This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 30 Am I playing a horror game?

To be honest, Lin Cheng's Illaoi proficiency is not particularly high. It is far inferior to his Sword Girl and Qinggang Shadow, and it is not even as good as his top laner Vayne.

However, Lin Cheng's excellent reaction ability and distance control ability are very suitable for this hero. Although Illaoi is a bit clumsy and brainless, he is actually a hero who needs to deal with details.

An Illaoi with accurate Q and E skills will have all the melee heroes on the road calling him daddy.

Originally, Illaoi's Q skill was relatively easy to dodge, but Lin Cheng's control over the details was so good. As soon as he came up, he blocked the crocodile and was about to replenish his troops. He activated the Q skill at the moment, and the crocodile had no time to move and avoid it. In this case, the health of the crocodile and the minion were consumed at the same time.

Illaoi successfully grabbed second place, and Crocodile hid behind the army line and took the opportunity to replenish his troops, which could prevent Illaoi from ripping out his soul.

Knowing that the E skill could not hit, Lin Cheng immediately learned the W skill in seconds, and severely warned him to jump over and command the tentacles on the wall to hit hard.

Then, just as the crocodile adjusted its movement to avoid the tentacles on the wall, Lin Cheng suddenly used his Q skill, anticipating the crocodile's movement and hitting it.

In this way, Lin Cheng used Q skills to actively cooperate with the passively generated tentacle attacks, making the tentacle hit rate very high. Illaoi easily took advantage of the push and health advantages.

However, the opponent's murderous intention towards Lin Cheng was too strong. When Lin Cheng pushed the line too deep after more than 3 minutes, the grass behind him suddenly lit up with TP.

Lin Cheng turned around and retreated. The crocodile passed through the minion with two E, flashed over and used the W skill.

Since the crocodile has been pushed by Lin Cheng and cannot control his anger, the stun time of the ordinary W is very short now. The spider has to flash directly from the river to use the E skill to form a cocoon, and then pounces on it to output wildly.

Lin Cheng saw that it was difficult to escape and did not choose to flash. The card that was hit by TP casually received a yellow card and used the Q skill to get first blood.

"Ah! Senior is down! What should the captain do?" Cui Xiuxian sighed while holding his head.

Everyone in the e-sports club knows that Lin Cheng really cannot collapse on the field. Once Lin Cheng collapses, it will be difficult to play on the blue side.

There is an ice girl in the middle. Even if the bottom lane is not targeted, Gao Yaohan will be behind by more than 30 swords in basically ten minutes. How can this kind of AD go to C?

"I only died once, it's no big deal."

An Seung-yeon is very confident. She beat Yanda violently in the last game, so there is no reason to lose to Korea University this time.

The opponent's crocodile immediately chose to return after cooperating with his teammates to kill Illaoi. The Lucian Gablon combination on the red side of the lower route pushed the line first and also chose to return to replenish equipment.

Then something terrible happened.

The resurrected Lin Cheng was caught to death just after finishing the online push, so he chose to save TP and run to the online line.

However, as soon as Lin Cheng ran back to the upper route, he found a Bronn coming out from the opposite side, followed by Lucian.

The red side wisely chose to change lines.

Since neither the crocodile nor the spider dodge, it is difficult for the top lane crocodile to cooperate with Illaoi. The red side simply directs the bottom lane that has finished pushing to move up to suppress Illaoi.

Obviously, Gao Da wants to completely pin Illaoi to death before level six.

Once Illaoi has no advantage against Crocodile alone, this hero will be completely useless.

Originally, Lin Cheng could still rely on detailed operations to push the crocodile's line wildly, but now he had no choice when facing the duo, and was directly pushed under his own tower.

Then he discovered that the spider was coming around from the triangle grass.

The most intimidating thing about Spider, a hero, is his powerful ability to jump over towers in the early stage. Originally, when Lin Cheng pushed the crocodile line, it was not easy for his opponents to do anything, but now that Spider is pinned under the tower, he has no scruples.

The spider made the first move to form a cocoon, but Lin Cheng used a very beautiful little twist to avoid it. When Bron saw that the spider had lost control, he dodged over without saying a word and punched Lin Cheng passively.

Lin Cheng sighed, and the flash in his hand was not promiscuous. If he flashed again at this time, he would just move the grave under the tower.

Lucian quickly selected Braum's passive and cooperated with his teammates to kill Illaoi.

The score was 0:2 in more than four minutes, and Lin Cheng gave away everyone's heads on the court.

In this game, Gao Da took advantage of Lin Cheng's targeting and flexible command to gain an early rhythm advantage from the start.

"Ah~~~Illaoi died again. His opponent was really smart."

Cui Xiuxian muttered. To be honest, Tall's line change was really a stroke of genius. With both the top and bottom lanes pushing, the line change itself did not cause the loss of minions, and it just allowed the duo to press the line and take advantage of the spider's ability to cross the tower.

But at this time, Jiang Daying's prince was wandering around in the lower half and couldn't do anything. It was basically impossible for him to cooperate with EZ and Morgana to attack the crocodile under the tower, unless Morgana hit the Q first.

Xiao Tong saw An Shengyan's face tightening and whispered: "It doesn't matter, you won the first game in 15 minutes. The winning time is an advantage. You can definitely enter the finals no matter what."

An Shengyan said harshly: "It's not a big problem if the base doesn't explode, you have to believe in Lin Cheng.

Xiao Tong: "..."

The resurrected Lin Cheng directly handed over TP to go up the road and attack the line of soldiers under the tower. Knowing that the spider was still nearby, Lin Cheng's move was quite unreasonable.

But Lin Cheng could see clearly that just now, Spider and Braum had lost their health after killing him in order to jump over the tower. Moreover, he had always held the flash in his hand, and his opponent could easily be manipulated by him if he jumped over the tower rashly.

"Senior, how about we also change lines?"

Gao Yaohan from the bottom lane asked aloud. Although the blue team's duo can also suppress the crocodile, the pressure on the crocodile is much smaller than the pressure on Illaoi by Bloem Lucian.

Moreover, when the two sides exchange top orders, it is obvious that the blue side will suffer a lot, and they still have to rely on Lin Cheng to C.

Lin Cheng rejected his teammate's proposal to switch lanes. Illaoi was cumbersome, and being forced to switch lanes frequently and losing experience was worse than dying. When the opponent had the right to push lanes, Illaoi's trade should be grabbed. The line is too easy.

Lin Cheng just gritted his teeth and held on, struggling to survive under the tower.

At exactly 6 minutes, another wave of troops was pushed into the tower by the opponent.

Even if the vision outside the triangle grass saw the spider approaching in advance, Lin Cheng still did not choose to retreat. Even if he could not replenish his troops, he had to gain experience.

Otherwise, there would never be level 6, and it would be simply lawless to build towers on the opposite side.

From the first time Lin Cheng was caught, the opponent came every other minute, determined to make Lin Cheng explode before the sixth level.

Fortunately, Jiang Daying's prince happened to be behind, peeking out from behind Lin Cheng, intending to persuade the other side to retreat.

As a result, the opponent had no intention of retreating.

The remaining health minion in front of Lin Cheng lit up with TP, and then the card activated the ultimate move Destiny.

Do I fuck you?

Am I playing a horror game?

On the opposite side, there are five people directly involved. If the prince dares to help, he will be killed as well.

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