This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 416 Never mind! Military training for him! (Third update, please give me a monthly ticket)

Wawa: "In this way, KT will be the first to enter the match point after winning another victory. It may be difficult for JD today."

Xiao Umbrella: “It’s still on the road that it causes too much trouble for Jingdong. Although Brother Chengzi’s men didn’t even win a single kill in this game, their presence is overwhelming.

His constant line support made Kanavi and Toothpaste very uncomfortable in the early stage. Several times he took the initiative to gank, either by the trolls counter squatting or by the support of the troops. Jingdong's rhythm was not able to play at all. "

Wawa: “JD’s style of play was such a disadvantage against KT! We all know that Kanavi needs some support from his online teammates in the early stage so that he can invade the opponent’s jungle to accelerate his development.

However, in the face of Orange Brother Zoom, he suffered losses in both lanes. The lack of lane rights in the early stage made Kanavi unable to defend the jungle, and even the entire top half of had a hard time. "

Xiao Umbrella: " needs to change its BP thinking. It can no longer use a lineup with several lanes but no lane rights. KT is really good at playing this kind of snowballing game of lane advantage.

It can even be said that they are the team with the strongest snowball ability among all the teams in MSC. As long as the snowball is handed over to them, the rhythm will hardly stop. A purely defensive posture will not work in the face of such a team. "

On the other side, Jingdong’s lounge. is known as the most "heavyweight" team in the LPL. The atmosphere in the team was originally relatively lively. The heavyweight players seemed very serious at this time and kept communicating in low voices.

Although the MSC didn't have many formal games this time, the players were still upset when the LPL champion was pushed to the ground and beaten by the LCK champion.

"I think we should use a more proactive lineup in the early stage. Airplanes are still too weak in the early stage."

"It's not the hero's problem, it's that the opponent's support is really too fast. I'm obviously running away from the line when the fight starts, but it's still slower than the opponent's."

"Why didn't Xiaolong TP when the bot lane was attacked by a monkey that jumped over the tower? Centaur and horse didn't have T, so they had a chance to counterattack."

"I really can't help it. Before I passed your tower in the bottom lane, the troops deliberately challenged me to duel me and cheated me of my ultimate move. At that time, you saw that my ultimate move was bright because I hadn't released my second-level ultimate move yet. I couldn't TP down. It’s useless.”

"Let's choose a more rhythmic lineup for the next lineup. When playing against the opponent, I feel like we can no longer choose the lineup that way."

"Stop choosing a male, a gun, a leopard, and a female. Choose a rhythm hero to target the top lane."

Like the Umbrella King, Zoom also believed that it was necessary to target Lin Cheng, and other teammates also looked at Kanavi.

Kanavi nodded and spoke Chinese with a slight accent: "Never mind! Military training for him!"


Lin Cheng didn't know the seriousness of the matter at this time, so he crossed his legs in the training room and made wild remarks.

"Let's hurry up now. After winning it at 3:0, Brother Cheng wants to go back and watch the drama. JTBC's new drama is quite interesting."

"Is it the drama starring Kim Ha Neul? I'm watching it too, it's so addictive."

Aiming became interested: "But I quite like the teacher there. The contrast between the technical geek and the geek is so handsome, and his figure is amazing."

"You actually only like the teacher?"

Lin Cheng stared at Aiming for two seconds as if he was looking at Adou who couldn't be helped.

However, he didn't laugh out loud. Lin Cheng whistled: "It just so happens that the TV series is updated today. Get off work early at 3:00! Everyone, please work harder."

Kuro threw cold water: "Generally, those who want to get off work early are often left to work overtime."

Lin Cheng waved his hand: "If Li Shiheng you mess around less, we can win the game faster."

Kuro activates Death Gaze.

I really want to see if this little brat still jumped like this when he was beaten.

After a while of chatting and commotion, everyone finally sat down in the competition seats.

The loser chooses the side. It is rare for to actively choose the red side in the current version.

BP starts, KT BAN first on the blue side.

KT first disabled Ornn at first, not giving Zoom a chance to mess around.

In fact, although Lin Cheng had an advantage online in the first two games, he only completed one solo kill in the two games while constantly looking for opportunities, and it was an exchange between Jess and Crocodile.

If Lin Cheng hadn't been very good at wandering around the radiation wilderness, he really wouldn't have had much to do with Zoom.

This is why Zoom is rarely defeated. Although Gongzi's ability to withstand pressure is more well-known, in fact, Zongzi's ability to withstand pressure is also very good.

When Zoom crashes in the top lane, it's often not because he crashes in lane. Most of the time, it's because he's caught or brought down by his teammates, especially when Xiaofu was jungler on

This year in the LCK, Fuhuang, who has the highest probability of destroying his teammates by GANK, has already shown signs of success in the LPL.

Seeing Ornn being banned, the red side Jingdong BANed the strong version of Varus with a backhand.

KT banned male guns for the second time.

The failure of JD’s male gun in the last round was purely due to the disadvantage of the third line. Kanavi’s male gun does have something to offer.

Nowadays, everyone’s understanding of the version is gradually becoming more wild-core, and there are many male guns appearing in MSC this time.

Kanavi's men's gun can be said to be the best among them. Most players' men's guns are mediocre.

As for Bono's male gun, he couldn't use it at all for fear of embarrassing himself.

Of course, there are also those who are not afraid to show their embarrassment.

Cuzz performed a Contra male gun in the group stage. In a hurry, he pressed AB repeatedly, and was caught and whipped by netizens who reviewed the game.

The red side gave Qinggangying the second BAN position and chose to target Lin Cheng.

KT gave Zoe the third BAN position, preventing Toothpaste from having a chance to move in the middle.

Jingdong’s third hand banned Daomei.

Starting to select players, KT locked Aphelios on the blue side first.

The red side locked the Crocodile and EZ with a backhand.

Wawa: " locked the crocodile for Duke again. We must put pressure on Brother Chengzi in the early stage."

Xiao Xian: "Yes! In the first game, Brother Orange used Jace to suppress Zoom's Crocodile, but in this round JD still chose the top lane Crocodile. He must have considered the possibility of Jace on the opposite side, and may have already thought about how to deal with it. method."

Wawa: "And the selection of EZ means that will play in the top half of this game. EZ itself is also a hero that Loken is very good at. Let's take a look at the subsequent choices."

KT locked Thresh and Syndra on the second and third floors of the blue side.

The third floor of Jingdong has locked the spider.

Doll: "Spider and crocodile! The classic military training package is arranged! It's interesting."

Xiao Xian: "Jingdong is very determined. In the first round, we will show the spider and the crocodile. Whatever you choose to go on the road, I will train you on the road."

Now it's impossible for Orange Brother to use Jace to fight the crocodile, right? Anyone who dared to dig out Jace would be arrested. "

"Oh! The desert spider is here again."

"Duke: You don't think I won't shake people, do you?"

"Brother Chengzi, if you have the ability, show Jace. I respect you as a man."

"This dog combination is really incomprehensible in military training. Choose a dog that can withstand pressure."

"Brother Chengzi is afraid? Blindly guess and pick out top laner Lu Xian with one hand."

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