Rap: "Ornn's big move hit two people, and the sword girl R flashed~~~~ Beautiful! Vayne was hit! The sword girl was about to cut in... and was nailed to the wall! Oh my God! This reaction is too fast Damn it! Vayne E nailed the sword girl to the wall."

Lst: "It's over! The battlefield has been divided. Draven and Thresh can't keep up. The rock bird has just taken down the remaining fire dragon. This sword girl and Ornn have become Vayne's targets! Enter Vayne's hunt. It’s time to kill!”

The sword girl was pinned to the wall, and Vayne hit the three rings with an arrow, causing the sword girl to lose a lot of her health.

At the same time, the passive of Sheep Knife is triggered, and Vayne officially enters the hunting state.

Now Vayne's attack speed is very terrifying. Just as Dao Mei woke up from the dizziness, Vaien has shot two more arrows, triggering the Holy Silver Crossbow again, and Dao Mei's health has dropped to about one-third.

At this time, the prompt that Xiaolong had been killed sounded, and a stone curtain had spread up from the river.


A handsome guy with flying skirts came over on a skateboard. He turned over and went down the wall, and there was a rock protrusion and he shot at Lin Cheng's feet.

However, the selection of the Rock Bird, a rock protrusion, is very problematic.

Although Dao Mei's sword formation restricted her movement, Lin Cheng always had her Q in hand.

Vayne used the Q skill to roll sideways to easily avoid the rock protrusion, and continued to A towards the wall.

As soon as Dao Mei woke up, the blind monk next to her flew up and kicked her towards the wall. Lin Cheng followed up with an arrow to kill her.

This wave of sword girls flashed into the field with perfect R, but when they suddenly came in, they were connected by two controls and fell instantly. It was quite anticlimactic.

Ornn originally wanted to come over and knock out Vayne's fragile body, but Lin Cheng's Q skill happened to open his position. After killing the sword girl, he started to deal with Ornn with his backhand.

Now Vayne's Q skill every second is too flexible. Ornn couldn't reach Vayne with his thick legs, but was knocked to the ground by Lin Cheng in two seconds.

"Double Kill!"

Once the passive of Guinsoo's Wrath is stacked up, no tank can stand in front of Vayne. The damage of two flat A and three rings is too exaggerated.

After taking care of Ornn, Lin Cheng chased the rock bird with a Q skill. After the defeat, Karma added a shield to speed up. Vayne chased the rock bird and easily fired four arrows. With the blind monk's two Q, it was easy Get three kills.

"Triple Kill."

Rap: "It's reversed! Everything is reversed! The red side won the battle, and the economic gap of 4,000 behind was recovered by Vayne. Is this the charm of four guarantees and one?"

Lst: "Wait! Is there a pentakill? There is a chance for a pentakill! Don't rush, kill people quickly, kill people!"

On the other side, although Morgana, who had finished her golden body, was hacked to death by Draven, he successfully cooperated with Enchantress to prevent Draven's entry output.

It was impossible for Thresh to let Draven be harassed by the Enchantress, and he did not immediately rush over to cooperate with other teammate Chevyn. As a result, Lin Cheng was almost not restricted at all after controlling the female sword.

At this time, Draven's health had been knocked out by the Enchantress. Lin Cheng relied on Karma's blessing to close his eyes and go over with A and that was done.

The blind monk was standing next to him, putting a mask on Lin Cheng with W, and then followed Karma to watch the AD matchup between the two sides.

Vayne's current attack speed is too fast. She hit the third-level Q skill twice and became invisible instantly. Draven's flying ax was taken away by Lin Cheng's flat A to break the invisibility even before he could connect it firmly.

"Quadra Kill."

Thresh next to him stopped struggling even though he was helpless. He stood still and killed him.

This time, his teammates didn't fight for kills anymore, and Lin Cheng easily took away Thresh with two arrows.

"Penta Kill."

Before Delevingne fell to the ground, Rap, the on-site commentator, stood up excitedly on the commentary table, and his tone became passionate:

"It's coming, it's really coming~~~ Thresh can't run away~~~ Pentakill! It really happened! The first pentakill of the first SKY Esports Cup appeared in the finals, Vayne from Top Road! From Seoul National University! Maker, Cheng!!!”

I don’t know whether he was really infected by Lin Cheng’s performance or was too dedicated. Rap ​​almost yelled out Lin Cheng’s ID in the end, which can be regarded as a characteristic of Korean commentators.

As Lin Cheng's Vayne scored five kills, the passionate roars following the commentary were already boiling over.

Originally at a disadvantage on the field, the supporting students of Seoul National University were a little worried. Now that the situation was reversed, they immediately applauded and cheered enthusiastically.

What’s interesting is that Korea University’s friendly forces are no less powerful than here, as if Yanda’s opponents are them.

The companion is responsible for the passion, and the other commentator Lst is responsible for the control: "It's so exciting! With a 4000 economic gap behind in 16 minutes, Vayne's wave of five kills on the red side led to a one-for-five team battle. , completely turned the situation around.”

Rap: "This is the charm of four guarantees and one. If you don't die, this core team fight will be difficult to fight. Irelia's R flash behind Ornn's first move is already very beautiful, but Vayne's reaction It was amazing, E flashed and found an angle to pin the female swordsman who entered the field. After that, Vayne had the opportunity to continue to stand on the field and directly dominate the battlefield."

Lst: "Even Morgana's Crucible is useless in this wave. It is too difficult to kill Vayne under the protection of these two supports, not to mention Vayne with full operation. It will be difficult for the blue side next. "

Although the fire dragon that caused the dispute was lost, this wave of elimination of opponents still gave the Seoul National University players a lot of confidence.

There is no economic panel in sight, but the players know that their side must have a considerable disadvantage on the field, and they always seem to be a little timid, fearing that their side will be defeated if they fight.

As a result, this wave is over, hey! It turns out that the opposite side is a paper tiger.

The team destroyed the opponent, and there were no more neutral resources to take. The red team directly gathered in the middle to demolish the two outer towers.

Lin Cheng went home at 18 minutes and found Phantom Dancer, and also got a Storm Sword.

Now it is basically impossible for the opponent to directly kill Vayne in one wave under the protection of two assistants, unless Lin Cheng is ill.

Next, the two assistants followed Vayne as bodyguards, unable to move even if the opponent tried to catch Vayne who failed to dodge.

After the baron was refreshed, the red side firmly occupied the upper half of the field of vision and forced out the opponent's blue accessories.

Then Lin Cheng and the two assistants in the middle pushed the line and immediately moved up. The blue side now had to worry about the feasibility of the opponent's attack on the baron, so they could only group up and come from the middle to explore the field of vision.

This time, Jiang Daying, who had been paddling for most of the time, finally found a chance to clear his name.

The blind monk hid in the shadows above the river wall, inserting and touching his eyes at the same moment when his opponent came in.


Blind Sin R flashed and adjusted the angle, kicking Draven towards the grass in the middle of the river.

Even though Jiang Daying only has a platinum rank, you can tell him what he's good at. His moves are really fast. The blue side didn't react at all when they saw Draven being kicked away.

The red party suddenly jumped out of the grass. Morgana's Q skill accurately connected with the blind monk's roundhouse kick. The Enchantress followed up with a set of skills, causing Draven to die suddenly in the river.

Moreover, Jiang Daying's blind monk was very cool. He went in and kicked out Draven. His backhand Q skill was hung on Draven's body, and his second Q was successfully released.

Ornn opened up to cooperate with the sword girl and still wanted to fight. Lin Chengwei En directly faced Morgana's black shield and Karma's shield and output without pressure.

Without AD, the blue side was unable to engage the opponent. Vayne scored four kills while the battlefield rolled wildly, and the blue side was wiped out again.

The red side stopped fighting the baron and just took the middle line of troops straight to the high ground.

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