This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 439 Backstab from teammates

Lin Cheng succeeded in a wave of five kills, and Taobo, who was still barely holding on, completely collapsed.

Aiming demolished a tower in the bottom lane alone, and Dao Mei, Galio, and Zhu Mei took advantage of the situation to take down a tower in the middle lane. The blue side had an economic lead of nearly 8,000 in 17 minutes.

This is a very safe value. As long as KT's fattest sword girl doesn't commit crimes continuously, it will be difficult to lose.

KT knew that they had a huge advantage but did not waver, steadily controlling the third dragon in 18 minutes.

This round is about Wind Dragon Soul, which is good news for the disadvantaged Fang Taobo.

In the early 20 minutes, Lin Cheng's Sword Girl bought a stopwatch in addition to the bleeding hand, and the team battle had a very high fault tolerance rate.

Because KT's lineup is not easy to push towers, the blue side did not put too much pressure on the defensive towers before, but now that Dao Mei has a bloody hand stopwatch, he will naturally not be at odds with his opponents.

Of course, even so, KT was not so reckless as to attack the tower head-on in 5V5.

After all, the opponent has manpower to control, and there is still some risk in messing around. Once the sword girl is given to KT for free, it will actually be difficult to beat.

It is difficult for the lineup to force Baron, so use the single line advantage to play operations.

Lin Cheng's Sword Girl pushed the top lane troops forward, then changed lanes in advance and forced four teammates into the second tower of the red square middle lane.

With a large number of players, Taobo did not dare to defend except for Varus to shoot an arrow, allowing KT to easily destroy the second tower in the middle.

After breaking the second tower, Galio directly TPed the top line of troops under the highland tower in front of Tao Bo, preparing to lead the top line of troops that had just been pushed out by the crocodile.

The remaining four members of KT gathered together and moved up from the jungle.

The movement of the blue side clearly told the opponent that it was going to force the second tower on the road, but Taobo had no choice.

If the sword girl is facing TP, the red side will start the group head-on no matter what.

But it was Galio who led the line as TP, so the red side didn't dare to move.

With Sword Girl on the scene, Taobo would be hard-pressed to beat 5 on 4 head-on, not to mention Galio's ultimate move.

The four KT players blocked the opponent's line from the jungle, and Pig Girl stood arrogantly behind the second tower on the red side, waiting for Galio to bring the line of troops over.

Tao Bo also knew the current situation very well and chose to let go of the second tower on the top lane and not come out to fight at all.

All the outer towers in the upper and middle lanes were destroyed, and the remaining outer towers in the bottom lane could not survive at all. After a wave of repairs, KT first pressed the middle lane, and then easily destroyed the second tower in the bottom lane by switching lanes.

In fact, even if there is no operation, if you go directly to Taobo, you will not dare to defend this outer tower.

After destroying all the opponent's outer towers, KT chose to steadily plunder jungle resources to further widen the economic gap.

In less than 24 minutes, the economic difference between the two sides has exceeded 10,000. Even if it is switched to EDG, this situation cannot be reversed every day.

Zeyuan: "Is this KT's operation? It's too stable and doesn't give any chance. I feel like Taobo can't even defend the three outer towers with Dao Mei's stopwatch and bloody hands, but KT still relies on its own The operation changed the route to break the tower, but did not say directly go up and jump over the tower."

Remember: "I'm really desperate. It has become a prison bureau now. The Taobo map is so dark that I dare not leave the high ground. At this time, even if KT directly rushes to the high ground, I feel that I have a good chance of winning."

Tong Xi: "Now this sword girl Taobo is completely unable to handle. Although all members of the red side have control, with Galio and Tam, they cannot directly control Tianfei sword girl to death, unless the sword girl My sister is out of touch with the team and rushes to the tower to fight five of them alone, otherwise Taobo really has no chance of winning the team."

The blue side cleared the jungle area, took down the Wind Dragon Soul, and then returned to replenish a wave of equipment.

This time, those who buy stopwatches buy stopwatches, and those who take drugs take drugs.

The whole family gathered together and made it clear that they were going to end the game in one fell swoop.

After going out, the five people first pushed the middle line of troops through, then turned to the Dalong Pit and started to move the Dalong.

Taobo had just made a wave of dragon vision, and when he saw his opponent's movements, he hurriedly moved closer.

Without the Baron BUFF, I can barely defend the high ground. If I really get the KT Baron BUFF, this game of Taobo can be said to be in hell mode even for guarding Athena.

The blue jewelry had been illuminated, and the eyes in the dragon pit had been cleared. Even though he knew that his opponent was not going to fight the dragon quickly, the red party could only bite the bullet and poke around.

However, KT's purpose itself is to force the opponent to come and pick up the team.

There is a risk in rushing to the high tower, but KT's advantage is infinite if they open up their posture and fight outside.

Just when everyone on the red side walked to the back of the red buff, Tam's car lights came on behind.

Thresh suppressed Tahm's ultimate move and accurately hit Tahm with one hook.

However, the pig girl riding next to him directly Q-dodges to top Varus, and uses a backhand to control Syndra next to him.

At the moment when the opponent counterattacked, Bono turned on the stopwatch.

A golden magic circle lit up at Pig Girl's feet in advance.

Bang! Bang!

Syndra and Varus flashed each other at the same time, trying to get out of the range of Galio's ultimate move.

At this time, a cloud-piercing arrow struck from the Great Dragon Pit, simultaneously shooting out more than half of Syndra and Varus' health.


Lin Cheng's Sword Girl flashed directly into the Dragon Pit and threw out the Vanguard Blade with her ultimate move.

Syndra and Varus no longer flashed, and were marked by the blooming iron curtain of blades.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

There is no fancy operation, the knife girl cuts directly in the face.

The two men, who were less than half-healthy, were instantly disabled by the sword girl.

Asui Verus controlled the sword girl with a big face, and Syndra dealt a set of damage.

But it was useless, it just hit Dao Mei's bloody hand.

The hero of Galio came on stage to intercept Taobo's people behind him, and no one could support him at all.

Varus and Syndra couldn't even run in Sword Girl's sword formation.

Lin Cheng waited until the control was over, then used two backhand knives to send Tao Bo's pair of domestic double Cs spiraling into the sky.

On the other side, Kuro's Galio came down with a set of military fists and cooperated with Nosuke to directly drop Thresh in seconds.

Although the blind monk kicked away the pig girl, the crocodile was stuck by Tam, and the knife girl came over and easily collected another head.

Karsa's blind monk saw that he had no choice but to run away early and ran to the middle to clear the line to prevent the opponent from attacking.

But Lin Cheng directly protected the troops with TP. When he came down and relied on TP to accelerate up, he was defeated and decelerated, and he pulled the double-winged sword in seconds.

The blind monk was marked, and the sword girl suddenly completed the kill easily.

After the team destroyed their opponents, the five KT players led their troops directly to the middle and pushed up to the high ground. They quickly demolished the highland towers and crystals and headed towards the Front Tooth Tower.

Taobo's bottom lane duo was resurrected one after another, and when Asui Verus came up to clear the line, Aiming directly flashed with R.

Ah Shui was imprisoned by corrupt chains next to the main base, and Lin Cheng's sword girl pulled out the Biyi double blades and marked them.


The sword girl raised her face, and with the arrow shot by Aiming, she easily killed Varus.

The two incisor towers on the red side have been destroyed. Sword Girl and Pig Girl stand outside the surging spring water and show off their power to Syndra and Crocodile who are being resurrected one after another.


Lin Cheng started the stopwatch to celebrate.

Lin Cheng: "Brothers! See if my sword girl is handsome? I've killed 18 people. It's hard to die even once."

As a result, the teammates who were demolishing the base suddenly stopped.

Kuro: "Since Lin Cheng wants to die, then we will grant him his wish and wait until he dies before dismantling it."

Lin Cheng: "???"

Are you speaking in human language?

The pig girl walked away, and the four KT stood behind and started dancing to show off their expressions.

At this time, the blind monk was also resurrected. Thresh suppressed Lin Cheng's stopwatch and hit it with a hook.

Taobo's men beat the sword girl violently. After Thresh took control, Syndra pushed her unconscious, and then Crocodile took control.

There aren't even any pawns here, and Lin Cheng has no chance to show off without his E or big strength.

Dao Mei died tragically outside the enemy's spring.

Just in time, Varus exploded the opponent's base with one arrow.

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