This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 428 Six Chinese vs. Four Koreans

At around 5 pm Korean time, the entire KT team was already waiting in the lounge of LOL PARK.

Everyone was paralyzed, playing with their mobile phones, but Kang Dongxun stood beside the conference table and gave some instructions to the team members.

"The other side may be targeting Lin Cheng, so you should pay more attention."

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry! I promise to defeat the opponent."

"I'm asking you to be careful. I'm not asking you to fight with your opponent. Don't send them randomly."

It's not that Kang Dongxun is just worried. When Lin Cheng says he's guaranteed to defeat his opponent, it's often a double-edged sword.

Lin Cheng was not without success in the training matches. When he was determined, he would either go on the road against the pressure of the opposite jungler, or crazily press the line and not be a human being, and then dare to catch and die on the road to blow himself up.

Regarding the coach's instructions, Lin Cheng humbly accepted: "I will definitely not give them away today."

After saying that, Lin Cheng paused for a moment and then added: "But if the opponent can kill me based on his ability, then I won't call him a send-off!"

Kang Dongxun: "·····"

Teammates: "·····"

You're trying to get us into trouble before we even start, right?

Kang Dongxun: "The opponent was in good shape in the semi-finals yesterday. Even if we fall behind in the early stage today, don't worry. Just stick to our usual style of play. We can still win by relying on teamfights in the later stage."

"Indeed! We don't have to worry, the AD on the other side will send it to us."

As Lin Cheng was talking, he suddenly remembered his own description of DWG in the Spring Split:

As long as we don't get sick, the other side will definitely get sick.

Of course, Brother Shui Zi doesn't call it a send-off, it calls it a physical group start.

Didn't you see that after Taobo's AD died suddenly, his teammates often won in four-on-five?

The Chinese-language commentary for today’s game is shared by Ze Yuan, the classic pairing of Remember, and Hitomi Xi.

Zeyuan: “Here we come! The finals of the 2020 League of Legends Mid-Season Cup are about to begin, and we will once again witness the head-on collision between the LPL and LCK.

Because it was born under this special background, if there are no accidents, this MSC will be held for the first time and will most likely be the last time. Who can win this unique championship honor between KT and Taobao? "

Remember: "There is one thing I have to say. Today's game will be the only one in the history of League of Legends where teams from the LPL and LCK compete head-to-head. There are more Chinese players than Korean players. There are a total of six players on the field. There are only four Chinese players and only four Korean players."

Tong Xi: "Hey! No problem. I remember that I haven't discovered this very important detail even if the teacher didn't mention it."

"Damn it! It's really true, six Chinese versus four Koreans."

"Wang Laoer's angle is tricky, but there's nothing wrong with it, haha!"

"Ye Qingjie! In previous wars between China and South Korea, weren't 7 Koreans fighting 3 Chinese?"

"It's time for Brother Chengzi to serve the country with loyalty!"

"I'm just afraid that Brother Chengzi will kill him. After all, 369 feels like he really can't beat him."

"Brother Cheng said in the interview yesterday that he would give a verbal warning first, and then he would be hit with heavy punches during the match."

"Who told 369 to say harsh words first? You will suffer the consequences of your own sins, and you can't blame others if you are crushed to pieces."

"My 9th treasure! You must not get penetrated again. How can I help you wash it?"


Remember: "Today's game may be a bit more stressful for 369. Whether Taobo can withstand the pressure from Orange on the road, I think it may affect the trend of the game."

Tong Xi: "We still have to look at Taobo's tactical arrangements today and see if Karsa will help 369 more today. In fact, Taobo's playing style has changed a lot. They didn't say they habitually focus on tactics. Whichever path you prefer, being able to get C in every position is the reason why Taobo is so strong now."

Remember: "But to be honest, if it is too obvious to target the top lane, it is not that easy. When the two teams met for the first time in the group stage, I remember that Brother Ka wanted to gank Brother Orange, but Bono happened to guess his intention. Counter-crouching in advance caused Taobo to split directly in the early stages of that round."

Zeyuan: "This problem can only be solved by the players on the field. To be honest, a problem that all KT's opponents are having a headache this year is: how to hold down Brother Chengzi's point without letting his teammates Development is too comfortable.

But so far, there is really no solution to this problem!

Because this year, all the teams that worked hard to train Cheng Zi in the military did not win the game. Even if Cheng Zi was really defeated in the early stage, KT did not lose the game because of this.

This is really disappointing. When you don’t know which point to plan your tactics before the game, you can only rely on the players to perform on the spot.

Today, just look forward to defeating Brother Orange alone with 369, okay? "

Remember to joke: "Hey! That's not what you said when we were communicating in the audience just now. Didn't you say that 369 will be successful if he is not killed alone?"

Zeyuan was shocked: "Don't talk nonsense! Follow my lead, right? I will never admit that I said this."

As a new generation of traffic team, Taobo has a large number of fans, and they may have flooded Zeyuan's Weibo because of the 'gossip' they remembered revealing.

Remember: "It's just a joke! Audience friends, that sentence was not actually said by Brother Guan. There was someone else who said that sentence. Please don't make the mistake."

Zeyuan answered: "Hey! Let me provide you with the correct direction of charge. The Weibo address is Xiangxiang QAQ."

I remember laughing out loud and saying, "Nothing wrong."

Just as there was laughter and laughter on the commentary stage, the start of the game was soon approaching.

The director showed the camera to the LPL venue. After the host Yu Shuang gave a brief speech, Taobo's players were the first to appear.

The leader, 369, waved his hands on the stage, and the five people lined up one after another.

When Yu Shuang introduced the team members one by one, 369 confidently looked up at the camera with a high morale.

"Come on, all Chinese class! Kill KT!"

"Standing posture distinguishes between newbies and veterans. Some people are loading cups, while others are standing in a penalty position, 2333."

"369 thought he was handsome, but he looked up very naively."

"Nine treasures are in high spirits. It seems that the number is 999 today."

"Brother Cheng is in danger! 369 is actually very strong when he is confident."

"The scholar Knight's smile will penetrate the bastard today."

"You are the chosen one and the only one, come on Brother Shuizi."

"Don't brag! The Chosen One is my brother Cheng's Barbarian King, the Chosen One who can strike with a sword."


After Taobo's players came on stage, the camera cut to the LCK competition venue.

Li Xianjing gave a brief speech with his hand card, and the KT players also entered the stage from the entrance channel.

Lin Cheng took the lead, his steps were neither fast nor slow, and his expression was relaxed and confident.

"The villain appears."

"Streamlined equipment, confident strides, and a villain's expression."

"Although they both look confident, why is Brother Chengzi so much more handsome than 369?"

"Comparing appearance with 369, aren't you insulting Brother Chengzi?"

"Brother Cheng's appearance is so good! Plus his body proportions are simply outstanding."

"Here comes the point, who is the chicken?"

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