This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 390 E-Sports Comedian

Lin Cheng's abdominal muscles were very arrogant in the tower defense. He even ignored Doinb Karma's skills at the side to consume blood, and just pretended to be there.

However, because the second item was a black cut, and there was no real defensive equipment, Seti's health dropped relatively quickly.

The two incisor towers attacked alternately and quickly reduced Seti's health to about half.

Seti's passive recovery ability was very strong, and Lin Cheng felt that he could still fake it.

Lin Cheng: "Brothers! See if my Seti is handsome?"

Kuro: "Don't show off your anti-tower flag, you'll get scolded easily."

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry, those people can't scold me."

Kuro: "····"

Is this the point?

In fact, before last year, LCK players did not have the habit of frequently displaying their emoticons, and even the emoticons were not seen a few times throughout the year.

LCK audiences are similar to LPL audiences in some aspects. The public opinion environment for professional players is generally very poor, unlike European and American audiences, which are not as tolerant towards players.

However, this year's newly promoted team APK probably doesn't have much performance pressure, and the fans are not so demanding. The players are also playing happily on the court, and their expressions light up at every turn.

No matter they win or lose, no matter how badly they are beaten, whether they are killing alone or being killed alone, they all like to show off their expressions, making them happy.

Happiness is contagious, and the audience didn’t have any objections when they saw APK doing this, and other teams followed suit.

Later, you can see bright expressions in almost every LCK game.

Some players even go too far.

Life succeeded after playing Sett around. The moment Sett flashed up to start a group, his expression showed up before he even pressed out his ultimate move.

What's even more outrageous is that they lost the team fight. Life's operation is really comparable to AC Milan's half-time popping of champagne.

Lin Cheng is also a big fan of showing off his facial expressions, but he has basically never done anything wrong with his showing off his facial expressions.

However, if you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts.

Just before Crocodile died, he had almost cleared the line of troops. After pushing the crystal, his teammates decisively turned around and retreated.

Lin Cheng quickly stood up at this time.

The other side quits and wants to run away after pretending to be cool?

Karma's Q skill slows down, and Kindred and Aphelios have appeared from behind.

The opponent has little ability to retain people, and Lin Cheng is not worried.

Bang! Bang!

But Lin Cheng's abdominal muscle anti-tower operation just now was too aggro-inducing, and Aphelios and Kindred flashed forward almost at the same time.

Qian Jue was crippled, and the three of them output wildly.

Only then did Lin Cheng realize something was wrong: "Oh! Brothers, help! I seem to be in danger."

Just now, Seti's abdominal muscles to resist the tower made his health very ugly, and he was soon chased and beaten to a low health, and he had to set up his W to deliberately punch.

Titan's reflexive Q skill was released, and the rapidly decaying shield did not provide enough protection for Lin Cheng. Sett was quickly killed by Kindred and Aphelios's offensive.

His teammates had no intention of avenging him, and the two sides separated.

I remember laughing out loud: "Hey! Brother Chengzi gave it away! Something happened this time! Are you really an e-sports comedian? You thought my abdominal muscles were making fun of me, but actually I was going to give it as a favor."

957: "It turns out that we all blamed him wrongly. This wave of favors are reasonable and reasonable, and the big head is given to Aphelios. Lin Weixiang should have a two-piece suit."

"You're so funny! This is so fucking funny."

"The misunderstanding is resolved! It turns out that Brother Cheng showed his mark to effectively resist the tower and send warmth."

"When I saw Brother Cheng showing off the FPX icon, I knew he cared about Little Phoenix."

"Coach KT: There is a mole! Terminate the deal."

"Brother Cheng: Xiangxiang, please tell me how much money is left to buy the Split Bow? I'll come to you after I've saved up enough."


Lin Cheng made a wave, but the impact was not too big. After all, KT actually had an economic advantage of nearly 7,000 after breaking the road.

KT put a lot of pressure on Baron due to the existence of Kalista and Tsar. Liu Qingsong's Thresh was successfully ambushed by KT's Nosuke when doing Baron vision.

Titan takes control first, and Kha'Zix quickly drops Thresh in seconds.

The entire KT team turned directly to the Baron Pit, preparing to RUSH the Baron.

FPX had to bite the bullet and come out to stop KT's Baron.

It is already very difficult for their lineup to clean up the super soldiers in the middle. If KT gets the Baron BUFF, it will be easily broken into three lanes. Once the Baron drops, it is basically equivalent to the game being over.

The blue jewelry took pictures of the dragon pit and found that KT was indeed RUSHing the dragon pit. The four players on the blue side quickly rushed over from the jungle.

Although Karma did not forget to use the skill to detect grass, TP lit up in the Three Wolf Pit just when the four people on the blue side arrived behind the blue buff.

Lin Cheng's Seti retreated.

The moment they discovered Seti, everyone in FPX had no choice but to avoid him.

The crocodile was walking in the front and couldn't care less about Seti who was protruding from behind his butt for the first time.

Speeding up with his Q, Lin Cheng swaggered towards Aphelios.

Because he had just suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and handed over Seti with flash to kill the abdominal muscle tower, Aphelios could only watch Seti rushing up.

Start in awe.

Seti suddenly picked up Aphelios and threw it into the FPX formation.


The ground was smashed into a crack, and the E skill was used to crack the skull.

Lin Cheng's E chose a very tricky angle. Except for the crocodile at the front, the other three people in FPX were knocked together and fell into dizziness.

At this moment, Aiming's Kalista threw the Titan over.

Titan knocked Aphelios into the air, and his backhand was a control.

The Czar drifted into the field and pushed up three people with his ultimate move.

There was no room for maneuver. The three FPX players died instantly. Kindred's ultimate move, Sheep's Breath, had no chance to be used.

On the other side, Brother Khan immediately wanted to defend against the Tsar alone.

But Kuro drifted away before the crocodile could get close, leaving Kazik and the crocodile alone for a duel.

The big crocodile crippled Kazix with a set of red rage skills, but the FPX teammate facing him fell too fast. Before Brother Khan could get the first solo kill of the game, he was beaten to death by other people supported by KT.

After killing four of the opponent's players, KT no longer cares about the baron. The entire team gathered in the middle with super soldiers and pushed up to the opponent's high ground to end the game.

Remember: "In that case, congratulations to KT for winning their first victory in this MSC, defeating FPX with relative ease."

957: “FPX needs to adjust its status as soon as possible in the following games. Strictly speaking, FPX did not pose much of a threat to KT in this game.

If KT hadn't actively chosen to let go of the third fire dragon, there might have been zero dragon towers. This year's LCK champion looks really strong. "

Remember: "Indeed! In this game, KT had a firm grasp of the situation throughout the whole process. It can even be said that KT was already playing at the end. Brother Chengzi sent a wave of warmth to Brother Xiangzi at the front tooth tower.

But having said that, it was precisely in order to kill Seti that the key flashes of Aphelios and Kindred were eliminated, which led to the defeat of FPX after being bypassed by Seti. I wonder if Brother Chengzi is deliberately playing the long game to catch the big fish? "

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