This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 312 The lineup being targeted

The second BAN position of T1 on the red side was given to Seti.

This hero has been used in all three lanes of KT. Especially Lin Cheng used Sett to defeat Canna in his debut game. When Canna didn't want to face it, T1 chose to kill Sett and that was it.

Many people think that the LCK coach has such a strong voice that he can completely decide the style of play and BP. In fact, this is inaccurate.

Almost all players of the team will participate in the team's on-the-spot BP. As the BP progresses, coaches and players will continue to make adjustments to the lineup.

The selection of heroes mainly depends on the player's wishes and the compatibility of the lineup. Unless it is really outrageous to a very strange point, most of the time the coach will still respect the player's wishes.

The third BAN position of blue side KT was given to Zoe.

Although Zoe was killed miserably by Lin Cheng in the first game, it can be seen that Faker was in good condition using Zoe today, and his skill hit rate was very high.

KT originally didn't want to give Zoe the ban spot in the first round, but after thinking about it for a while, he still chose to press it.

Faker was the first player to play Zoe in the professional arena, but his Zoe was very strange. It was different from other people's gameplay. He played more like an assassin than a consumable mage.

Faker's Zoe highlights are basically operations in team battles, using various positions to pick up trash and use passive A to clean up the battlefield. On the contrary, Zoe's classic precise consumption in front of the team is not that good.

But today, Brother Li and Zoe's skills suddenly became particularly accurate, so it's worth taking a closer look.

With the last BAN slot left, T1 thought over and over before choosing to ban Cena with the last two seconds remaining.

Ze Yuan: "Hey! T1 chooses to ban Senna as the last move, and the priority is no longer that high. So, do you want to grab Aphelios KT? T1 also has Kalista to choose from."

Remember: "Then T1 released Brother Cheng's Green Steel Shadow. You must know that many teams faced KT before and would choose to kill Brother Cheng's Green Shadow in the first round. After all, Brother Cheng's Sword Girl has played too many times. There are only a few, and his Qinggang Ying can be said to be a real signature."

Zeyuan: "What can we do? T1 definitely doesn't want to release Qinggangying, but the red square BAN position itself is tight, so we have no choice but to release it."

Starting to select players, KT grabbed Aphelios on the first floor.

The red side backhand locked Qinggang Ying in seconds.

Zeyuan: "Hey! T1's move is a bit interesting. I know your Qinggangying is very good. Since the BAN is not complete, use grab instead of BAN. It's a very thoughtful choice."

Remember: "But it feels a bit unsafe to have Qinggang Ying on the first floor. Let's see what hero Orange will choose to face Qinggang Ying. Originally, I thought T1 would leave the Counter position to Canna on the red side. After all, The pressure from Brother Chengzi is really too much."

After locking the Qinggang Shadow, the red square first revealed Kalista on the second floor, and then switched to Tarik to lock it down.

Ze Yuan: "The choice of T1 is quite smart. If you take Kalista, the gems may be robbed. KT has also used the combination of Aphelios and gems before, so I will take the gems first. If you have the ability, you can get another one." Callista takes to the road."

As soon as he finished speaking, Calista appeared on the second floor of the blue square.

Zeyuan choked up: "That's not it! Top laner Kalista, I was just joking. Brother Chengzi won't be serious, right? And the opponent is Qinggangying."

I remember laughing: "Hey! Don't forget that Kalista can swing in three directions in the LCK. Will Kuro be given a mid laner Kalista? Chovy has used mid laner Kalista before."

Ze Yuan: "It can only be said that the LCK players are very motivated to learn. Rascal, Kiin, and Chovy have all used single-lane Kalista, but the results are not that good."

"Lock it up quickly! I want to see Brother Chengzi's skateboard shoes."

"I remember that Chaowei's skateboard shoes seemed to have lost. They are poisonous."

"Brother Shai is really doing a lot of harm to people. He just studies some outrageous things."

"I've had enough of seeing Brother Cheng C. I really want to see him get killed with his skateboard shoes, 23333."


In fact, this Callista was not what Lin Cheng wanted to use, it was just Bono who deliberately showed it to tease him.

Bono: "Lin Cheng, Kalista, we can use it to replace BAN. Do you want to take it on the road for fun?"

Lin Cheng said casually: "Okay! If I collapse, just say it was you. If you lose the game, just wait and be punished."

Bono: "·····"

You little brat keeps making fun of us, but why do you have no sense of entertainment when it's your turn?

Having enough skin, Bono replaced Kalista with Pig Girl on the second floor and locked her down.

Since you have chosen a core hero like Aphelios, you need to get a hero that can create output space for Aphelios.

Seeing Calista being replaced, the audience in front of the screen was disappointed.

Originally, Lin Cheng was preparing to get rehabilitated, but unexpectedly it was Bono who was reorganized.

Immediately afterwards, the blue side’s third hero chose Neeko.

Zeyuan: "Oh? I haven't seen the hero Neeko for a long time. I didn't expect KT to hide this trick, but it's not yet sure whether Neeko walked up or down."

Remember: "Most of the time, Neeko is still in the middle, but I wouldn't be surprised if Brother Orange takes Neeko in the middle. Blue side's Neeko is still good as a swing position."

The red side selected Kalista on the third hand, completing the pagoda combination.

The second round of BAN begins.

On the fourth floor of the red side, BAN Thresh first. This auxiliary hero is a good choice when paired with any non-displacement AD. Tusin's Thresh itself plays well.

KT sent Reksai to the BAN position with a backhand.

Although the legendary Cuzz signature excavator proved to be a trap, Qinggangying has determined that under the circumstances, a jungler like Rek'Sai, who has explosiveness and control, must limit his hand.

Of course, T1 can also forcefully move Qinggang Shadow to the middle.

The red team ended up banning Tahm Kench.

Without Thresh and Tahm Kench, Aphelios's output environment is really worrying under the threat of Qinggang Shadow.

The blue side KT responded quickly and chose to ban Galio as a last resort.

The entry of Galio with Qinggang Shadow is too destructive for team battle formations, not to mention that Faker himself is very good at Galio.

Brother Li can be said to be the first player to fully utilize Galio's roaming support ability. Before SKT faced RNG in the S7 semi-finals, no one realized how powerful Galio's support ability could be. .

Start selecting people.

Lock the wine barrel on the fourth floor of red square T1.

This can be considered Cuzz's signature hero, although his barrels have quite a few weird operations.

It was the blue side's turn to select players, and KT chained down the Czar and Titan on the fourth and fifth floors.

Zeyuan: "Czar? Then Neeko is the top orderer. Doesn't it feel a little too fragile? How can Neeko survive with the Qinggang Shadow and the wine barrel?"

Remember: "And one more thing, KT's top, mid, and jungle are all AP heroes. Brother Chengzi won't let all AD Neeko come out, right?"

Zeyuan shook his head: "That's not possible! The current version is not the version of AD Neeko at all. AD Neeko can only play solo, but the current game rhythm and various map resources make it difficult for pure solo heroes to play, Qinggang Shadow is not a wing hero who can only lead the lane."

Seeing that the opponent's lineup was confirmed, the red side finally showed the hero in the middle.

Card master, Drizzt.

Zeyuan: "Here it comes! Brother Li's card! This is to arrange for Brother Orange! The two of them, Qinggang Ying and Ka, are so powerful at grabbing the edge. Every time the card flies, Nico will die once. During the laning period, After that, I’m afraid Nicole won’t be able to lead the line with Qinggangying.”

I remember laughing: "Now I want to know Brother Chengzi's psychological activities. The opponent's lineup is too obvious for the top lane."

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top road: Cheng (Ten Thousand Flowers Psychic, Nicole)

Jungler: Bonno (Wrath of the North, Sejuani)

Middle: Kuro (Desert Emperor, Azir)

Bottom lane: Aiming (the solemnity of the waning moon, Aphelios)

Support: Tusin (Abyssal Titan, Nautilus)

Red square T1:

Top road: Canna (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Cuzz (Barrel, Gragas)

Middle: Faker (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: Teddy (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Support: Effort (Shield of Valoran, Taric)

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