This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 434 369: I just want to add some soldiers

Seeing Dao Mei approaching, the two turned to fight.

The blind monk and the crocodile are both in good health at this time. Even if both of them are fully stacked with conquerors, they cannot be afraid of a sword girl with one-third of the health.

One inch longer and one inch stronger. The moment they met, the knife girl took the lead and slashed at the crocodile.

While making a basic attack, Lin Cheng moved sideways, trying to avoid the angle of the blind monk.

After Crocodile and Blind Monk made basic attacks one after another, Dao Mei raised her hand to basic attack for the second time due to the high attack speed bonus.


With a flash of azure light and shadow, Lin Cheng used his Q skill to cancel the basic attack and then swung back to smash the disappearing mark on the crocodile with a backhand slash.

The damage of the Sword Girl with the passive and conqueror stacked up is very considerable. With one level ahead, AAQA's instant burst knocked out almost half of the crocodile's health.

The damage of Sword Girl is sometimes really difficult to estimate. There are two heroes with and without passive, and the operation also affects the explosive ability of this hero.

Lin Cheng's operation is fast enough. As soon as the opponent draws A, he can use the Q skill to cancel the back swing and deal AQA damage.

In this situation where the conquerors and passives are fully stacked, the output ability of Dao Mei using her Q skill to cancel the basic attack and then swing is actually higher than most traditional mages who lose skills, and the output is stronger and more sustainable.

The crocodile suddenly lost half of its blood, and its originally relatively healthy blood volume was reduced to less than one-third.

On the contrary, although Sword Girl suffered another blow from the crocodile and the blind monk, the various blood-sucking effects on her body combined with the biscuits she had just eaten left Sword Girl's health level still hanging at about a quarter.

Seeing that the situation was not right, 369 quickly turned around and retreated to try to pull it off.

The blind monk was standing by, preparing to continue to supplement the output.

But Dao Mei's attack speed was too fast. She slashed out first and then moved forward.

369 found that the opponent was suppressing the position, and the crocodile decisively turned around and struck a knife in conjunction with the blind monk to cripple the sword girl.

The swords around the sword girl were flying.


With a flash of azure light and shadow, Lin Cheng's AQ completed the kill of the crocodile and slashed at the blind monk with his backhand.

The recovery effect of the Q skill combined with the blood-stealing effect prevented the blind monk's basic attack from raising his hand from taking away the remaining blood-stained Sword Girl, and the triumphal effect took effect.

Lin Cheng took a step to keep a distance and waited for the medicine to return, then used his long hand to stab him down.

Just in time, Blind Sin waited until the Q skill cooled down.

Almost at the same time, Lin Cheng turned the sword girl's head and started to move around.

It's not easy to remember in team battles, but in such small-scale online collisions, Lin Cheng always memorizes the CD time of his opponent's key skills.

As long as he has the blind monk's Q skill, even his identity as the master of the Arc de Triomphe cannot save him.

Lin Chengka's sudden turn back at exactly the right time was predicting that Karsa would use Q at the first opportunity of his skill CD.

If the blind monk is in a hurry to attack Tianyin Wave, he is confident that he can avoid it even if he is close to him.

But Karsa was not in a hurry to hand in Q this time.

The sword girl was one step away from the blind monk because of the long hand. Karsa chose to be on the safe side at such a close distance and waited for nearly two seconds before slapping the ground with her palm.

Slow down first, then use Q. It's useless to show off your opponent's position.

Karsa really didn't want to give Lin Cheng room to maneuver.

However, Lin Cheng had a second plan.


Just when the blind monk was slowed down and threw the Tianyin Wave at close range, the sword girl transformed into a blue light and shadow and rushed towards the red soldier with residual health behind.

Just now, Lin Cheng deliberately left three soldiers behind. With the blind monk and crocodile attracting most of the hatred of the blue square soldiers, these three soldiers were not killed yet, but they had already reached the killing line of Blade Impact.

At this time, Lin Cheng happened to use the soldiers to avoid the blind monk's Tianyin Wave.

Swish, swish, swish!

After drawing a broken line, killing three minions and restoring a little blood, the sword girl attacked the blind monk directly.

There are no fancy operations at this time, just take drugs and pull A away and that's it.

With no skills at all, the passive sword girl was a stand-up master, and with so many soldiers to help, Lin Cheng didn't even think about waiting for skills.

The blind monk can't beat him.

The two began to fight hard, but Karsa did not give up due to her health advantage.

Although they are all full-layer conquerors, their attack speeds are very different. With the addition of a vampire scepter, Dao Mei's health drops very slowly.

However, the blood volume of the blind monk is the same as taking laxatives.

Although the blind monk waited until the W skill cooled down, without the ward position and minion displacement, the shield could not even block the sword girl's sword.

Lin Cheng's judgment was very accurate. The sword girl killed the blind monk with one knife first when her health was extremely dangerous.

"Double Kill!"

After winning the double kill, Lin Cheng showed a little bee expression.

This wave was actually a bit of a fluke. At first, when he saw that the crocodile was not angry, he underestimated the opponent's explosive ability, but he also ignored that he only had more than 800 health.

After all, there were two of them. If W hadn't blocked half of the killing damage of Blind Sin's second stage Q, this wave would have been hard to say.

Zeyuan: "Taobo saw Pig Girl's position and wanted to move Sword Girl, but this line of troops is not easy to move, right? Ordinary people can forget about it. This is Brother Chengzi's Sword Girl."

Tong Xi: "It should be difficult to kill, but you can drive the sword girl away and help the crocodile push the line. 369 hasn't smelled the line of soldiers for a long time."

Remember: "Sword Girl E has two people! The burst of Crocodile and Blind Monk is still very high, it seems that they can really kill... But the second stage of Blind Monk is blocked! Sword Girl Q soldiers return blood... He still needs to counterattack Fight? The explosion is so high!"

Zeyuan: "369 was killed by a single again! Blind Monk Q Kong, it's over! It's going to be a double kill, I knew it! Brother Chengzi is not someone who just gets beaten without fighting back, so this is going to be manipulated by him again."

Hitomi: "Taobo Ueno seemed to be a little underprepared for the explosive damage from Sword Girl's counterattack. The first time the crocodile went up with the mark and was maimed, he realized something was wrong. It was already too late to try to pull it off."

Zeyuan: "To be honest! Taobo shouldn't be fighting this wave. Why do you want to catch the sword girl with this army? The crocodile's anger is not good at the beginning. Doesn't this give others an opportunity to operate?"

Remember: "I guess Tao Bo didn't necessarily want to kill him at the first moment. He probably planned to push the line to let 369 take the troops. What can he do if the person on the opposite side is so fierce? If neither of them dares to push the line, we can't play. Are you playing games?"

Zeyuan: "That's right! Your jungler is down there, and two people are trying to push the lane together and they won't let you. Brother Chengzi, this is too much."

"Damn it! Two of you were killed by one against two? Do you know how to play games?"

"369: I just wanted to add soldiers, but the other side killed me and the jungler together."

"The sword girl's explosion is so high? Why isn't my sword girl so powerful?"

"Heartache 369, there is another monster with 4 heads in 5 minutes."

"Don't be heartbroken, who raised dad?"

"Ah Shui will probably die at the speed of light again later. I still vividly remember the Qinggang Shadow Thousand Miles Seconds EZ last time."

"369, this terrifying whale, raises a big daddy to make AD suffer."

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