This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 38 Blind monk with film stickers?

Lin Cheng's field of vision was at the bottom edge of the river grass. He immediately discovered that the rock bird originally thought that he could withdraw in time, so he was confident that he did not let the blind monk support him.

However, Lin Cheng ignored the passive existence of the rock bird. The rock bird leaning against the wall moved very quickly.

Seeing that Vayne had crossed the mouth of the river, the rock bird just reached enough distance against the corner wall of the river above, and raised its hand in anticipation.

Lin Cheng reacted quickly. The moment he saw the ground on the upper left began to shake, Vayne turned her head downwards, just in time to avoid the rock protrusion.

However, Lin Cheng turned back and allowed Ornn behind him to see the opportunity. He slammed the hammer on the ground, and a lava ravine quickly spread to Vayne's feet.

Vayne let out a soft drink, and evaded Ornn's Q skill with a dodge attack to the upper right side. She backhand A towards the rock bird to put the Q skill into the cooldown timer.

When Yanque drew A, he set up a stone scattering formation, and Shi Chuan took action.

Due to the deceleration of the stone scattering formation, Lin Cheng suffered four consecutive hits of stone penetration and electrocution, and his blood volume dropped to half in an instant.

And just now, Lin Cheng was blocked by a rock spur on his side, and later used his Q skill to avoid Ornn's Q. After rolling, his position was closer to the corner wall above the river.

With the right position, Aoun launched a fiery charge and struck him head-first.

As long as Vayne is knocked up, she will definitely die.


Seeing Aoun's E hand, Lin Cheng dodged in advance and moved down to move his position, while A got off the floor.

When Lin Cheng was A to the floor, Aoun rushed past him. Vayne locked the attack target and raised the crossbow.


Ornn put his head against the wall, Vayne's crossbow arrow had been fired, and her E skill was released at the same time.

Lin Cheng's A floor followed by E was too fast. Ornn was just in the air and was pinned to the wall by Vayne's Demonic Judgment before he could launch a fiery charge.

Another arrow triggered both the power attack and the three-level damage. Originally, Ornn had been madly suppressed by Lin Cheng in terms of health. When he came up against him, he only had a little more than half health, but now he dropped to less than a third of his health. quantity.

Yoona suddenly realized that she seemed to be more dangerous than Vayne.

The rock bird is in a short-term skill vacuum period. Will Vayne do whatever she wants now?

In fact, Lin Cheng planned to attack Aoun from the beginning.

Otherwise, he could have used his E skill to directly interrupt Ornn's blazing charge. He even deliberately did not launch a strong attack after hitting two rings on the rock bird just now, just to save it for Ornn.

While Aoun saw opportunities, Lin Cheng was also looking for them.

Vayne shot another arrow, and Ornn immediately started breathing fire after waking up.


Seeing that Vayne was fragile, Yoona held up the two rings on her body and directly flashed a hammer and knocked it out, trying to cooperate with the rock bird to kill Vayne instantly.

Vayne felt as if she had been hit in an artery, her blood volume dropped to less than a quarter, and she followed up with Yanque's Stone Penetration attack again.

However, Lin Cheng's Q skill had already cooled down, and he just made a dodge attack to avoid the flying rocks at an angle, and hit Ornn with a backhand arrow A to trigger the three rings, and Ornn fell to the ground on the spot.

"First Blood!"

While taking action to kill Aoun, Lin Cheng moved wildly sideways, narrowly avoiding the rocks coming from behind.

However, Yanque still managed to use the red BUFF to draw A to stick to Vayne after the Q skill ended.

Lin Cheng didn't run away in a hurry. He leaned toward the grass on the side road and turned back to walk A. The rhythm was very smooth.

"Senior, don't panic, I'm here."

Although Lin Cheng told him not to come, Jiang Daying's blind monk still moved up the road in time when the opponent made a move. At this time, he happened to touch up from the river and fired a Tianyin wave from a distance.

The rock bird that was chasing Vayne's basic attack did not move at all, but the blind monk's Q was actually placed crookedly this time, and the amount of advance judgment was a bit large.

Lin Cheng became anxious when he saw that Yanque hit his bloodline again with a flat A and pushed his bloodline to a very dangerous level.

"Brother, you are playing with a snake."

Lin Cheng dared to turn back and walk away because he saw the blind monk approaching and was calculating the damage in his mind.

The electrocution rune brought by Jiang Daying's blind monk has a high burst in the early stage. When Lin Cheng immediately hits the third ring, he has a good chance to cooperate with the blind monk to kill the rock bird with half health in seconds. Who would have thought that Jiang Daying's most important Q is actually It's crooked.


Before Lin Cheng could finish his words, he saw the blind monk flashing forward and zooming in closer, drawing an arc in the air and heading straight for Vayne.

Rock Bird launched another basic attack and was about to fall on Vayne's head, but the blind monk arrived just in time.

A thin shield appeared above Vayne's head, which just blocked the fatal damage from the rock bird.

Blind monk flashes the film!

Lin Cheng's eyes twitched.

Is this the blind monk who saves lives and heals the wounded in the legend of the canyon?

It is said that only famous players like Faker can enjoy such treatment, but I didn't expect that I would also enjoy it.

Just when Lin Cheng was thinking wildly, his Q skill had finished cooling down. Vayne rolled backwards into the grass, just in time to make the pursuing rock bird lose its vision and unable to keep up with the next basic attack.

Yanque looked at the two white rings on his body, hesitated for a moment, and did not choose to flash to kill Vayne.

Once Vayne deals three levels of damage before she dies, she will most likely be chased to death by the blind monk if she turns over the flashing rock sparrow.

You can’t expect the blind monk to continue to have empty skills, right? After all, it’s not about ranking, there are many things to consider.

After getting the first blood in this wave, although Lin Cheng made a profit, he still had to be careful of his opponent's next wave of GANK even after handing over the flash.

Many Vaynes in the passerby game are often caught in the first wave, and then they start to die wildly.

This is true for high-end games, let alone low-level games.

Of course, in fact, many people at low levels often don't even understand how to play Vayne and dare to take it out on the road. As a result, they find that they can't beat all kinds of short-handed warriors in 1V1.

On the way back, he took out the Vampire Scepter. The remaining 200 gold coins were not enough for shoes. Lin Cheng bought a real eye and chose to go online.

Lin Cheng doesn't know if he has obsessive-compulsive disorder. As long as he is not pushed to the line, he usually won't easily hand over the first TP to the line, even if he is playing Vayne's top laner.

After running back to the line, in order to prevent Yanque from making a counterattack, Lin Cheng first ran to the blue side and placed a control guard opposite the blue BUFF.

This eye position can catch the movement of the rock bird approaching from the wild area in advance, and the opponent will usually not expect to insert the eye here at this time, and it is easy to pass through the grass three times without entering.

With the blind monk controlling the upper river crab, the path the rock bird wanted to catch was basically blocked.

With a good vision, Lin Cheng returned to the line and continued to suppress Ornn crazily. With the Vampire Scepter, he didn't even have to worry about the damage of the minions, and he could just experience the joy of long hands beating short hands.

And although Lin Cheng's position is almost in front of him, he is not a brainless villain. When Ornn has all the skills, Lin Cheng will only draw A to start with consumption, and then use Q to avoid Ornn's backhand skills, without giving any A chance for Ornn to consume his blood.

As long as Aoun doesn't get caught up in the thread and ensures his own development, that's all.

What Lin Cheng wants to do is to suppress Ornn while consuming Ornn's blood, rather than giving Ornn a chance to exchange blood.

Although the current lazy sheep looks harmless to humans and animals, once Vayne is consumed with too much blood, after level six, the opponent may immediately transform into a boiling sheep.

After all, Aoun brought the unsealing secret book.

After level 6, another ignition suddenly comes out, and Vayne who has not dodge may not be able to withstand it.

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