuyan, Lin Cheng is so disgusting, please take care of him!"

Lin Cheng quickly echoed from the side, "That's right! Sister Shuyan, you can be my girlfriend and you can control me from now on."

Before Han Shuyan spoke, Xiao Tong immediately became unhappy, "You think so well, Sister Shuyan is mine."

Seeing that another quarrel was about to start, Han Shuyan quickly spoke to get the two of them to stop.

The three of them gathered around the low table and enjoyed dinner slowly.

Xiao Tong likes to watch TV while eating, and now she has found a variety show she likes to watch and is very focused on it.

While Lin Cheng was eating, he also watched the variety show for a while.

Seeing Han Shuyan next to her put her left hand under the table to adjust her posture, Lin Cheng secretly reached out with his right hand and grabbed Han Shuyan's left hand under the table.

Han Shuyan was stunned for a moment, then struggled slightly.

Lin Cheng didn't let go.

Han Shuyan gave him a helpless look, ignored him, and lowered her head to eat.

Seeing that she didn't object, Lin Cheng couldn't hide the joy on his face.

However, Lin Cheng was not left-handed, so he was not used to eating with his left hand.

Han Shuyan looked at him holding the spoon clumsily with his left hand and couldn't help but smile.

Lin Cheng was very stubborn and refused to let go of Han Shuyan's hand, and clasped his fingers between hers.

Although he was a little tired after eating, Lin Cheng didn't mind.

Xiao Tong was so focused on the variety show on TV that she didn't notice that both of them had turned into one-armed men.

At the table, everything was business as usual.

When Xiao Tong started talking about TV, Han Shuyan would respond from time to time.

Under the table, the two of them intertwined their fingers.

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