This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 408 Understanding the military lines of top top laners

Jace deliberately blocked the line of soldiers and pushed slowly. When the second wave of melee soldiers entered the tower, he was still knocked down to level 2 by the crocodile.

Originally, Bono came up and prepared to cooperate with Lin Chengyue to launch a wave of crocodiles, but the opponent was not stupid. The Leopard Girl also moved to the upper half to support the crocodiles.

The prince encountered the Leopard Girl in advance in the jungle. Bono immediately EQed away when he saw the Leopard Girl attacking, causing KT's plan to jump over the tower to be aborted.

Lin Cheng used the advantage of pushing the line to run to cover the prince and kill the Shanghe Crab. When he returned to the line again, although the line of troops was still pushing forward, the crocodile had already reached level three and had accumulated Red Fury.

Lin Cheng was still pressing hard, and he clicked Zoom when he was sure to hit the crocodile tower for a last-ditch attack.

The crocodile rolled over and faced Jace.

However, Lin Cheng's reaction was ridiculously fast. Lin Cheng also pressed the E skill the moment the crocodile started to use E.

A vertical door of light fell at Jace's feet.

Using the E skill to accelerate, Lin Cheng took the next step, just enough for the crocodile to come over with E but was unable to use W's basic attack.

Seeing that the two sides were separated by two bodies, Zoom could only turn around and retreat upwards.

Jess accelerated and pulled away. At this distance, let alone W, the crocodile might not even be able to hit Q.

Originally, Zoom's HP was not enough, so he couldn't hand over his second E and stick it in Jace's face, otherwise he would have to be chased and beaten by Jace.

Just when the crocodile retreated, Lin Cheng's Jace turned around and launched his Q skill at the same time as the flat A hand.

Jace himself was inside the acceleration gate, and the generated energy was immediately strengthened after it came off the barrel, and hit the crocodile accurately.

And after finishing Q, using the vertical accelerator gate at his feet, Jess chased A and hit the crocodile again before giving up.

The crocodile still held the skill in his hand, and Lin Cheng didn't change his shape to hit it. The wave of damage-free consumption was already very profitable.

Zoom was really uncomfortable being pulled this time, and he almost couldn't help but turn around and hit him with his second E.

However, Jace's position was maintained very well, and the Crocodile's second E was likely to be stuck in position again. Even if it did burst onto Jace's face and deal a set of damage, he would still be facing Jace's counterattack.

Jace still has a complete set of melee skills. Without the Red Fury Crocodile, it is very likely that he will not be able to come back after E goes up.

In just a few minutes, Lin Cheng brought Jace's characteristics to their fullest.

The consumption of long hands, the operating space provided by the light gate, the explosive ability to switch forms, and the comprehensive and balanced ability have created Jayce's position as the top laner.

Because Lin Cheng protected Bono and captured the river crab, Kanavi's Leopard Girl couldn't control the crocodile on the road and had already run down to control the river crab.

Soon the crocodile was pressed to a very dangerous level of health, and Zoom had to choose to return in less than 4 minutes.

Lin Cheng quickly pushed the line and chose to return.

Taking out two long swords, Lin Cheng saved TP and ran back to the line with the advantage of the troops.

After Zoom cleared the tower and sent troops back to the TP line, he saw Jace running back to the line before sending the complete line of troops to the blue square tower.

At this time, the position of the military line was just outside the blue square tower.

Seeing that Jess was stuck and wanted to consume himself, Zoom's red angry crocodile directly moved forward and started with E.

Just as the crocodile passed through the minion, Lin Cheng's Jace switched forms and hit the red minion behind the crocodile.

Jace's Q has splash damage. Although the crocodile is not the direct target, it still takes this damage.

The moment Lin Cheng's Q passed, he launched his E skill.

Crocodile's Red Fury W was also photographed.

Just as the crocodile knocked Jace unconscious, he was also hit by Jace's backhand hammer towards the defense tower.

After being hit by Jace's E skill, he was obviously stiff for a while. After receiving the first damage from the defense tower, Crocodile quickly handed over the second E skill to get out of the tower, and hit Jace next to him with a Q skill.

But the failure of the second E to pull away meant that the crocodile was going to suffer. Lin Cheng's Jayce turned on W Lightning Field and chased the crocodile for a few steps, then switched forms and turned on W Super Charge again to start sneaking around A.

Turning his head every step of the way, Lin Cheng's Jace's A move was extremely smooth at the extreme attack speed.

Although the enhanced cannon in his backhand was empty in the end, Lin Cheng knocked the crocodile under the tower and forced the crocodile's second E to come out of the tower. This wave of exchanges with minions was destined for Jace to still make a lot of money.

After repelling the crocodile's offensive, Lin Cheng held his troops in place, then turned around and drove the crocodile out of the experience area.

At this time, a new wave of troops arrives. Because it is Lin Cheng's pushback line, the troops will definitely slowly advance towards the red side.

Zoom's crocodile is waiting patiently at the back for the troops to come over.

Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to push the line, and only used the tail knife to slow down the advance of the line as much as possible.

While pressing the crocodile's position, Lin Cheng paid attention to the time when his next wave of troops would arrive.

By observing the position of his own soldiers, he can also know the mirror position of the enemy's soldiers. Lin Cheng just happened to get the next wave of soldiers stuck outside a tower on the red side.

The line of troops at this position has not entered the tower. If the crocodile dares to come out to take the line, it will still have to face Jace's consumption.

Zoom came out forcefully and took a beating.

But the crocodile without anger dares to eat in front of Lin Cheng's Jess?

Lin Cheng decisively used a set of skills to beat the crocodile, which had an ugly HP, to a more dangerous point.

Just in time, the next wave of troops from the blue side arrives.

At this time, the number of soldiers accumulated on the field had exceeded twelve, and Lin Cheng finally pushed the soldiers' line into the red side's defense tower in one breath.

Jace also entered the tower with the soldiers.

As a top top laner, Lin Cheng knows what kind of troop line can make the opponent most uncomfortable. He did not bring in this large wave of troops to give gifts to the crocodiles.

The crocodile had been too timid to take action before, but now he had a chance under the tower.

Seeing Jace's movement, Zoom already had a premonition that something was wrong.

The crocodile has no TP. Once it dies, the sky will collapse.

Zoom took the initiative to take a step forward.


The crocodile flashed close to Jace's face. The Q skill hit Jace and also hit many minions.

Lin Cheng probably guessed that his opponent would react when the crocodile moved, and made a pre-judged QE shot.

Just in time, the crocodile flashed over and caught the powerful cannon with his face.

However, the crocodile did not die despite its remaining health. Instead, it used the Q skill to create Red Fury, and the W Cold Hunting shot it.

While Jace fell into dizziness, traces of golden electric light surrounded him.

Lin Cheng switched forms with extreme hand speed, and fired the W skill Lightning Field before being stunned!

Crocodile Red Fury W stunned Jess and then made two E moves decisively.

However, there are too many minions!

Coupled with the continuous damage of Jess Hammer's W, the remaining health Crocodile's second stage E was killed on the spot as soon as it came out.

"First Blood!"

However, the Red Angry Crocodile also dealt a set of damage. Seeing that the second attack from the defense tower had almost landed on his head, Jace, who originally had 60% of his health, had no health remaining.

Lin Cheng didn't choose to cross-dodge.

He knew that even if he flashed and adjusted his position, he might not be able to sustain a triumphant recovery, so he might as well save the flash and use it in the next wave.

The light bullets from the defense tower fell, and the two sides completed a one-for-one exchange.

However, the crocodile has collapsed.

The value of this large wave of soldiers under the tower cannot be compensated by an exchange of heads.

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